Monday, 18 June 2012

Apathy of Muslim world particularly Pakistan.

The apathy of Muslim world and Pakistan in particular. The sorry state faced by muslim countries in general and Pakistan in particular, is a man made chaos abundantly showing our incompetence, inability,lack of knowledge and wisdom. To shrug our shoulders and blame others is the reflection of our defeated mentality. The success story of others is being projected as the reason of our failures. What a silly and self insulting approach. Any one who wants to go to the root causes is considered either a traitor or agent who is creating feelings of uncertainty and disappointment among public, perhaps due to lack of well rounded insight. Let us accept for a while that we owe our miserable state to the conspiracies of our enemies. But we must remember that we are 1.5 billion of the globe population that is one fourth of the total, with one third of natural resources of the world. We have no capability to use either our numerical strength to its full potentials or exploit our natural resources for the social prosperity of our masses and drag them out of the dark of the past to the twilight of twenty first century. We are living in centuries. Those are lucky ones who have seen a glimpse of twentieth century and stepped in to twenty first century. They are exceptions to the rule. What does it show? Is it our pathetic attitude or the conspiracies of the others? Why are we so vulnerable to the conspiracies of others? Why can't we counter their conspiracies? What have we contributed to the humanity at large and to our people in particular? We are being ruled by 49 despots who have disfranchised 1.5 billions population. Does it show our lack of intellect or the conspiracies of our enemies? The big question is, who are our enemies? Why they should have animosity with us? Are we posing any threat to them, socially, educationally, scientifically, intellectually or militarily? Animosity, belligerency, hostility are reactions to a threat. Are we in a state to pose a threat to any one, in any sphere of life? Then who created the enemies? Certainly our masters to divert public opinion. Let us presume the west is responsible for our sorry state. If it is taken for granted then their bellicosity is to our rulers not masses because our masses are not a party in this conflict or game of power. They are under the long boots of their own masters. They have disfranchised the public. They have robbed them of their say and dreams. Our rulers are the drafters of our destiny. And our uneducated and unskilled masses are the day dreamers. The dreamers and drafters have no common aspirations. The masters and slaves are two diagonally opposite camps that provides chance to others to conspire. Once the system gives a say to the slaves and the gulf is obliterated, certainly there will be no space for conspiracies. I don't think that their is an imminent danger of clash of civilisations. Civilisation just does not grow in a vacuum. It requires conducive environment like education, social prosperity, political and economical symmetry. Do we have any? Maximally it could be intra-faith battle but not a clash of civilisation. To me that is also a far distant possibility. Faith dominance needs intellectual depth and organised, socially prosperous society behind it. On that front we are not the leaders but an ignorant flock, unable to convince others by force of logic and wisdom but are being used to terrorise our own people and the world at large. We are used as surrogates army of terror by our enemies. Most of them are in our rank and file working in close liaison with our chosen enemies. We envy the strength of our enemies but lack insight to see our weaknesses. Is there anything in our history to provide logical base to our claim? I feel there is none. The west has emerged in last two hundred years. What do we have to our credit before this period? We were are always at each others throat for the power. The sword has always been the leader of the book. Is it not a historical fact? Is it not the case even today? No intellectually rich and socially prosperous society can be established without the leadership of the book and pen. It is the law of the nature and nature does not change its law for a section of a humanity that has been dehumanised by their own masters. The nature supports the basic principle that the society is for the fittest. Are we remotely fit intellectually, socially or materially? Yes when we were fit in the early days and we shaped the world to our own interests but now if the west is doing, they are the fittest to impose their own global order. Why to grumble why not struggle? It is what the nature dictates and is asking us to practice. We have to have an insight of ourselves. We should not envy the strength of the opposite but to rectify our weaknesses. The law of nature cannot be tailored that the global order belongs to those who are fit for the job. The sick and pathetic cannot be trusted for power by mother-nature. If we are the victim of the world order then who is responsible for the miseries of our own masses? We are being ruled by a band of band masters who are dancing to the tune of others. What is happening to the Arab spring? Who is responsible to the sorry state of Pakistan? We must answer these fundamental questions to make ourselves the fittest and be the masters of our own destiny then we will have the right to dream to have a say in the world order. Islam does not justify a holy war without attaining certain basic requirements. Islam does not allow suicide, be it on national scale or individual level. Islam does not allow us to blow fire from a weaker pitch. Islam teaches us peace and to co exist in peace. Islam should not be used as sand bag by despots and extremists to provide cover to their incompetency and idiocy. The bands of terrorist are the enemies of the humanity. No ism supports fear and terror what to say of Islam? Terror is the enemy of logic and wisdom. It destroys the process of free thinking. Islam starts from,"read in the name of Allah". How can it support the ignorant and illiterate? Despots and incapable are the companions of the evil, sitting in the same boat and share the same mission to destroy the humanity and rob the masses of their dreams. Rogues and robbers must be hit hard to save sanity and humanity. Religion comes for humanity not the vice versa. Being a Pakistani I have nothing against India or USA. The usurper of my national and individual rights is a muslim Pakistani. It applies to every citizen of all Muslims states. It is a shame that we have not a single democratic state or caliphate elected by elected house be it shura or parliament in muslims states. Dr. Khurshid Alam . London 18/6/2012

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