Thursday, 21 June 2012

Pakistan and Punjab ?

Pakistan and Punjab? Pakistan minus Punjab there is no Pakistan. But Pakistan with Punjab is MAHA Punjab. This equation may sound silly to some readers and the others may ignore it to be the simplification of grievous situation prevailing in the country, but this the fact not a fiction. In my humble opinion and little knowledge this is the root cause of all the ills of Pakistan. Let me try to explore the concept. Punjab is a huge constituency and citadel of power or to put it bluntly, a road to Islam Abad. The powerful pillars share this constituency, be it the army establishment, parliament,executive, judiciary or the self proclaimed new pillar the journalists community. From the very inception of Pakistan, Punjab has conceived all powers and is the zamazam of authority. There is a distanced ectopic pregnancy called Karachi, the economical hub of Pakistan. It is a Gaza strip for Pakhtuns under siege by the companions of the founder. Pakistan itself is transplanted country in the globe like Israel. Karachi has been taken a shape since the birth of MQM that even the soil imported from India. The real owners are red Indians. Pakistan is synonymous to individuals and families. Loyalty to them is the pre requisite for patriotism. All the scandals during the last four years ended in "coup d'état by judiciary". By the way the recent one isn't the first one. Molvi Tamizuddin was the first victim of the judiciary. Our judiciary stands tall to be the first one to its surrender it's independence. Justice Kayani was the only one to speak half truth. Choudhri served under an usurper for quite long till he was asked to resign. His refusal was not for the freedom of the judiciary but to save his seat. Our support was for restoration of the judicial independence, not a partisan judiciary. His inner bitterness was intense. He was waiting for the ripe time to hit hard. This was an opportunity he could hardly afford to miss when his son was found to be involved in similar scandal. Pakistan is ruled by two parties one with power the other is show piece. The sixty percent is under gentle brothers and the rest is under PPP led coalition. The big stake holder has started disobedience movement to reclaim the rest. Judiciary and army is staying out and mum, a support by default. Karachi is another Gaza strip plagued by shadows of death. It all stinks foul but the sacred cow cannot be hurt. Establishment home grown gorilla is to be protected, should it be needed in future. Pakistan stands distinctly in the world, in certain regards. It is the only country where the state was residing in individuals and families. Where judiciary surrendered its own independence for petty interests, where the majority was forced to accept the role of minority and the rule of minority, where a civilian was a martial law administrator, where a four years old Mir Wais was held in custody for anti state activities, where the supreme court was attacked and the attacker were let to go, where an air craft that carrying COAS was hijacked by the government, where the PM's were imported who were not even the citizen of Pakistan, where the history is tailored on daily basis? And yes this is the land of pure, where the human and natural capital follows the capitalists and industrialists keeping the international law of economics on ice slab that demands industry to follow the power and man power! The idea of this long introduction was to give the public a glimpse of the back ground and the intrinsic asymmetry in the equation mentioned above. The greater Punjab is not acceptable to small nations any more. Pakistan in its present state is an imbalance state numerically, politically and economically. Pakistan is basically not the need of small nations but the need of Punjab. Unless Punjab accepts this reality and develops an accommodative, all inclusive and participative policy, the existence of the country will always be at stake. Unless a true federation in words and spirit in accordance with the resolution of Pakistan is evolved, the country has no tomorrow! The obstructionist behaviour of Mian brothers to name our province is a strong indication of their mind set that has historical continuity. Those who are ashamed of their history has no place in history, we should not be out of them. Since our defeat at the hands of Ranjeet Singh we have never been able to break the yoke of slavery. Liaquat Bagh firing, the denial to name us, is a continuous process of a particular mind set. There is government sponsored revolt in Punjab if the same would have happened in any other province there would have been so motto action followed by military action. The government sponsored anarchy and the silence of the concern institutions speak volumes. Punjab is screaming hoarse about it's rights. They have the right to do so but if the others does, why it annoys them? Muslim league(N) is the representative of the elites of Punjab and have the right to protect their interest but must stop interfering in other provinces. In the name of federation and integrity of the country, one province should not be the colony of the other. The provinces must have the right of foreign trade. We have yet to forget the wheat crisis. The loan we are forced to take from the centre carries an interest of above 20% percent while we can get it from outside on 4-5 % and the same applies to wheat purchase...and the story of inequality and exploitation continues on and on... Dr. Khurshid Alam. London. Dated 21/6/12

Monday, 18 June 2012

Apathy of Muslim world particularly Pakistan.

