Friday, 30 October 2009
For the last 10 to 15 years the above topic has been a point of hot discussions in and outside of Pakistan, in circles, which matter. It is a very sensitive and complicated topic and need to be discussed by seasoned analysts.
It will be unfair for a professionally medical person like me, to analyse it thread by thread. I am a political worker of ANP and proud to have countless browbeats on my body, but not a single black spot. We have fought a long war against tyranny and dictatorship and still striving to complete our unfinished mission.
Those who are trying to take the credit for democratic values, trying to forget that Pakistan existed for a long time, before they were born. Ours is the only political platform, having graveyards of our martyrs. Our leaders and workers have built the prisons in Pakistan and India. It will be unfair to forget those who were killed, IN TAREEK RAHOON MAIN. We salute all the martyrs of all but along with ours.
Coming to my topic; I feel that the countries are made by people; with two exceptions Pakistan & Israel. The rulers make or break them.
If Pakistan is considered non-viable state today, we are duty bound to analyse those who have been in power at different times, to bring the country to this stage. Country just does not break or become non viable, without reasons. It is taken to the state of non-viability by events and there are always men behind the policies and events.
Those who matter are the people in power. That is called the government. The public delegate its power to the government, to run day-to-day affairs and look after the security, organise and stream line the public needs. To define the role of every section of the government, a draft is framed, so there is no tussle or confusions in their duties. This is called the constitution of the country. If every section of these public servants carries according to the rule of the game, the public is at peace and the country is stable and strong
But if the public servants starts posing to be the rulers or interfering in each others sphere of activity or competition of power struggle erupts between the different pillars of the government; this result in non –viable government. If un checked, can result in to non-viable state.
In my humble opinion, the problem of non-viability of Pakistani state is the incompetent successive governments, with no system of accountability and their lust for power. The masters became the captives of their own servants and the people were disfranchised & robbed of power.
Those who were allotted a particular duty, started interfering in other’s sphere or engaged themselves in power tussle, conspiracies leading the country to the non viable statehood If the situation were never tackled in time and the process of decay was not nipped in bud the ultimate logical end was disintegration.
It was unfortunate that the different section was not made bound to stick to the fair game. No rules of the game were farmed and the accountability was never galvanised. Divinity was enshrined in the process. Instead of framing the rule game, dogma and personality cults were introduced and were kept above the accountability.
The sovereign parliament was never allowed to establish to make the rules. The judiciary surrendered their freedom, for their vested interest and so the referee to interpret the rule became the sub servants of the servants. The executive conspired with politician or generals to convince them that there is no need to start the rule of law and it will be better to scratch each other’s back and make a fortune, to safeguard the future of our own children.
The people trained to provide the security to the people and protect the boundaries of the country, took the advantage of the weak and corrupt civil servants and representatives, took over the power in the name of the fair play and established new horizons of corruption. The security of the people was left; thugs, professional killers and terrorists filled the vacuum. Anarchy became the norm of the day. The state collapsed politically and financially.
There was open for all loot, plunder and nepotism. The voice of the public, the independent journalism was gagged. A nation without voice suffered in dead silence.
The state exchequer became personal property and was looted with both hands by all without exception and the money was siphoned to outside banks and established big businesses in other countries.
Refused to pay the income tax even on the small assets left in the country. The nation of beggars with the richest rulers in the world came into being. The nation was given begging bowl, to beg. Every thing in the country was put on sale
This created a big vacuum that sucked in the international players and so called rich friends. They started pouring the aid and loan not to help the country but to acquire interference in the internal affairs of the country. The so-called sovereignty of the country was sold for minimum.
With the passage of time, the donors started putting conditionality with their loans. They did have logic behind their demand as they realised that the loans or aid was being given and the outcome was nil. As that money went to the pockets of politicians, civil and military bureaucracy. The powerful Middle Eastern magnets too started to have a say in our internal affair.
The corruption spread like cancer in the body politics of the country vertically and horizontally. Like maggots the very foundations of the state were eaten. Any one and every one, friend and foe came in with its own agenda.
The civil and military bureaucracy became international surrogates and was termed by the daily GUARDIAN, as the dollar washed sons of American Imperialism.
