Sunday, 25 October 2009


Our public is constantly being bombarded by our official media about the interference of certain countries in our internal affairs. This is some thing which I always hear since I have started knowing a bit of political process, since early 60s.
If our rulers are honest, then it should not worry us too much, as no damage has done to us, showing the intrinsic strength of our country. Where the enemy failed; our leaders succeeded to damage the country.
We are constantly being told that India and Afghanistan are the two culprits. The foreign countries usually interfere when there are breaches in a country physical or political body, or if the country is a source of threat to others, but the national interest is always the top priority. No country interferes in another country unless national interest is involved.
These sorts of statements are usually being used as a ploy to divert the attention of the public from their internal problems or the unpopular government need a breathing space, last but not the least if there is total incompetence of the rulers. One must put this fact in mind, any country with sensible leaders will have to think 10 times, to destabilise a neighbouring country. A destabilise neighbour has always having fallouts. To have a knock off-balance country on the border is a matter of great concern for all neighbours.
Pakistan is always pointing out fingers to India and Afghanistan. I have been involved in politics as a student and later on sine early sixties. I have always noticed it to the contrary.
It is better to analyse these points rationally.
Let us take first Afghanistan. Durand line is a bone of contentions between the two countries since Pakistan came in to existence. The very name of the line stinks foul. This line has bisected the physical body of a nation, separating brother from brother. It is so un-natural in its character and not justifiable by any rational mind. It is a colonial remnant.
Pakistan took up this matter with Afghanistan diplomatically in its early days. Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar and Sardar Hashim signed a pact, but sabotaged by Ch. Khaliquz Zaman and never saw the daylight.
After initial diplomatic failure, Pakistan resorted to vicious tactics, to create circumstances, which can force Afghanistan to yield to pressure. Pakistan never missed a single chance, till they were successful to bring Hizbies followed by Taliban in to power, even they refused to accept it. Pakistan has nakedly and brazenly interfered in Afghanistan. Now what Pakistan is reaping, is the fallouts of a destabilised country on its western border. The source of blood let in Pukhtoons belt, is the brood of Durand line. Aim, to kneel down Afghanistan. As for as I can see; Afghanistan being a small land lock country, was not and is not a military threat to Pakistan. In it’s present shape, it is a truncated country, economically can be easily gagged by Pakistan. On occasion that have raised the issue in UNO, but no more.
Let me not be ashamed or hesitant to say that in my opinion it has no moral, historical and logical reason that, Durand Line should exist. Pakistan or India was not a party to this issue; the parties involved were British and Afghans.
After my exhaustive discussions with top political leaders, civil servants and journalists of India, It was bluntly discussed that the Indian national interest lies in a stable Pakistan. They consider Pakistan as a wall of sand of bags on its western border. Bay Bandas Shastri; a freedom fighter told me in late seventies that even a weaker government in Pakistan is not in the interest of India, as it will attract the international players. India will be the last to have them on its western border.
We went in to four wars with India. Retrospectively looking at them, they were all fought to divert our attention from illegal military regimens. The last one was an undeclared war launched by Musharaf. Sarcastically Shastri remarked once, we cannot afford 5 divisions army to be deployed and on red alert on our western border. It cost us fortune; if Pakistan is weak or destabilised.
Iran had extremely closed relations with Pakistan, till Pakistan’s interest clashed with Iran, in Afghanistan and opted for Saudi to Hizbies, a Wahabi school of thought. I have no idea, where is the threat? Certainly not from outside.
Let us, be logical and sensible. It is better to analyse our domestic situation. We have always being ruled by dictators, civilian or military. There was and is no change in their mind make up.
Every master ruled Pakistan, as if it is his inherited property. With hardly any exception they plundered the country, loot and nepotism were the norms.
They spent beyond the means of the country. The foreign tours were conducted in a royal style. No delegation was less than hundred. Mr Z.A. Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif took Indhra Gandhi and Bill Clinton by surprise by the shear size of their delegations. Mrs. Gandhi had to apologise to Bhutto that as they were not expecting such a huge delegation after such a big war they have to send members to Delhi for stay due to lack of accommodation in Shimla.
Palatial structures were built without infra structure, in the name of institutions without institution. None was less than a 5 star hotel. Every one ruled according to his whims and to earn as much as he could. Elections were money oriented, to keep out the less privileged class and became the most profiteering business in the country.
Bonaparte’s ran the country. Most of the time the constitution was not there but when 73 constitutions was framed to be kept on ice and then amended beyond recognition.