The apathy of Muslim world and Pakistan in particular. The sorry state faced by muslim countries in general and Pakistan in particular, is a man made chaos abundantly showing our incompetence, inability,lack of knowledge and wisdom. To shrug our shoulders and blame others is the reflection of our defeated mentality. The success story of others is being projected as the reason of our failures. What a silly and self insulting approach. Any one who wants to go to the root causes is considered either a traitor or agent who is creating feelings of uncertainty and disappointment among public, perhaps due to lack of well rounded insight. Let us accept for a while that we owe our miserable state to the conspiracies of our enemies. But we must remember that we are 1.5 billion of the globe population that is one fourth of the total, with one third of natural resources of the world. We have no capability to use either our numerical strength to its full potentials or exploit our natural resources for the social prosperity of our masses and drag them out of the dark of the past to the twilight of twenty first century. We are living in centuries. Those are lucky ones who have seen a glimpse of twentieth century and stepped in to twenty first century. They are exceptions to the rule. What does it show? Is it our pathetic attitude or the conspiracies of the others? Why are we so vulnerable to the conspiracies of others? Why can't we counter their conspiracies? What have we contributed to the humanity at large and to our people in particular? We are being ruled by 49 despots who have disfranchised 1.5 billions population. Does it show our lack of intellect or the conspiracies of our enemies? The big question is, who are our enemies? Why they should have animosity with us? Are we posing any threat to them, socially, educationally, scientifically, intellectually or militarily? Animosity, belligerency, hostility are reactions to a threat. Are we in a state to pose a threat to any one, in any sphere of life? Then who created the enemies? Certainly our masters to divert public opinion. Let us presume the west is responsible for our sorry state. If it is taken for granted then their bellicosity is to our rulers not masses because our masses are not a party in this conflict or game of power. They are under the long boots of their own masters. They have disfranchised the public. They have robbed them of their say and dreams. Our rulers are the drafters of our destiny. And our uneducated and unskilled masses are the day dreamers. The dreamers and drafters have no common aspirations. The masters and slaves are two diagonally opposite camps that provides chance to others to conspire. Once the system gives a say to the slaves and the gulf is obliterated, certainly there will be no space for conspiracies. I don't think that their is an imminent danger of clash of civilisations. Civilisation just does not grow in a vacuum. It requires conducive environment like education, social prosperity, political and economical symmetry. Do we have any? Maximally it could be intra-faith battle but not a clash of civilisation. To me that is also a far distant possibility. Faith dominance needs intellectual depth and organised, socially prosperous society behind it. On that front we are not the leaders but an ignorant flock, unable to convince others by force of logic and wisdom but are being used to terrorise our own people and the world at large. We are used as surrogates army of terror by our enemies. Most of them are in our rank and file working in close liaison with our chosen enemies. We envy the strength of our enemies but lack insight to see our weaknesses. Is there anything in our history to provide logical base to our claim? I feel there is none. The west has emerged in last two hundred years. What do we have to our credit before this period? We were are always at each others throat for the power. The sword has always been the leader of the book. Is it not a historical fact? Is it not the case even today? No intellectually rich and socially prosperous society can be established without the leadership of the book and pen. It is the law of the nature and nature does not change its law for a section of a humanity that has been dehumanised by their own masters. The nature supports the basic principle that the society is for the fittest. Are we remotely fit intellectually, socially or materially? Yes when we were fit in the early days and we shaped the world to our own interests but now if the west is doing, they are the fittest to impose their own global order. Why to grumble why not struggle? It is what the nature dictates and is asking us to practice. We have to have an insight of ourselves. We should not envy the strength of the opposite but to rectify our weaknesses. The law of nature cannot be tailored that the global order belongs to those who are fit for the job. The sick and pathetic cannot be trusted for power by mother-nature. If we are the victim of the world order then who is responsible for the miseries of our own masses? We are being ruled by a band of band masters who are dancing