There were spell of civil rules, which were in no way democratic. The civilian dictators are morally and politically more corrupt than their military counter parts. Basically they were conspirators not politicians and always pulled down each other conspiring with army.
Pakistan became an international liability. Liability is always handled as a commodity. If we have to demand friendship with US or for that matter even with India, what is there that we can offer? The equality is between two equals. Do we have that status?
No security to the masses, the disappearance of all basic necessities; made the life a hell for a common man. Those who could afford, left the country, the rest were left at the mercy of hired killers.
The professional ability of armed forces, in spite of having advanced American weapons went down. The institution known for its discipline has a band of rogue element. People have rightly started suspecting that probably the ISI is still having strong links with Taliban cum terrorists after the carnage in Peshawar. The complete inability of ISI, to prove its efficiency and honesty of purpose, is a big question mark?
After the British left, India had the advantage over Pakistan by having seasoned politicians, who had been through a long struggle for freedom, with rudimentary institutions and trained bureaucracy. They built on it. We retained some governors and police chiefs but failed to build our institutions. It was a super structure without infrastructure.
The embezzlements of public revenue and foreign aid were so ruthlessly carried out that the donor states were left to doubt us. So the aid was link with preconditions.
It was we, grumbling that the USA is investing in our army but in public. Now when they started to do it, suddenly some sections woke up from slumber to ask for already lost sovereinigty. The present sorry state of affair started from the days of Liaquat Ali’s and reached its zenith during Zia and Musharaf rule.
Like us, India too spends a huge portion of its budget on military establishment but that has to be discussed in the parliament. In Pakistan, this institution is the sacred cow, not to be touched. Even if a military vehicle is involved in a traffic accident, traffic police can register no FIR.
The unaccountable successive governments, civil or military, have made the state non viable. Even the recent resentment by the army about American aid might be logical but the way they were raised should not have been like this. It did give an impression that Pakistan is a Banana State
Pakistan has to learn to sort out their internal problems without a phone call from 00966 or GHQ to earn respectability. While Pukhtoons are fighting a war of the survival of Pakistan, it is painful to see, the bullying attitude of Mian Nawaz Sharif regarding naming of our province.
The internal contradictions of Pakistan are so grave that the viability of the state is in question. The total no viability of politicians has made the situation worse. The present diplomatic activity is just for public consumption. USA cannot afford to put its international standing at stake for the sake of Pakistan. We have to learn to live with realities on the ground.
It is of paramount importance to work together with India and Afghanistan to eradicate menace of terrorism. It is silliness to say that the brother of Hamid Karzai is on pay role of CIA while forgetting that our country is on pay role of CIA.
By Dr. Khurshid Alam Dated 30th Oct. 2009
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Let me first go back to my articles about the containment of the fire of terrorism. We should be clear in our mind that if it is not impossible for a conventional army to root out this menace, it is certainly one of the most difficult tasks for any army. It needs continuity, best intelligence network and national resolve and dedication.
Those who are non committal or talking of negotiations at this moment of time, I have no hesitation to say that they are the co sailors of terrorists, sailing in the same boat.
Though they were implanted, trained and financed by our military establishment during Zia and Musharaf rule, to legitimize their illegitimacy. Now those forces are threat to the integrity of the country. We are living in fire while Musharaf is sniffing the evening breeze of Edgware in London.
The present military and political leadership is reaping the harvest of their predecessors. It is their moral duty to bring those criminals in to the book. Those who try to avoid this accountability; they will be considered equally responsible for the heinous crimes; being conducted by these beasts against the country at large and Pukhtoons in particular. They are the accomplices of these beasts.
Military action is unavoidable but Pukhtoons blood let is more than the terrorists. Pukhtoons are made refugees, homes and hearths destroyed.
Pukhtoons have been made to give all these sacrifices for a country; which neither recognise their national identity nor recognise their rights to be the master of their own land and resources.
Nawaz Sharif stands conspicuous in this category. When he opted for royal refuge, I have seen Late Mian Sahib crying and cursing him. Though he is limited to Punjab, but still it is the second biggest party and has a nuisance value.
