Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Yellow journalism in Pakistan

Yellow Journalism in Pakistan? I speculate that journalism might been conceived at the juncture,when humanity was evolving to collectivism and society formation. It is puzzling to human mind that collectivism and divisionism went side by side. With the growth of human population the number of different societies came in to being, on the basis of whims, wishes and wealth. In other words divisionism was induced by collectivism based on vested interest continuing till today. The journalism was the only way of flow of informations between the tribes. The means might have been different but the aims were the same. Nothing in the world is good or bad in its entirety. It is up to the mind set to apply according to its perceptions. Journalism is no exception. It was journalism that has played a major role in the evolution of humanity. Journalism with intellectualism has brought the society to the present standard. But at the same time journalism with sensationalism and adventurism has inflected unprecedented dents in the body of humanity. It was positive journalism that gave direction to the human evolution, social transformation, flow of information. Generally all over the world but particularly in Pakistan the journalism has always been used to distort history and facts and to spread hatred. Intellectual journalism pulled out the humanity from stone and snow ages. It was the art of journalism to build bridges between vastly scattered societies and maintain human collectivism. But the misuse of this tool with sensationalism provides the bone of contentions in societies. Sometime the matter has been taken for such a long time that the people have forgotten the bone of contention but the relations have remained sour and strained. It was unfortunate like many other aspects the life that neither the political process nor journalism took its roots in Pakistan. The foundation is a must, the vision of subsequent construction can be different . Pakistan came in to existence without the vision of tomorrow. There was an absolute vacuum. Conspiracies and scandalisation was the given the name of politics, sensationalism and dramatisation was named journalism. They were going side by side supplementing each others. There was intellectual apathy or a sort of solidity. Generalised feeling of lassitude and indifference to the status quo. This apathetic attitude has led us to our present sorry state. It seems we are still crawling in the earlier phase of our learning curve. Absoluteness is divinity. Human perception always discuss relativity. I do recognise the services of those intellectual and genuine journalists who sacrificed their lives for true spirit journalism. But they were relatively less in number and killed in dark ally ways. The present day journalism is equipped with most modern weapons that they can make or break the destiny of an individual or a society. Unfortunately the breakers far out numbers the makers. The sensationalists and dramatises are holding the key posts as anchors in electronic and printing media. They have less substance and more spices. Some time they do take refuge in intellectual words but that is no more than intellectual masturbation. The genetically deformed journalism is generally termed yellow journalism and those who practice it are known journalists with jaundiced or barrel shaped vision or could be with no vision at all. This coterie is dominating Pakistan's electronic and printing media. They are anchors but with different function. Anchors are used to provide stability to the ship in a rough sea but our anchors are rocking the boat. Their standard of living, their sphere of influence, their might to malign and their masterly command on sensationalism has left our generals, politicians, and jurists far behind in this unholy marathon race, going on for last sixty odd years. They are self proclaimed fourth pillar of parliamentary system supported by a class of politicians who have no audiences in 180 million population. The talk shows are electronic cafeterias run by electronic taliban entertaining the self proclaimed prophets with no umma. They mislead the listeners at home and making the nation a laughing stock abroad. Talib means seeker. Pakistan is home to Talibans of different kinds. The seeking commodity is wealth, power, nuisance value and anarchy. They are allowed to adopt any name or wear any gown. Our majority of politicians, jurists, generals, molvies, and terrorists belong to the same category. The motto is, create fear, uncertainty and rule to acquire wealth and power. Those who are the beacon of light are melting away like candles in silence. The terror may be physical or intellectual but the damage of the bite is the same to wreck the soul and body. The other three internationally established pillars of parliamentary democracy do encroach on each others domain in Pakistan but not as brazenly as our anchors and journalists. Anything that has no limiting boundaries is devilish in character and evil in actions. Limitless freedom is anarchy and leads to self worshipping and narcism that is prohibited in Islam or any civilised society under any ism. After a long spell of "stable government" in Pakistan under military dictators we have a weak civilian government. Every evening our anchors write its obituary, every dawn disappointment them. It is a weak government but with resilience. It is quite entertaining and no different than organising cockfighting usually organised in the villages. "They share their intellectual wisdom with the nation". Cynical thinks that it is a trick by the journalists to expose the intellectual depth of our leaders, as if they are unexposed. Now it is up to the readers to give them any name they consider fit to reflect them genuinely. And have the right to ask them how do they manage to live beyond their limits?It is beside the point that the three pillars who are under oath to remain in their jurisdiction but violates their oath quite often but unfortunately the self proclaimed fourth is neither under oath nor bound by a code of conduct. This rabid elephant is free, to crush foes or friends. To them there is no difference between them. They have cocooned themselves to karachi, Lahore and Islam Abad. Their Pakistan is limited to this triangle and they are being paid to protect its sovereignty and ideological borders. Their guests are intellectuals are from the "chosen" cities. They are the only institution above accountability. Majority of them are for sale. They are the policemen, jurists to pass verdict, executives to punish and defenders of our porous borders. Our journalist character is the same in sixties. The Vietnam news were black out to please our master. Today our journalists have the same attitude towards middle east. It shows their independence. Mental slaves cannot be freed by legislation. The recent allegations against the son of CJ has been given twist. It is a projected a pre-planned conspiracy and but in the case of PM, his son and Monis Elahi they passed the verdict before the decision of the court. Is it not abuse of the journalism. False or true are irrelevant till investigation and court verdict. But it is enough to expose them more. We must castrate this intellectual dishonesty. Dr. Khurshid Alam. London 12/6/12


  1. Journalism in Pakistan has flourished over the last two decade. After the electronic media was liberalised in 2002, Pakistani media became more powerful and independent. Despite being regarded as the most dangerous territory to practice journalism, Pakistani journalists have gone long way in giving voices to the voiceless. Hamid Mir being one of them received this life attempt which is very usual in Pakistan. We highly condemn this act and demand the protection of journalists in Pakistan.

  2. Today so-called independent media is supporting right-wing political and social thoughts, and giving disproportionate coverage to various fundamentalist and rightest political groups. Pakistani media has made it practically difficult for liberal and progressive section of the society to present their side of pinions on the subject of sensitive and a highly political nature. And Geo is leading the tally with most number of right wing programs and anchors, it’s top-rated talk shows are highly biased and imbalanced one, as they promote right wing or conservative ideology. This sort of unfair treatment of news made Geo unacceptable for liberal and progressive section of society plus Pakistan Peoples Party’s sympathizers. In a bid to remove the tag of ‘right-winger’ and restore the credibility, confidence and trust of its TV with new liberal narrative, Jang group has hired Najam Sethi, a journalist, having liberal credentials, just to change outer skin and try to present itself as a liberal progressive news organization. But it becomes another failed attempt to revive the democratic image due to internal censorship by the management.