to the tune of others. What is happening to the Arab spring? Who is responsible to the sorry state of Pakistan? We must answer these fundamental questions to make ourselves the fittest and be the masters of our own destiny then we will have the right to dream to have a say in the world order. Islam does not justify a holy war without attaining certain basic requirements. Islam does not allow suicide, be it on national scale or individual level. Islam does not allow us to blow fire from a weaker pitch. Islam teaches us peace and to co exist in peace. Islam should not be used as sand bag by despots and extremists to provide cover to their incompetency and idiocy. The bands of terrorist are the enemies of the humanity. No ism supports fear and terror what to say of Islam? Terror is the enemy of logic and wisdom. It destroys the process of free thinking. Islam starts from,"read in the name of Allah". How can it support the ignorant and illiterate? Despots and incapable are the companions of the evil, sitting in the same boat and share the same mission to destroy the humanity and rob the masses of their dreams. Rogues and robbers must be hit hard to save sanity and humanity. Religion comes for humanity not the vice versa. Being a Pakistani I have nothing against India or USA. The usurper of my national and individual rights is a muslim Pakistani. It applies to every citizen of all Muslims states. It is a shame that we have not a single democratic state or caliphate elected by elected house be it shura or parliament in muslims states. Dr. Khurshid Alam . London 18/6/2012

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Discrimination in Pakistan

Discrimination in Pakistan. If I force myself for a while to accept the distorted version of history presented by our intellectuals about the logical background of carving Pakistan from India, so to save muslims minority from Hindu's discrimination and subjugation and secondly that the creation of Pakistan was the result of a democratic struggle by Muslim majority, I would still perplexed my mind, to justify the non democratic rule in Pakistan after independence and the discriminatory policies pursued by our rulers, not only with ethnic and religious minorities but even with Bengali majority comprising 54 % of the population. Naturally questions would crop up in my mind and I have to ask my coincidence that did discrimination and subjugation ended with the proclamation of Pakistan or took a more aggressive, inhuman,resentful and repulsive turn. I honestly feel I have to say that that it took the turn for the worst. The second claim that it was democratic struggle to give birth to Pakistan if not that also fails to hold ground, as it was the demand of a minority not majority. But our rulers could have proved their point by their deeds and attitudes after independence but it was never to be. To our rulers principles had no value compared to power hunger. These were all cooked up ideas for public consumption. A country that was made out of fear of discrimination and subjugation, was ruled by discriminatory and autocratic rulers after independence, disproving their own claim. One could have given them a benefit of doubt, if our history of sixty years could provide any flimsy relevance to lend us support. Alas nothing is there. Our deeds speak louder than our claims. The discriminatory policy was started soon after the birth of Pakistan both on religious and ethnic basis. In early days Pakhtuns were subjected to extremely harsh and inhuman discrimination by Mr. Jinnah and it continued till 1978 with all the might of the government and backed by press and other means of mass informations. The other minority was Baluch, the cousin brothers of Pakhtuns. Their resistance invited five military invasions in last sixty years. Now the young generation have opted for armed struggle as their elders failed to get their historical rights by political means. A strange paradox was observed when the majority was pressed hard to accept the role and rule of the minority or accept at least that the new mathematical concept that 54%=46%. Bengalis refusal to this, led to a blood bath and creation of Bangladesh in 1972. They were punished to oppose the idea of two Muslim states and opted for only one Pakistan and by using their right of ballot. Man made countries are politically acceptable but to establish a nation is un-natural. To make a nation with imported language, culture and leadership is a grossly incompatible and politically asymmetrical thinking. Political integration could be a possibility if the political system is fair and transparent but cultural and historical integration is beyond any logical thinking. The abolition of quota system and replacement by merit is the best system but if there is uniformity in developments and opportunities. Otherwise it will strengthen the present ruling elites and keep the under privileged areas permanently backward. This is equal to apply a fair system for unfair purpose. A person from Behar in india has hardly any thing in common with some one from the rugged mountains of Khyber pass except