Pakistan minus Punjab is nothing but Pakistan plus Punjab is a larger Punjab, called Pakistan; for international political convenience, which exists for last 62 years. I may be condemning that if we have no respectable place in Pakistan and we are the first line to take maximum casualties from the military and terrorist; then why we should support the military action? My answer is simple that history has brought us to this stage that we have no choice. It is a support under the compulsion of circumstances. We are the victims of history. Let me frankly confess that our boycott of the referendum in 1947; was opting by default for this situation. That was a historical mistake and in the same seam was our blind faith in Indian national congress. Those who were trusted have thrown us to the wolves, proved true after 62 years.
We have all contributed directly or by default to the miseries of Pukhtoons, on both sides of Durand line. Enemies should not be blamed but we must accept our failures. While holly is being played with our blood, human flesh is scattered all around, should we still trust the representative of Punjab Ashrafia; Mian Nawaz Sharif?
Now coming to the gangs of beasts. Al Qaeda was imported from Saudi Arabia, trained and groomed by USA and us.
The word Taliban is not there in Pashto dictionary, they are called Chanrey in Pashto. It is an imported word and the organisation and training of this movement was purely carried out by ISI.
The movement of Taliban started from our historical city Qandahar. Like all movements in the past; it was in response to the corruption in the government of Hizbs and the policies of Ahmad Shah Masood and Prof Rabbani.
Initially it was purely a nationalist move, supported by Afghan Millat, Gulbadeen Hikmatyar. even the strong supporters of Dr. Najeeb Regimen.
ISI and Saudi hijacked the movement and the top leadership was heavily bribed, indoctrinated by Wahabi School of thought.
They had neither support of al Qaeda at that time, nor they have now. They extend support to each other, just to defeat a common enemy. Al Qaeda in particular is more suspicious of Taliban because of their secret links with ISI.
Taliban sphere of activities were limited to Afghanistan while Al Qaeda had global ambitions. The folly they made was to stick to their cultural values disregarding the repercussions of their decision. US attack on Afghanistan brought them more closely to each other but Al Qaeda maintained their distance.
Afghan Taliban were supported, trained and indoctrinated in the Madrassa inside Pakistan. The Military Governments, ISI and the religious sectarian parties were involved in its grooming. It is not some thing secret, Zia boasted about it.
It was all in the knowledge of ISI; who were supplying the fuel to the fire, in the form of cash and personnel in and outside Pakistan.
There was huge civil support on their back in Gulf States. I was working in Riyadh at that time in a university hospital and was listening to the most educated Saudi. Afghan Taliban was no attraction for Al Qaeda, it was the terrain that attracted Al Qaeda but in the course of events, it was Taliban who were punished by USA and Pakistan.
Musharaf is on record to confess it. He should be brought to Peshawar to face the public and the blood bath given to Peshawar every day.
The sectarian organisations in Pakistan had their military wings for a long time, if the readers still remember Al Shams & Al Badar atrocities on Bengalis during Bangla Desh war.
Now the facilities were available at the doorsteps, MULLAH wanted for religious revolution all over the world and MILITARY needed them in Kashmir and India. It was the convergence of different interests, using the same tool.
A clique was born in Pakistan Under the guardianship of Zia and the sectarian organisations. The most prominent out of them was J.I. of Pakistan, who enjoyed the closest relation with Saudi rulers. It was also decided in principle that a certain percentage of commissioned officers should be J.I. recommended persons. So an indoctrinated section was created in the army too. These officers had the patronisation of generals like Zia and Hamid Gul.
The majority of Pakistani or Punjabi Taliban; though using the same facilities, supporting each others now and then; but were never under one command. The subsequent more births of the terrorist groups were either on sectarian basis or personality cult.
The Pakistani Taliban was driving its strength from sectarian political parties, a section of army and three top generals Zia, Musharaf and Hamid Gul. A soft corner of Nawaz Muslim League could not be ruled out.
The terrorists from Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Bangla Desh and Arab States were indoctrinated; on the other hand the great majority terrorists of central Asian origin are surrogate terrorists and professional killers. They were the by-products of economical deprivation in their own countries.
The same reason could be applied to the impoverish locals who have been the victims of 62 years of deprivation and exploitation. The poverty and illiteracy is the lethal combination and can be moulded in any form. When the young teenagers are made political orphans and young mothers are political widows.
