Tuesday 17 May 2011

AFGHan own afghan initiative


By Dr. Khurshid Alam khurshidalam44@hotmail.com dated 20th April 2012

I have always been a strong believer that Afghan crisis can be solved only by Afghans only. Every nation has its own Psychology, code of life and ethics. National wisdom is superior and stronger than any diplomatic expertise or military might.
But once the foreign involvement is completely stopped. In my opinion US led army action would have never taken place if they had no foothold regionally, I mean the neighbors particularly Pakistan.
Still it will be not that easy but hopes are there for its success. My optimism is based this time because Pakistan Armed Forces are also a party along with civilian government. Nothing is guaranteed in Pakistan unless it has its Military backing.
The Institution that matters is ISI. I have my reservation whether Gen. Kiyani will be able to take them along or not? Otherwise it is a step in a right direction though late.
It is also in the interest of Pakistan to have peace. I am definite that the Pakistan Military leadership must have realized the follies and silliness of Gen. Zia and Musharraf that to destabilize Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan. To put Afghanistan on fire Pakistan cannot be a safe place. Fire does not know boundaries and lines.
These two vicious and wicked persons have not only destroyed Afghanistan but also have put the integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan at a stake to further their personal interests. They must be tried in the court of law nationally and in Haig. It must be made sure that ISI is made a party to end this vicious game of blood let if Pakistan wants viability and restoration of international trust?
In support of my this assumption I quote the statement of Gen. Mullen that some elements of ISI still have very closed relations with terrorists and Taliban. In addition this is a logical assumption that those who implanted this plant must be having some idea about its growth to become a tree.
This is also an open secret that why armed forces and nationalist are the main targets? Does it not stink foul?
The Afghan leadership is mature and the children of their objective condition. Afghans are known to be fearless fighters but they have no match in Jirga system as well. But they have to do a lot of spadework before embarking on the real task. Apart from political leadership they need active involvement of religious scholars and to work extremely closely with FATA elders on both sides along with settled area scholars and politicians of every shade. It should be Afghan broad base multi prong approach.
Abdullah Abdullah opposition is understandable. But we must try to take him in confidence if he fails to see reasons then better ignore him. Time will expose them. I personally showed my astonishment to Gulabzo when I met him in Kabul being a good friend. Mr. Gulabzo support to this lot is not easy to understand. He was an Ambassador to USSR during Najeeb time.
We should not be oblivious to the fact that in Pakhtoon society religious scholars are having fewer followers than a Khateeb of mosques.
The whole Afghan nation has to come in to action to contribute in this historical mission. Pakistan.
My personal involvement since the days of Dr. Najeeb and emissary and aid of Late Wali Baba has brought me to this conclusion that Afghan’s own agenda led by Afghans on both sides and an honest support of Pakistan Armed forces and its intelligence agencies is the only answer to this blood let.
Pakistan establishment must realize that a destabilize Afghanistan is converting Pakistan from a country to a corridor. A corridor has no sovereignty or national honor.
It utterly obscured notion of our so-called analysts and retired army Generals that there can be peace in Pakistan and fire play in Afghanistan. Either there is a peace or war on both sides. On both sides are Pakhtoon.
The delivery to the masses of foreign aid and local resources the gross root of society must be assured in words and spirit to wean off the people from these wolves. Poverty is playing havoc.
The sectarian organizations must be under constant surveillance. My personal experience tells me and I want to share with the concerned people who matters that Taliban movement was basically a nationalist uprising of Pakhtoon.
It was ISI and other agencies that blended religious fanaticism in to it giving them an impression that this religious tinge will strengthen their struggle. In this hypothesis the sectarian organization were openly involved.
In thousands youngsters went from the eastern belt and vanished. Gen. Dostum and the fascist element of the north were equally involved in it. It does not mean there was no fascist in the South. The mass graves unearthed by foreign agencies in the North are still waiting that the war criminals from all shades should be brought to justice in Haig.
Both in Pakistan and Afghanistan the national questions must be solved on the table amicably, if both countries a permanent peace. The world knows how badly Pakistan handled this question and lost the logic that it is an ideological state but bilingual Pakhtoon and uni- Lingual Dari speaking people in Afghanistan is an ample proof of this silent imperialist attitude.
If we keep ignoring solid rock type of facts we may achieve a temporary peace but it will resurface again. To qualify my statement this was exactly the word that one Pakistan diplomat told after to the hierarchy of Afghanistan after Sour revolution that if they want to establish a social welfare state in Afghanistan for all Afghans it will sustain and flourish but to build a Mini Iran will never ever finds leg to stand upon.
Iran involvement in northern part of Afghanistan is no secret and they are always stirring linguistic and sectarian hatred in Afghanistan. The visit of Iran foreign Minister to the North of Afghanistan on Afghan New Year day without the permission of Afghan Government is a non –Deniable proof of their nefarious designs. The international fraternities show no mercy to such cultural terrorism.
Afghanistan belongs to all nations having the same history and Father Land and is entitled for they’re due national rights. The recent sectarian uprising in Bahrain is another proof.
No one can deny the legitimate rights of the majority Shia Sect in Bahrain they must have their share and say in a democratic Bahrain. We neither support Sheikh and his ally Saudi Arabia to impose their will on the majority of Bahrain but in the same vain we condemn and oppose the maneuvering of Iran fundamentalists in Bahrain.
I do not claim that my point of view will be 100% right and my analysis will be the cure of all ills. I am open to discussion but I am firm in my belief that my intentions are 100% right.
I am of strong belief that one sees the truth and cease to speak it is the beginning of his mental death. Being the follower of Late Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Bacha Khan) I am duty bound to say what I have seen and heard with my own eyes and ears.

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