religion. The denial of the Pakistani rulers to accept the historical and ground realities were and are responsible for the present sorry sate of Pakistan. But experimentation is still being pursued without learning from the past. Their is gross incompatibility between the nations. The hero of one is the aggressor of the other. But their insane pursuit created the crisis of identity. Pakistan is a guinea pig in the hands pseudo scientists and experiments are yet to complete if the guinea pig survive the ordeal. Hindu were hated and hatred was made an integral part of our syllabus to be taught to our children right from primary school. The induction of hatred and fear in the minds of the public was an undeclared policy of the state in the name of the integrity and solidarity of the country. I feel that our mutual one thousand miles long border with India proved to be a blessing in disguise for our rulers to use as a ploy to deny us democratic rights to the people and extend their rule. It is a tool in the hands of particular mind set. We owe our existence to our neighbours. Another front was opened by our state machinery. The sectarian hatred and intolerance was created and systematically preached to divide muslims. Though it was simmering underneath since long but brought to the surface by Zia, who provided state patronisation. He is the god father of sectarian radicalism of the masses and establishment. ISI was used viciously for this heinous and unholy crime against humanity. Pakistan became a womb to hatch and produce the radicalised terrorists. The sects were pitched against each others. No institution was spared. The mosques, imam-bargahs, church, temples, gurdwaras were turned in to slaughter houses. No non-Muslims is safe nor can practice his religious duty without fear. The wild pigs were eliminated by religious fanatics in the name of religion. It may be surprising for some that even animal kingdom is being punished on religious grounds. Now the Shia and Sunni have been pitched against each others to please Saudi. The Sunni have been divided further in to many sects. In broad day light the religious congregation are showered by bullets. A systemic cleansing and target killings of Shia and Sunni is on going phenomenon. But Shia being the minority suffers more. The Wahhabi and others are at each others throat. I have met educated Shia lamenting their decision to migrate from India. They are still remembering the services rendered to them by Hindu community during Ashura processions. While in Pakistan their processions area showered by bullets and mortars. Afghan war has been converted in to sectarian war by our rulers. People are scared to attend Friday and Eids congregation in the mosques. The religious intolerance is manifesting it self in different ways in all aspects of social life. The government and educational institution are being run on this prejudice. It is manifesting itself in different shades but in all aspects of life. It is being conducted side by side with ethnic intolerance. Karachi is a slaughter house for Pakhtuns at the hands of a mafia called MQM. The small community, Kalash in Chitral the most northern district of Pakistan is almost near complete extinction due to this discriminatory attitude. Ms. Lakshan herself a Kalash is running every where to save this historical tribe from extinction. The present target killing and genocide of Hazara Shia sect in Baluchistan is another eye opener phenomenon of the discriminatory policies and religious intolerance. It is un-Islamic and inhuman by all standards. An Ahmadi consultant surgeon in UK told me that his only objection is regarding the competence of the house that gave a religious decision against them. When I asked him for the alternative, he said that a council of religious scholars from across the Muslim world should have been formed to give the verdict. I may not a religious scholar but could see logic behind his opinion and the reason for his bitterness and contempt. He told me sarcastically that our first foreign minister of Pakistan was an Ahmadi, Sir Zafrullah, who was one of the most prominent figure to plead the case of separate home land for Muslims of India with British.When Dr. Abdul Salam won the noble prize, Pakistan jumped in to claim the honour but disclaim him for his religious belief. It was really embarrassing for me. I wonder why is it so difficult for our rulers to grasp this simple fact that the diversity in ethnicity and faith adds beauty to the bouquet of humanity. After all God is the creator and sustainer of whole humanity not only Muslims. And so is the prophet Muhammad,( peace be upon him) is a messenger of God to the mankind.If properly handled and sanity prevails, it is a unity in colourful diversity, which is a source of strength rather a weakness. Discrimination and subjugation in any form, by any one, for any purpose, on any grounds is the most heinous,inhuman,distasteful crime. It is a cancer of humanity. The saner element irrespective of borders should close ranks to fight it. Dr khurshid Alam London. 13/6/2012