That’s how; the illegal governments of Pakistan succeeded in Talibanization of our area and legitimising their rule. The word ”Taliban”, resources and instructors were all imported; except the land that was ours. It is neither an indigenous word, nor it was an indigenous process.
In Pakistan they had patrons in every section of society. Afghanistan government and USA adopted a totally wrong approach to the problem. No negotiation at any cost or with any one.
Corruption, the presence of warlords in the government of Kabul was eroding the basis of the institutions. People were disappointed with the performance of the government and felt that the US forces has the free hand.
One of the local factors, which I noticed, was intense resentment in the local Afghans that there is no proportionate representation in the government and I was told that the picture of Ahmad Shah Masood was displayed every where with the president but they could not dare to display the picture of Dr Najeeb Picture in the windows of their shops. The shopkeeper took me to their shops, begged if I can use my influence, what they did not know poor that I was just a visitor and secretly trying to find the facts.
What ever the terrorists aim and origin may be; but they do not deserve mercy of any kind. But the room for back ground diplomacy must be kept open. The civil societies and intelligence agencies can play a vital role. There could be rifts, financial compulsions, use of force and many social problems of local people that these beasts are exploiting. We can pull them out to mainstream.
On both sides of the Durand line a united and organised movement should be launched. It is impossible to have peace on one side and war on the other. The military strikes should not be only strategically oriented; but every effort should be used to open up the back door for diplomacy. The armed forces should not be deterred from their mission. But the bridges for graceful retreat after victory should not be destroyed.
It is still not an easy war to win, but we cannot afford to loose it. But this self-created menace has been either mishandled or was ignored intentionally, even at times, they were patronised. Our forces are fighting shadows of evil.
There is a big difference between two confrontational forces. One is in uniform under a well-defined command structure. The other is mentally in uniform, with a fixed frame of mind, nothing on their body to identify them. To them world and life means nothing, so they are least concerned about others life.
Once again, I must refer to my previous articles that these satanic forces cannot work with out roots in the important sections of society, which must be exposed. Those who are against the begging bowl; must show us the alternative? Is Nawaz Sharif having the strength of character to tell Hillary Clinton; to get out of Pakistan, he neither needs their arms nor cash.
Violence cannot be given a shape. Once introduced, it can assume any shape and hit any place. The selection of terrain and target is their choice.
When our military rulers were planning jihad in Kashmir or Afghanistan; they selected the battleground on our soil. As it was not main land in their perception, nor they had the vision to see beyond the tip of their nose.
Our nationalist leadership should rise to the occasion and stop looking to others to find the solution of our blood let but to take the control of the events locally, nationally and internationally.
The ghost we created to consume our blood and flesh. The army may be doing their job, but I am afraid the intelligence agencies are not. So for neither they have trapped a single important big fish nor they have sabotaged a single terrorist act on our innocent civilians. I know it is not possible to stop them but its ferocity and frequency has increased instead of decrease.
By Dr. Khurshid Alam
28th October 2009.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Our public is constantly being bombarded by our official media about the interference of certain countries in our internal affairs. This is some thing which I always hear since I have started knowing a bit of political process, since early 60s.
If our rulers are honest, then it should not worry us too much, as no damage has done to us, showing the intrinsic strength of our country. Where the enemy failed; our leaders succeeded to damage the country.
We are constantly being told that India and Afghanistan are the two culprits. The foreign countries usually interfere when there are breaches in a country physical or political body, or if the country is a source of threat to others, but the national interest is always the top priority. No country interferes in another country unless national interest is involved.
These sorts of statements are usually being used as a ploy to divert the attention of the public from their internal problems or the unpopular government need a breathing space, last but not the least if there is total incompetence of the rulers. One must put this fact in mind, any country with sensible leaders will have to think 10 times, to destabilise a neighbouring country. A destabilise neighbour has always having fallouts. To have a knock off-balance country on the border is a matter of great concern for all neighbours.
Pakistan is always pointing out fingers to India and Afghanistan. I have been involved in politics as a student and later on sine early sixties. I have always noticed it to the contrary.
It is better to analyse these points rationally.