This attitude resulted in huge breeches in the political body of the country. The gulf between poor and rich widened and so between provinces. The federating units were robbed of their historical, cultural, rights and their natural resources. The foreign aids and loans were spent in Punjab and Karachi.
Three political deadly slogans were used mercilessly and divine ferocity. The idea of strong centre, ideology of Pakistan and big brother concept were used in the name of Islam. The irony of the fact was, nothing was learnt from the tragedy of Bangla Desh. The three-ponged attack on smaller nations became more ferocious and intense. The main aim was the denial of national identity to smaller nations and to squeeze their last drop of blood. The champion of this idea is basically all Muslim leaguers particularly Nawaz Sharif.
The military budget is not debatable in the house. The 6th biggest army is maintained by the nation, who captured their own people 4 times, ruled the country for 35 years with iron hand. The spells of civilian rules were engineered by armed forces.
It will be of interest to the public to know that only one fourth of this huge apparatus is the fighting force. The rest are all working in the farms and residences of the generals and rulers.
A white elephant, I.S.I was created, to interfere in all neighbouring countries and to harass its own people. Picked any citizen anywhere and hand over to Americans. The sovereignty of the country was sold in open market for few dollars.
May I ask; who created the conducive environments for out side forces to interfere in our internal affairs. Whenever there are breaches in the political body, there will be vacuum. It is the law of the nature that foreign forces will be sucked in. It was one of the reasons that armed forces were sucked in due to absence of competent political leadership. It was the total non-availability of political leadership that the democracy failed to develop roots in the country.
Our rulers provided opportunity to others; to interfere in our internal problems due politico- economical instability and meddling in others affairs. Apart from the countries even the influential magnets, were invited to solve our political problems. Since the days of Liaquat Ali khan the Americans have the undeniable right to use our land and facilities for any purpose, they wished.
India had the same problem on its eastern border after independence; to have North East Frontier Province but they dealt with it immediately. We are still having N.W.F.P. because the t adamant and bullish attitude of Nawaz Sharif, using Hazara as a trump Card. It will be suicidal for us, if our nationalist leaders to show any flexibility on this issue. If I have to be asked I will have no objection to let the two districts of Haripur and Abbot Abad go, in return for our two of districts; Mianwali and Attock. The present demarcation was inherited by Pakistan from British. We support the right of Seraiki and Potohar, on the same basis. But that will need constitutional changes in the power of upper house. As it comes to Pukhtoons rights, they are all united. Our fear is not without foundation of last 62 years.
We should shut ourselves to Indian phobia; it is a tool in the hands of our rulers to rob us. During Zia rule we were physically involved in four places in India, Kashmir, East Punjab, Gujarat and Assam. Our involvement in the Muslim dominated provinces in China is an open secret, thanks to the ideology of Pakistan.
As for Afghanistan is concerned it is in shamble. Thanks to ISI and Pakistani establishment. They are not in a position to physically interfere in Pakistan. If government allegations are true, then they are justified to send back the arms and ammunitions sent by Pakistan to the warlords there.
But to give up their national resolve to give up their national right could not be expected from Afghans. In spite of all odds they are the proudest nation one can think of. In the history of Afghanistan there has never been absolute monarchy. It was always decentralised cultural monarchy. No government has the right to decide the fate of Durand Line. It has to be grand (Loya) Jirga.
I as a Pukhtoon will never ever accept the right of Mian Nawaz Sharif to name my Mother Land. He is himself a Kashmiri immigrant in Punjab. He is allowed to take Mehtab Abasi and share with him his Raiwand Estate. In case he fails to obstruct our demand then we have the right to demand to change the name of Pakistan. It should read then as Pkistan.
I salute the nationalist forces in Punjab and appreciate their close ties with east Punjab but Mian Sahib should be taught the difference between nationalism and fascism.
I appeal to sensible Pakistani citizen to ponder over these issues and differentiate between made in Pakistan and made in India.
As for Baluchistan insurgency is concerned; it is gift of Pakistani rulers they have to pay the price for it. Nothing in this world is without a price. To every action there is equal and opposite reaction. At the moment it is not equal, but the process is waiting for Pakistan’s follies.
Enough is enough. If my death is some one’s life, let him die. The democrats of Punjab must rise above personal gains to protect the federation and harness this power-intoxicated elephant. We do realise that he cannot survive without power. If a new federation with east Punjab is about to be mature then I feel we should not object to it, as it will be more natural.
By Dr. Khurshid Alam
London. Dated 24th October 2009

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