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Yellow journalism in Pakistan

Yellow Journalism in Pakistan? I speculate that journalism might been conceived at the juncture,when humanity was evolving to collectivism and society formation. It is puzzling to human mind that collectivism and divisionism went side by side. With the growth of human population the number of different societies came in to being, on the basis of whims, wishes and wealth. In other words divisionism was induced by collectivism based on vested interest continuing till today. The journalism was the only way of flow of informations between the tribes. The means might have been different but the aims were the same. Nothing in the world is good or bad in its entirety. It is up to the mind set to apply according to its perceptions. Journalism is no exception. It was journalism that has played a major role in the evolution of humanity. Journalism with intellectualism has brought the society to the present standard. But at the same time journalism with sensationalism and adventurism has inflected unprecedented dents in the body of humanity. It was positive journalism that gave direction to the human evolution, social transformation, flow of information. Generally all over the world but particularly in Pakistan the journalism has always been used to distort history and facts and to spread hatred. Intellectual journalism pulled out the humanity from stone and snow ages. It was the art of journalism to build bridges between vastly scattered societies and maintain human collectivism. But the misuse of this tool with sensationalism provides the bone of contentions in societies. Sometime the matter has been taken for such a long time that the people have forgotten the bone of contention but the relations have remained sour and strained. It was unfortunate like many other aspects the life that neither the political process nor journalism took its roots in Pakistan. The foundation is a must, the vision of subsequent construction can be different . Pakistan came in to existence without the vision of tomorrow. There was an absolute vacuum. Conspiracies and scandalisation was the given the name of politics, sensationalism and dramatisation was named journalism. They were going side by side supplementing each others. There was intellectual apathy or a sort of solidity. Generalised feeling of lassitude and indifference to the status quo. This apathetic attitude has led us to our present sorry state. It seems we are still crawling in the earlier phase of our learning curve. Absoluteness is divinity. Human perception always discuss relativity. I do recognise the services of those intellectual and genuine journalists who sacrificed their lives for true spirit journalism. But they were relatively less in number and killed in dark ally ways. The present day journalism is equipped with most modern weapons that they can make or break the destiny of an individual or a society. Unfortunately the breakers far out numbers the makers. The sensationalists and dramatises are holding the key posts as anchors in electronic and printing media. They have less substance and more spices. Some time they do take refuge in intellectual words but that is no more than intellectual masturbation. The genetically deformed journalism is generally termed yellow journalism and those who practice it are known journalists with jaundiced or barrel shaped vision or could be with no vision at all. This coterie is dominating Pakistan's electronic and printing media. They are anchors but with different function. Anchors are used to provide stability to the ship in a rough sea but our anchors are rocking the boat. Their standard of living, their sphere of influence, their might to malign and their masterly command on sensationalism has left our generals, politicians, and jurists far behind in this unholy marathon race, going on for last sixty odd years. They are self proclaimed fourth pillar of parliamentary system supported by a class of politicians who have no audiences in 180 million population. The talk shows are electronic cafeterias run by electronic taliban entertaining the self proclaimed prophets with no umma. They mislead the listeners at home and making the nation a laughing stock abroad. Talib means seeker. Pakistan is home to Talibans of different kinds. The seeking commodity is wealth, power, nuisance value and anarchy. They are allowed to adopt any name or wear any gown. Our majority of politicians, jurists, generals, molvies, and terrorists belong to the same category. The motto is, create fear, uncertainty and rule to acquire wealth and power. Those who are the beacon of light are melting away like candles in silence. The terror may be physical or intellectual but the damage of the bite is the same to wreck the soul and body. The other three internationally established pillars of parliamentary democracy do encroach on each others domain in Pakistan but not as brazenly as our anchors and journalists. Anything that has no limiting boundaries is devilish in character and evil in actions. Limitless freedom is anarchy and leads to self worshipping