Saturday, 2 June 2012

The political asymmetry and Pakistan?

The political asymmetry in Pakistan? (More fears and little hope) Pakistan is in unimaginable political, economical and social storm. We are not in this situation by an accident or default but have been steered to it by our elites over last sixty years. Every one contributed to the present saddening state, according to his capacity and left the baggage of liabilities and responsibilities to the nation to carry. The contribution may vary quantitatively but no one deserves to be given the benefit of doubt. Logically speaking nothing happens suddenly. Every wrong or right is preceded by a chain of events, if ignored, leads to catastrophe. Our present demands that the truth must be established and regrets must be made public followed by reconciliation and accountability depending on the gravity of the crime. The accountability must not be time bound or a section limited but should be across the board with all fairness. Let me be honest and blunt to put to the readers that present filth cannot be done away by the present bunch, who are the children of historical accidents. Neither they have vision or wisdom to tackle the awful situation. Some analysts believe that the present leadership is the product of the system and can't be expected to rectify. My perception is slightly different. I believe that no system has ever been tried in Pakistan unless we change the meaning of adventurism? There was a total political vacuum after independence. The present asymmetrical political system is the brainchild of our rulers. This vacuum could guarantee their survival and protect their interest. The privileges were privatised and losses were nationalised. The gains belonged to the selected and pains belonged to all and it exists today. This is not possible in a system because the evolution of the system is bound to happen. In vacuum this danger is non-existing. No doubt we had political asymmetry in the genesis of the country but the rest were acquired later on. The asymmetry of the political system replaced logic, the blue blooded made the institutions irrelevant and in our chest-puffery pursuit mafia filled the vacuum. The mafias existed in every stratum of the society, political, religious, social , financial strata. To defeat mafia is not easy. It is a fight against shadows of evils, having support of the axis of devils, disguised in religious robes or political gowns. They are no where but still they are at work everywhere. Political vacuum and dark provides conducive environments for the mafias to grow and gain strength. Every move is so craftily manipulated that they are palpably invisible. The cards of religious and divinity exclusiveness were so cunningly played that created fear and intolerance. We have made a history to change the established rule. Our elites have corrupted the power.We all in our own way have contributed in our capacity. Those who maintained silence gave the approval of the crime by default. A planned sustained political or financial foul play is termed intellectual corruption. It is an unforgivable doctrine of the evils . Impulsive criminals were punished but those with a planned corrupt mentality were left scot free. None of them had the chemistry of fair play. To expect them of symmetrical system would have been an insanity. The nation was subjected to go through a process of self rejection. A sick can be treated and a slave can be freed if they feel, they are sick or slave. We were and are in a state of denial or repentance but not ready to accept that we are sick lot. We criticise others but can't stand criticism. Self criticism is an unheard word. The individuals are known by the country they belong to, but our country was residing in individuals. Loyalty to the individuals was loyalty to the country. Our national character was chest puffery. Any one who was not, didn't get the chance to be. The very electoral system based on the exclusiveness of the common man. Ninety percent of the population has been disfranchised. The vote is a commodity for sale and those who are voted, are dishonest traders. The rules are for fools but in our set up fools made the rules to rob the nation. The political drama had habitual abortions. The economy was based on deplorable principle, the gain is for fews and loss is for all. The history was tailored in such a way to victimise the victims and to show the exit of escape to the criminals. The rhetoric and money was the electoral manifesto. Zia and Musharraf were double dealing dictators as one analyst put it. They were incapable to grasp that their decision to marry both, Washington and terrorists, will ultimately push the country against the wall. To marry a gorilla for the sake of money when the money runs out the gorilla will remain gorilla. When US aim was achieved, the negus of terror, with bags of liabilities will be left behind in AfPak region which, is a permanent threat to our security and sovereignty if there is any? The opportunists tried to be clever. They wanted to keep two wives together in one house, unaware of each other, till the one caught the other in the same bed. We were left with no choice but to shout for our sovereignty, to use it as a sand bag. The rentier country has no sovereignty. The sovereignty is first established on the ground. The rentier ground has neither a sovereign sky nor the right to claim. The sovereignty has many facets and its submission is in entirety. To be sovereign in politics,economy and dreams is the real concept of sovereignty. It is a package deal, not available partially. It follows, all or none law. The two characters lacked vision so badly, they could see the pluses of our geo-strategic position but failed to comprehend the consequences to be surrounded by major powers like China, Russia, India and economically sound Iran. It is the law of nature that only shrubs can grow in the shadows of big trees. The world cannot be held responsible for our false perception of grandeur. Every one is dealt for its capacity and capability, we couldn't claim exception. Our intentions were reflected in our attitudes. Unless we own our mistakes publicly and internationally, we cannot regain the lost national credibility. International diplomatic credibility follows the rules of economics, based on credit scoring system. We must transform the system internally to improve our credibility score abroad. To force one to go and to be replaced by another game was started initially against F.M. Ayub, but the time proved the worthlessness of this one point agenda. We must learn from Arab spring that is going yellow before full bloom. The blood let is still going on. The political vacuum left by despots is still sucking in the human blood. The hopes of the beginning are being diluted by the dark of despair. We must bear in mind that Pakistan is home to many nations unlike Arabs or Bangladesh. The loss of one can be a gain for the other. The possibility of mass uprising, if not impossible is certainly remote. We are a fractured nation on sectarian and ethnic lines.The radicalisation has washed away logic and sanity. The majority of the political parties are regional or sectarian except PPP having a streak of federalism. In this backdrop, there are more chances of anarchy than revolution. The army is stretched beyond limits due to the follies of the two double dealers. There is no one to restore peace, in case anarchy erupts, unless we permit the neighbours to send their fire extinguishers. In the fourteen hundred years history of Muslim umma the mechanism of peaceful transition of power is not there to lead us and give us hope. Let this corrupt civil rule and corrupt electoral process run for a while to educate the masses. Let us hand over the destiny to the nation. The nation may be inexperienced and prone to mistakes but morally not as bankrupt as our elites. The elites are not trust worthy and have miserably failed on several occasion. Though painful but it may be but the only exit available is to trust the public opinion. It may not be the choice of some but it is the compulsion of the history. Dr. Khurshid Alam London 2/6/2012

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