Tuesday, 20 October 2009


Pakistan owes most of it's problems to its genesis. Its successive rulers added the rest on the top. They had very little clue how to avoid further complications, nor they bothered about for it. To bring up a little baby is already an enormous task and the genetic abnormalities and prematurity makes the task more difficult. The inexperienced midwives make a mess of every thing. It was treated like a little guinea pig and every one was experimenting on it. Instead of following the prescription of 1940 they decided to the contrary.
Mr. Jinnah must be given credit to make a case out of nothing, thanks to Indian national congress and British. Indian midwives assisted British surgeon.
Pakistan was bound to have complications but the carers were least experienced and least worried about the future of the baby and it effects on its normal growth
The people in uniform were involved at a very early stage and the help of American specialist was sought at a huge cost, the newly born was mortgaged, in return for medicinal supply in the form of Dollars.
The vital organs were not allowed to mature, to defend itself and by the time the child reached to 27 year, it lost more than half of the body, at the hands of these jack of all but master of none. Every new crisis was worse than the previous one; the vital organs were damaged beyond repair.
Now 62 years but still convulsing and pushing it to that state of non-viability. The civilian leadership has proved its incompetence beyond doubt. They have stamped the fact that they are the Brainchildren of military dictatorship and historical blunders. To call them politicians will be an insult of politics. Except on two occasions, there has never been a political movement in our country; the first one was against Ayub Khan and the second was the long struggle of black coats. The rest were all power struggles. The first one had a political miscarriage and nothing materialised but the second one succeeded as it was in professionals hands, and they were vigilant that the so called politicians are good at hijacking. Though Mian Sahib did try but could not succeed.
So for we don’t have any institutions to run the country deomcratically or to ensure the transition of power smoothly and transparently. Accountability is being used for political victimization. There is no cheque and balance. The murderers and those who abrogated the constitution are scot-free and were sent off with all official pomp and show as if he was a national hero. Moneyed aristocracy, landlords and industrialists, filled the vacuums due to non-existence of the institutions. Those who failed to run their businesses leaped in to politics and since the system was money oriented they made political and financial fortunes.
Internal weakness reflected in our external policies and we were fully exploited, whether they were Americans or Saudi. Not only the out side countries but the influential and moneyed magnets of Middle East unashamedly interfered in our internal and external affairs. Mian Nawaz Sharif and Musharaf introduced the individuals’ interference.
The most disgracing aspect is that we are begging for aid and then ask the donor to give on our terms. I think the beggars at Islam Abad airport have learnt the trick of the trade from our politicians. As you come out the whole army surrounds you and they refuse to accept if you give them in rupees they ask for sterling, riyals or Dirham, as they know the flights origination and demand accordingly. We do appreciate the heart ach of our politicians for national pride but I wish they paid the income taxes of last 10 -20 years. It will solve the problem.
Our so-called politicians want to be given bath, shrouded and given forgiveness. They create all the problems and they look outside the boundaries of the country for some one to solve it for them or ask the public to be ready for sacrifices. Isn’t it an open invitation to others?
I have my strong reservation that democracy will ever take roots in Pakistan, if the present lot is at the helm of affairs. None of them has that frame of mind. None of them is ready to sit in opposition. An opposition that is neither friendly nor conspiratorial in nature. A genuine, constructive opposition is the key to a healthy democracy. We mist not forget that when Late Z.A.Bhutto refused to accept the role of elected opposition leader the country disintegrated. Is Mian Sahib planning to do the same?
Democracy has two wheels to roll on smoothly. The treasury and the opposition led by the leader of the house and leader of opposition. Who is a shadow Prime Minister? Refusal to be the elected leader of opposition is either derailing of democratic process or breaking of the country. We have no doubt that Ch. Nisar is a good parliamentarian but after all he is the member of Nawaz league and cannot be a replacement of Mian Nawaz. When he and Mian Shehbaz met the chief of staff in the dark of the night, it was Nawaz Sharif to show his resentment that they should have met him in broad daylight. It was his statement, which calmed the public.
Mian Sahib must answer some questions, not in Raiwand but on the floor, to clear the clouds about his intentions.
What is holding Him Back?
What is his party stand on military action? His non-committal statements denote his support for terrorist by default.
His unambiguous and clear picture about federal democracy? On one hand he was screaming at the top of his voice when it came to clamp governor rule in Punjab, on the other hand he is refranchising Pukhtoons.
Chartered of democracy was pact between him and Shaheed Benazir. He has expressed his opinion about Pukhtoons. How we could be expected to trust him keeping his track record in mind. We honestly believe that 1973 constitution is out of dated document to hold the federation together, in the present imbalance Pakistan. It is the time to put all these documents to gather and frame a new constitution. Mian Sahib is not trust worthy. If some one from Haripur or Abbot Abad wants deprive us of our identity we are ready for re demarcations of the provinces.
He must clarify his refusal to contest after the visit to Saudi Arab and reveal the real deal between him, Musharaf, King of Saudi Arabia and Mr. Hariri of Lebanon.
What are his reservations about American aid and what is the alternative in his mind?
Democracy, as claimed by few, is not the dictatorship of the majority but it is the accommodation of minority. Majority has no right to defranchise those who have voted for the opposition. Mian Sahib is in the best position to put to the house, the secret deals and give an alternative?
MQM, ANP, and the reservations of other small nations must be clarified?
All the foreign dignitaries visit him and the statement issued at the end is the same as they issue after their meetings with the government official but still his the statements issued from the Raiwand are to the contrary?
The present governance is condemnable, but the opposition still have to show its role to be commended. It stinks foul.
Every government ask the people to be ready for sacrifices for the integrity of the country. Is it not the right of the people to ask the rulers show their sacrifices?
It is the time to say enough is enough. People have nothing to sacrifice? Can you?

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