and narcism that is prohibited in Islam or any civilised society under any ism. After a long spell of "stable government" in Pakistan under military dictators we have a weak civilian government. Every evening our anchors write its obituary, every dawn disappointment them. It is a weak government but with resilience. It is quite entertaining and no different than organising cockfighting usually organised in the villages. "They share their intellectual wisdom with the nation". Cynical thinks that it is a trick by the journalists to expose the intellectual depth of our leaders, as if they are unexposed. Now it is up to the readers to give them any name they consider fit to reflect them genuinely. And have the right to ask them how do they manage to live beyond their limits?It is beside the point that the three pillars who are under oath to remain in their jurisdiction but violates their oath quite often but unfortunately the self proclaimed fourth is neither under oath nor bound by a code of conduct. This rabid elephant is free, to crush foes or friends. To them there is no difference between them. They have cocooned themselves to karachi, Lahore and Islam Abad. Their Pakistan is limited to this triangle and they are being paid to protect its sovereignty and ideological borders. Their guests are intellectuals are from the "chosen" cities. They are the only institution above accountability. Majority of them are for sale. They are the policemen, jurists to pass verdict, executives to punish and defenders of our porous borders. Our journalist character is the same in sixties. The Vietnam news were black out to please our master. Today our journalists have the same attitude towards middle east. It shows their independence. Mental slaves cannot be freed by legislation. The recent allegations against the son of CJ has been given twist. It is a projected a pre-planned conspiracy and but in the case of PM, his son and Monis Elahi they passed the verdict before the decision of the court. Is it not abuse of the journalism. False or true are irrelevant till investigation and court verdict. But it is enough to expose them more. We must castrate this intellectual dishonesty. Dr. Khurshid Alam. London 12/6/12

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Danger to Arab dream

Is Arab spring going yellow before bloom? Hardly a day goes without discussion by political analysts and historians about Arab spring. The students of politics express their fears and hopes. The more it is discussed the more is the diversity in opinion and confusion. " As one Egyptian scholar put it that the end is stretched between the dreamers and the drafters. I unlearn to learn every day. Dawn brings hope and sun set leaves behind despair, reflected in the political horizon of Arab world on daily basis. " Arabs nation is more fragmented than it looks geographically. The division on sectarian, religious and tribal basis has been used mercilessly to replace national unity. International players along with local cronies are at play and inducing fear by every possible means available to them. Egypt is the only country having intellectual depth with resources and ideological organisations. But the masses are sharply divided in two major camps,Muslim brotherhood and liberals. The former has a long history of struggle and with a well organised party apparatus. The majority of populace is liberal but having no organisation and strategy. The electoral success of Muslim brotherhood does not speak of their mass popularity but they had an edge over the others because it was the only organised political forum available on the ground. The Egyptian army like any army establishments of muslim countries, is a highly politicised-fascist force having a big chunk in the economy of the country and a trump card to have a final say. They will resist till last minute for their survival. The liberals and democrats may join hands with the army to counter Muslim brotherhood. It will be extremely unwise to do so. The final show down will be between the public and the army. In my opinion, the victory of public of any shade will be a better option than army. Army must be disarmed politically. It will be too premature to predict. Egyptian revolution is still evolving.I would have better if the Egyptians would have first framed a temporary constitution to ensure peaceful transition of power instead of going for election. I believe they were trapped by the seasoned army generals. The Libyan situation is completely different. It is tribal based society made of the union of two kingdoms. Colonial rule was followed by a long rule by a tyrant. Who has left behind a huge black hole. The small tyrants are still at work. It is a rich country with many aspiring stake holders. They failed to establish a neutral centralised authority and to deliver some fruit of revolution to the masses like eradication of corruption immediately. The post revolution delay to deliver has made me a bit skeptical and hope that sanity prevails, to avert civil war. Yemen and Bahrain uprising were nipped in the bud by Saudi Arab and US jointly to thwart