Friday, 30 October 2009


For the last 10 to 15 years the above topic has been a point of hot discussions in and outside of Pakistan, in circles, which matter. It is a very sensitive and complicated topic and need to be discussed by seasoned analysts.
It will be unfair for a professionally medical person like me, to analyse it thread by thread. I am a political worker of ANP and proud to have countless browbeats on my body, but not a single black spot. We have fought a long war against tyranny and dictatorship and still striving to complete our unfinished mission.
Those who are trying to take the credit for democratic values, trying to forget that Pakistan existed for a long time, before they were born. Ours is the only political platform, having graveyards of our martyrs. Our leaders and workers have built the prisons in Pakistan and India. It will be unfair to forget those who were killed, IN TAREEK RAHOON MAIN. We salute all the martyrs of all but along with ours.
Coming to my topic; I feel that the countries are made by people; with two exceptions Pakistan & Israel. The rulers make or break them.
If Pakistan is considered non-viable state today, we are duty bound to analyse those who have been in power at different times, to bring the country to this stage. Country just does not break or become non viable, without reasons. It is taken to the state of non-viability by events and there are always men behind the policies and events.
Those who matter are the people in power. That is called the government. The public delegate its power to the government, to run day-to-day affairs and look after the security, organise and stream line the public needs. To define the role of every section of the government, a draft is framed, so there is no tussle or confusions in their duties. This is called the constitution of the country. If every section of these public servants carries according to the rule of the game, the public is at peace and the country is stable and strong
But if the public servants starts posing to be the rulers or interfering in each others sphere of activity or competition of power struggle erupts between the different pillars of the government; this result in non –viable government. If un checked, can result in to non-viable state.
In my humble opinion, the problem of non-viability of Pakistani state is the incompetent successive governments, with no system of accountability and their lust for power. The masters became the captives of their own servants and the people were disfranchised & robbed of power.
Those who were allotted a particular duty, started interfering in other’s sphere or engaged themselves in power tussle, conspiracies leading the country to the non viable statehood If the situation were never tackled in time and the process of decay was not nipped in bud the ultimate logical end was disintegration.
It was unfortunate that the different section was not made bound to stick to the fair game. No rules of the game were farmed and the accountability was never galvanised. Divinity was enshrined in the process. Instead of framing the rule game, dogma and personality cults were introduced and were kept above the accountability.
The sovereign parliament was never allowed to establish to make the rules. The judiciary surrendered their freedom, for their vested interest and so the referee to interpret the rule became the sub servants of the servants. The executive conspired with politician or generals to convince them that there is no need to start the rule of law and it will be better to scratch each other’s back and make a fortune, to safeguard the future of our own children.
The people trained to provide the security to the people and protect the boundaries of the country, took the advantage of the weak and corrupt civil servants and representatives, took over the power in the name of the fair play and established new horizons of corruption. The security of the people was left; thugs, professional killers and terrorists filled the vacuum. Anarchy became the norm of the day. The state collapsed politically and financially.
There was open for all loot, plunder and nepotism. The voice of the public, the independent journalism was gagged. A nation without voice suffered in dead silence.
The state exchequer became personal property and was looted with both hands by all without exception and the money was siphoned to outside banks and established big businesses in other countries.
Refused to pay the income tax even on the small assets left in the country. The nation of beggars with the richest rulers in the world came into being. The nation was given begging bowl, to beg. Every thing in the country was put on sale
This created a big vacuum that sucked in the international players and so called rich friends. They started pouring the aid and loan not to help the country but to acquire interference in the internal affairs of the country. The so-called sovereignty of the country was sold for minimum.
With the passage of time, the donors started putting conditionality with their loans. They did have logic behind their demand as they realised that the loans or aid was being given and the outcome was nil. As that money went to the pockets of politicians, civil and military bureaucracy. The powerful Middle Eastern magnets too started to have a say in our internal affair.
The corruption spread like cancer in the body politics of the country vertically and horizontally. Like maggots the very foundations of the state were eaten. Any one and every one, friend and foe came in with its own agenda.
The civil and military bureaucracy became international surrogates and was termed by the daily GUARDIAN, as the dollar washed sons of American Imperialism.
There were spell of civil rules, which were in no way democratic. The civilian dictators are morally and politically more corrupt than their military counter parts. Basically they were conspirators not politicians and always pulled down each other conspiring with army.
Pakistan became an international liability. Liability is always handled as a commodity. If we have to demand friendship with US or for that matter even with India, what is there that we can offer? The equality is between two equals. Do we have that status?
No security to the masses, the disappearance of all basic necessities; made the life a hell for a common man. Those who could afford, left the country, the rest were left at the mercy of hired killers.
The professional ability of armed forces, in spite of having advanced American weapons went down. The institution known for its discipline has a band of rogue element. People have rightly started suspecting that probably the ISI is still having strong links with Taliban cum terrorists after the carnage in Peshawar. The complete inability of ISI, to prove its efficiency and honesty of purpose, is a big question mark?
After the British left, India had the advantage over Pakistan by having seasoned politicians, who had been through a long struggle for freedom, with rudimentary institutions and trained bureaucracy. They built on it. We retained some governors and police chiefs but failed to build our institutions. It was a super structure without infrastructure.
The embezzlements of public revenue and foreign aid were so ruthlessly carried out that the donor states were left to doubt us. So the aid was link with preconditions.
It was we, grumbling that the USA is investing in our army but in public. Now when they started to do it, suddenly some sections woke up from slumber to ask for already lost sovereinigty. The present sorry state of affair started from the days of Liaquat Ali’s and reached its zenith during Zia and Musharaf rule.
Like us, India too spends a huge portion of its budget on military establishment but that has to be discussed in the parliament. In Pakistan, this institution is the sacred cow, not to be touched. Even if a military vehicle is involved in a traffic accident, traffic police can register no FIR.
The unaccountable successive governments, civil or military, have made the state non viable. Even the recent resentment by the army about American aid might be logical but the way they were raised should not have been like this. It did give an impression that Pakistan is a Banana State
Pakistan has to learn to sort out their internal problems without a phone call from 00966 or GHQ to earn respectability. While Pukhtoons are fighting a war of the survival of Pakistan, it is painful to see, the bullying attitude of Mian Nawaz Sharif regarding naming of our province.
The internal contradictions of Pakistan are so grave that the viability of the state is in question. The total no viability of politicians has made the situation worse. The present diplomatic activity is just for public consumption. USA cannot afford to put its international standing at stake for the sake of Pakistan. We have to learn to live with realities on the ground.
It is of paramount importance to work together with India and Afghanistan to eradicate menace of terrorism. It is silliness to say that the brother of Hamid Karzai is on pay role of CIA while forgetting that our country is on pay role of CIA.
By Dr. Khurshid Alam Dated 30th Oct. 2009

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