Thursday, 14 June 2012

Discrimination in Pakistan

Discrimination in Pakistan. If I force myself for a while to accept the distorted version of history presented by our intellectuals about the logical background of carving Pakistan from India, so to save muslims minority from Hindu's discrimination and subjugation and secondly that the creation of Pakistan was the result of a democratic struggle by Muslim majority, I would still perplexed my mind, to justify the non democratic rule in Pakistan after independence and the discriminatory policies pursued by our rulers, not only with ethnic and religious minorities but even with Bengali majority comprising 54 % of the population. Naturally questions would crop up in my mind and I have to ask my coincidence that did discrimination and subjugation ended with the proclamation of Pakistan or took a more aggressive, inhuman,resentful and repulsive turn. I honestly feel I have to say that that it took the turn for the worst. The second claim that it was democratic struggle to give birth to Pakistan if not that also fails to hold ground, as it was the demand of a minority not majority. But our rulers could have proved their point by their deeds and attitudes after independence but it was never to be. To our rulers principles had no value compared to power hunger. These were all cooked up ideas for public consumption. A country that was made out of fear of discrimination and subjugation, was ruled by discriminatory and autocratic rulers after independence, disproving their own claim. One could have given them a benefit of doubt, if our history of sixty years could provide any flimsy relevance to lend us support. Alas nothing is there. Our deeds speak louder than our claims. The discriminatory policy was started soon after the birth of Pakistan both on religious and ethnic basis. In early days Pakhtuns were subjected to extremely harsh and inhuman discrimination by Mr. Jinnah and it continued till 1978 with all the might of the government and backed by press and other means of mass informations. The other minority was Baluch, the cousin brothers of Pakhtuns. Their resistance invited five military invasions in last sixty years. Now the young generation have opted for armed struggle as their elders failed to get their historical rights by political means. A strange paradox was observed when the majority was pressed hard to accept the role and rule of the minority or accept at least that the new mathematical concept that 54%=46%. Bengalis refusal to this, led to a blood bath and creation of Bangladesh in 1972. They were punished to oppose the idea of two Muslim states and opted for only one Pakistan and by using their right of ballot. Man made countries are politically acceptable but to establish a nation is un-natural. To make a nation with imported language, culture and leadership is a grossly incompatible and politically asymmetrical thinking. Political integration could be a possibility if the political system is fair and transparent but cultural and historical integration is beyond any logical thinking. The abolition of quota system and replacement by merit is the best system but if there is uniformity in developments and opportunities. Otherwise it will strengthen the present ruling elites and keep the under privileged areas permanently backward. This is equal to apply a fair system for unfair purpose. A person from Behar in india has hardly any thing in common with some one from the rugged mountains of Khyber pass except religion. The denial of the Pakistani rulers to accept the historical and ground realities were and are responsible for the present sorry sate of Pakistan. But experimentation is still being pursued without learning from the past. Their is gross incompatibility between the nations. The hero of one is the aggressor of the other. But their insane pursuit created the crisis of identity. Pakistan is a guinea pig in the hands pseudo scientists and experiments are yet to complete if the guinea pig survive the ordeal. Hindu were hated and hatred was made an integral part of our syllabus to be taught to our children right from primary school. The induction of hatred and fear in the minds of the public was an undeclared policy of the state in the name of the integrity and solidarity of the country. I feel that our mutual one thousand miles long border with India proved to be a blessing in disguise for our rulers to use as a ploy to deny us democratic rights to the people and extend their rule. It is a tool in the hands of particular mind set. We owe our existence to our neighbours. Another front was opened by our state machinery. The sectarian hatred and intolerance was created and systematically preached to divide muslims. Though it was simmering underneath since long but brought to the surface by Zia, who provided state patronisation. He is the god father of sectarian radicalism of the masses and establishment. ISI was used viciously for this heinous and unholy crime against humanity. Pakistan became a womb to hatch and produce the radicalised terrorists. The sects were pitched against each others. No institution was spared. The mosques, imam-bargahs, church, temples, gurdwaras were turned in to slaughter houses. No non-Muslims is safe nor can practice his religious duty without fear. The wild pigs were eliminated by religious fanatics in the name of religion. It may be surprising for some that even animal kingdom is being punished on religious grounds. Now the Shia and Sunni have been pitched against each others to please Saudi. The Sunni have been divided further in to many sects. In broad day light the religious congregation are showered by bullets. A systemic cleansing and target killings of Shia and Sunni is on going phenomenon. But Shia being the minority suffers more. The Wahhabi and others are at each others throat. I have met educated Shia lamenting their decision to migrate from India. They are still remembering the services rendered to them by Hindu community during Ashura processions. While in Pakistan their processions area showered by bullets and mortars. Afghan war has been converted in to sectarian war by our rulers. People are scared to attend Friday and Eids congregation in the mosques. The religious intolerance is manifesting it self in different ways in all aspects of social life. The government and educational institution are being run on this prejudice. It is manifesting itself in different shades but in all aspects of life. It is being conducted side by side with ethnic intolerance. Karachi is a slaughter house for Pakhtuns at the hands of a mafia called MQM. The small community, Kalash in Chitral the most northern district of Pakistan is almost near complete extinction due to this discriminatory attitude. Ms. Lakshan herself a Kalash is running every where to save this historical tribe from extinction. The present target killing and genocide of Hazara Shia sect in Baluchistan is another eye opener phenomenon of the discriminatory policies and religious intolerance. It is un-Islamic and inhuman by all standards. An Ahmadi consultant surgeon in UK told me that his only objection is regarding the competence of the house that gave a religious decision against them. When I asked him for the alternative, he said that a council of religious scholars from across the Muslim world should have been formed to give the verdict. I may not a religious scholar but could see logic behind his opinion and the reason for his bitterness and contempt. He told me sarcastically that our first foreign minister of Pakistan was an Ahmadi, Sir Zafrullah, who was one of the most prominent figure to plead the case of separate home land for Muslims of India with British.When Dr. Abdul Salam won the noble prize, Pakistan jumped in to claim the honour but disclaim him for his religious belief. It was really embarrassing for me. I wonder why is it so difficult for our rulers to grasp this simple fact that the diversity in ethnicity and faith adds beauty to the bouquet of humanity. After all God is the creator and sustainer of whole humanity not only Muslims. And so is the prophet Muhammad,( peace be upon him) is a messenger of God to the mankind.If properly handled and sanity prevails, it is a unity in colourful diversity, which is a source of strength rather a weakness. Discrimination and subjugation in any form, by any one, for any purpose, on any grounds is the most heinous,inhuman,distasteful crime. It is a cancer of humanity. The saner element irrespective of borders should close ranks to fight it. Dr khurshid Alam London. 13/6/2012

1 comment:

  1. All in the interest of a few in power to fill their coffers.