Iran ambitions in Bahrain and Al-Qaeda designs in Yemen. Both were considered equally dangerous to Saudi- American interests. The worst and most dangerous situation prevails in Syria. The regimen brutality, barbarity and beastly character is established beyond any shadow of doubt. The ruling class is in close collaboration with Iran and affluent Christian minority. They have closed ranks against Sunni majority backed by Saudi and Al-Qaeda, each fighting for hegemony. Here the mass uprising has taken the shape of sectarian civil war and so the blood let is continuing. It is the most difficult situation to predict the outcome of the rivalry between three fundamentalist rivals, Saudi, Iran and Al-Qaeda. The big fear has come true it has spilled over to Lebanon, the cafeteria of middle east, with no national outlook but a loosely held sectarian enclaves. The sole exception was Tunisia that has undergone an unexpected peaceful transition of power. It is too early to write on the wall about Arab spring. The evolving process has to take its due course if given chance. But the worrying factor is, if the masses are robbed of this "due time" in the crazy chase for stealing the uprising by fundamentalists for establishing their hegemony, it will be disastrous. It is not an easy time for Arabs. The word democracy is new to them. It's implications and dividends are unknown to the public. They were aware of the power of tyrants but unaware of their own strength. They have yet to compare the power of ballot with bullet. Arabs have not only been deprived of their rights but robbed of their dreams, imaginations and thoughts. Human dignity and national pride has been crushed by ruthless tyrants. Their ears are tuned to the shrieking noise of bullets and were not allowed to tune themselves to the melody of music, love, peace and prosperity. Decades long silence screamed for peace, freedom and prosperity. They deserve full bloom spring with no fear of loosing what they achieved by their blood and let their dreams not go yellow. Dr. Khurshid Alam. London. 4/6/2012

Saturday, 2 June 2012

The political asymmetry and Pakistan?

The political asymmetry in Pakistan? (More fears and little hope) Pakistan is in unimaginable political, economical and social storm. We are not in this situation by an accident or default but have been steered to it by our elites over last sixty years. Every one contributed to the present saddening state, according to his capacity and left the baggage of liabilities and responsibilities to the nation to carry. The contribution may vary quantitatively but no one deserves to be given the benefit of doubt. Logically speaking nothing happens suddenly. Every wrong or right is preceded by a chain of events, if ignored, leads to catastrophe. Our present demands that the truth must be established and regrets must be made public followed by reconciliation and accountability depending on the gravity of the crime. The accountability must not be time bound or a section limited but should be across the board with all fairness. Let me be honest and blunt to put to the readers that present filth cannot be done away by the present bunch, who are the children of historical accidents. Neither they have vision or wisdom to tackle the awful situation. Some analysts believe that the present leadership is the product of the system and can't be expected to rectify. My perception is slightly different. I believe that no system has ever been tried in Pakistan unless we change the meaning of adventurism? There was a total political vacuum after independence. The present asymmetrical political system is the brainchild of our rulers. This vacuum could guarantee their survival and protect their interest. The privileges were privatised and losses were nationalised. The gains belonged to the selected and pains belonged to all and it exists today. This is not possible in a system because the evolution of the system is bound to happen. In vacuum this danger is non-existing. No doubt we had political asymmetry in the genesis of the country but the rest were acquired later on. The asymmetry of the political system replaced logic, the blue blooded made the institutions irrelevant and in our chest-puffery pursuit mafia filled the vacuum. The mafias existed in every stratum of the society, political, religious, social , financial strata. To defeat mafia is not easy. It is a fight against shadows of evils, having support of the axis of devils, disguised in religious robes or political gowns. They are no where but still they are at work everywhere. Political vacuum and dark provides conducive environments for the mafias to grow and gain strength. Every move is so craftily manipulated that they are palpably invisible. The cards of religious and divinity exclusiveness were so cunningly played that created fear and intolerance. We have made a history to change the established rule. Our elites have corrupted the power.We all in our own way have contributed in our capacity. Those who maintained silence gave the approval of the crime by default. A planned sustained political or financial foul play