Wednesday 14 December 2011


PAKISTAN BOYCOT PEACE! London. Dated: 6th Dec. 2011

Peace is human need everywhere and anywhere. It is the mother of prosperity and stability. It is the need of tomorrow to give in gift to our children.

Destruction needs one father and require one minute but peace needs many fathers and many years to build. It is the most difficult task. Destruction does not require any thing to surrender but to attain peace you must surrender some thing to get peace in return. The false “EGO” must be sacrificed.

Bonn conference was held to discuss how to achieve peace in South West Asia, particularly in Afghanistan and the Front Line province of Pakistan, the KPK.

Pakistan used the issue of the sovereignty as a sand bag. Was the violation of its air space was the real reason? The logic does not support the stand. It would have been the best opportunity and better forum to present its case with representatives of 98 countries and 17 international Non Governmental Organisations sitting and listening.

But I doubt it was the case? In my view it was the Surrender of Democrats and nationalists elements that succumbed to the pressure of religious and the Rightists War Mongers. They have thrived on tension and war. Peace does not suit them. It is against their philosophy and personal gains.

On the ground the sovereignty does not literally exists. Any one from many anywhere is our guest in safe heavens. The airspace is already buzzing with drones. Terrorists densely infest the ground. Any logical mind would wonder, if there were any sovereignty left?

In Pakistan institutions takes no decision as such but it is an impulsive phenomenon for political scoring. In the same vain this decision was taken to catch the votes and stir religious feelings.

Pakistan was built on religious hatred and surviving on religious and ethnic hatred. It is an Islamic Israel. Both are proclaimed states and both are carrying the virus of hatred in their genetic make up.

Brits hatched both and both are supported and armed by Americans.

The only industry that is thriving in Pakistan thriving is terrorism. The terrorists cannot be made redundant just like that. With the passage of time they have also developed muscles. They just cannot commit suicide. This is also handicapping the establishment of Pakistan and leaves very little room for formulating a policy that suits the tomorrow of the country.

The vested interest in Pakistan does not want Peace, as this is the only Sacred Cow left to milk.

Secondly Pakistan is least interested in peace in Afghanistan. They have an historical animosity. Pakistan always considers a stable and prosperous Afghanistan a threat to its integrity. I wonder if they will get rid of this phobia?

The same is the case in building good relations with India. The recent step taken by Pakistan to give India the status of a favoured nation has angered the rightists and sectarian organisations in Pakistan. They can’t swallow it.

The strange paradox in the political play of MIAN of Raiwand is that he is against of good relations with India but both brothers hardly miss a chance to go to East Punjab. The train diplomacy between the two halves is going on smoothly.

I am trying to find a logical approach to convince myself that Pakistan’s decision to boycott the Bonn conference was correct but failed to find one.

Could be that Pakistan was scared of its own deeds and was reluctant to open this Pandora Box in an international conference. They were not in a position to face the international community.

In anarchy the individual and national respect of many is in danger. It is the peace and stability that ensures the mutual respect. Pakistan has yet to formulate its direction. It is not the first time for Pakistan to sabotage peace in Afghanistan. Many opportunities have been disrupted; Geneva Accord was one of them.

The present government is inept but the alternative is horrifying, a greater Punjab with unitary government.

Americans share major responsibility being a super power to calm down the situation not only in Pakistan but also in the whole region or world at large.

Their double standards and misdirected foreign policy can damage the whole world. US are playing the dirtiest role in Middle East. Intervention in one state and dialogue in the other while the root cause is the same all over. To prop up the octogenarian dynasty in Saudi and puppets sheikhs of mini states is discrediting the US stand worldwide. It was these values that gave birth to all these non-state citizens. Though in my view the word, non-state is a misnomer for these elements they have many fathers.

Pakistan policy towards peace in Afghanistan is understandable but US must deal the situation diplomatically and shun bulldozing. Peace is the scream of the time. If ignored by Pakistan it will damage itself more than Afghanistan.

Pakistan is a country and has no resilience of a “Watan”.

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