is termed intellectual corruption. It is an unforgivable doctrine of the evils . Impulsive criminals were punished but those with a planned corrupt mentality were left scot free. None of them had the chemistry of fair play. To expect them of symmetrical system would have been an insanity. The nation was subjected to go through a process of self rejection. A sick can be treated and a slave can be freed if they feel, they are sick or slave. We were and are in a state of denial or repentance but not ready to accept that we are sick lot. We criticise others but can't stand criticism. Self criticism is an unheard word. The individuals are known by the country they belong to, but our country was residing in individuals. Loyalty to the individuals was loyalty to the country. Our national character was chest puffery. Any one who was not, didn't get the chance to be. The very electoral system based on the exclusiveness of the common man. Ninety percent of the population has been disfranchised. The vote is a commodity for sale and those who are voted, are dishonest traders. The rules are for fools but in our set up fools made the rules to rob the nation. The political drama had habitual abortions. The economy was based on deplorable principle, the gain is for fews and loss is for all. The history was tailored in such a way to victimise the victims and to show the exit of escape to the criminals. The rhetoric and money was the electoral manifesto. Zia and Musharraf were double dealing dictators as one analyst put it. They were incapable to grasp that their decision to marry both, Washington and terrorists, will ultimately push the country against the wall. To marry a gorilla for the sake of money when the money runs out the gorilla will remain gorilla. When US aim was achieved, the negus of terror, with bags of liabilities will be left behind in AfPak region which, is a permanent threat to our security and sovereignty if there is any? The opportunists tried to be clever. They wanted to keep two wives together in one house, unaware of each other, till the one caught the other in the same bed. We were left with no choice but to shout for our sovereignty, to use it as a sand bag. The rentier country has no sovereignty. The sovereignty is first established on the ground. The rentier ground has neither a sovereign sky nor the right to claim. The sovereignty has many facets and its submission is in entirety. To be sovereign in politics,economy and dreams is the real concept of sovereignty. It is a package deal, not available partially. It follows, all or none law. The two characters lacked vision so badly, they could see the pluses of our geo-strategic position but failed to comprehend the consequences to be surrounded by major powers like China, Russia, India and economically sound Iran. It is the law of nature that only shrubs can grow in the shadows of big trees. The world cannot be held responsible for our false perception of grandeur. Every one is dealt for its capacity and capability, we couldn't claim exception. Our intentions were reflected in our attitudes. Unless we own our mistakes publicly and internationally, we cannot regain the lost national credibility. International diplomatic credibility follows the rules of economics, based on credit scoring system. We must transform the system internally to improve our credibility score abroad. To force one to go and to be replaced by another game was started initially against F.M. Ayub, but the time proved the worthlessness of this one point agenda. We must learn from Arab spring that is going yellow before full bloom. The blood let is still going on. The political vacuum left by despots is still sucking in the human blood. The hopes of the beginning are being diluted by the dark of despair. We must bear in mind that Pakistan is home to many nations unlike Arabs or Bangladesh. The loss of one can be a gain for the other. The possibility of mass uprising, if not impossible is certainly remote. We are a fractured nation on sectarian and ethnic lines.The radicalisation has washed away logic and sanity. The majority of the political parties are regional or sectarian except PPP having a streak of federalism. In this backdrop, there are more chances of anarchy than revolution. The army is stretched beyond limits due to the follies of the two double dealers. There is no one to restore peace, in case anarchy erupts, unless we permit the neighbours to send their fire extinguishers. In the fourteen hundred years history of Muslim umma the mechanism of peaceful transition of power is not there to lead us and give us hope. Let this corrupt civil rule and corrupt electoral process run for a while to educate the masses. Let us hand over the destiny to the nation. The nation may be inexperienced and prone to mistakes but morally not as bankrupt as our elites. The elites are not trust worthy and have miserably failed on several occasion. Though painful but it may be but the only exit available is to trust the public opinion. It may not be the choice of some but it is the compulsion of the history. Dr. Khurshid Alam London 2/6/2012