Let us take first Afghanistan. Durand line is a bone of contentions between the two countries since Pakistan came in to existence. The very name of the line stinks foul. This line has bisected the physical body of a nation, separating brother from brother. It is so un-natural in its character and not justifiable by any rational mind. It is a colonial remnant.
Pakistan took up this matter with Afghanistan diplomatically in its early days. Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar and Sardar Hashim signed a pact, but sabotaged by Ch. Khaliquz Zaman and never saw the daylight.
After initial diplomatic failure, Pakistan resorted to vicious tactics, to create circumstances, which can force Afghanistan to yield to pressure. Pakistan never missed a single chance, till they were successful to bring Hizbies followed by Taliban in to power, even they refused to accept it. Pakistan has nakedly and brazenly interfered in Afghanistan. Now what Pakistan is reaping, is the fallouts of a destabilised country on its western border. The source of blood let in Pukhtoons belt, is the brood of Durand line. Aim, to kneel down Afghanistan. As for as I can see; Afghanistan being a small land lock country, was not and is not a military threat to Pakistan. In it’s present shape, it is a truncated country, economically can be easily gagged by Pakistan. On occasion that have raised the issue in UNO, but no more.
Let me not be ashamed or hesitant to say that in my opinion it has no moral, historical and logical reason that, Durand Line should exist. Pakistan or India was not a party to this issue; the parties involved were British and Afghans.
After my exhaustive discussions with top political leaders, civil servants and journalists of India, It was bluntly discussed that the Indian national interest lies in a stable Pakistan. They consider Pakistan as a wall of sand of bags on its western border. Bay Bandas Shastri; a freedom fighter told me in late seventies that even a weaker government in Pakistan is not in the interest of India, as it will attract the international players. India will be the last to have them on its western border.
We went in to four wars with India. Retrospectively looking at them, they were all fought to divert our attention from illegal military regimens. The last one was an undeclared war launched by Musharaf. Sarcastically Shastri remarked once, we cannot afford 5 divisions army to be deployed and on red alert on our western border. It cost us fortune; if Pakistan is weak or destabilised.
Iran had extremely closed relations with Pakistan, till Pakistan’s interest clashed with Iran, in Afghanistan and opted for Saudi to Hizbies, a Wahabi school of thought. I have no idea, where is the threat? Certainly not from outside.
Let us, be logical and sensible. It is better to analyse our domestic situation. We have always being ruled by dictators, civilian or military. There was and is no change in their mind make up.
Every master ruled Pakistan, as if it is his inherited property. With hardly any exception they plundered the country, loot and nepotism were the norms.
They spent beyond the means of the country. The foreign tours were conducted in a royal style. No delegation was less than hundred. Mr Z.A. Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif took Indhra Gandhi and Bill Clinton by surprise by the shear size of their delegations. Mrs. Gandhi had to apologise to Bhutto that as they were not expecting such a huge delegation after such a big war they have to send members to Delhi for stay due to lack of accommodation in Shimla.
Palatial structures were built without infra structure, in the name of institutions without institution. None was less than a 5 star hotel. Every one ruled according to his whims and to earn as much as he could. Elections were money oriented, to keep out the less privileged class and became the most profiteering business in the country.
Bonaparte’s ran the country. Most of the time the constitution was not there but when 73 constitutions was framed to be kept on ice and then amended beyond recognition.
This attitude resulted in huge breeches in the political body of the country. The gulf between poor and rich widened and so between provinces. The federating units were robbed of their historical, cultural, rights and their natural resources. The foreign aids and loans were spent in Punjab and Karachi.
Three political deadly slogans were used mercilessly and divine ferocity. The idea of strong centre, ideology of Pakistan and big brother concept were used in the name of Islam. The irony of the fact was, nothing was learnt from the tragedy of Bangla Desh. The three-ponged attack on smaller nations became more ferocious and intense. The main aim was the denial of national identity to smaller nations and to squeeze their last drop of blood. The champion of this idea is basically all Muslim leaguers particularly Nawaz Sharif.
The military budget is not debatable in the house. The 6th biggest army is maintained by the nation, who captured their own people 4 times, ruled the country for 35 years with iron hand. The spells of civilian rules were engineered by armed forces.
It will be of interest to the public to know that only one fourth of this huge apparatus is the fighting force. The rest are all working in the farms and residences of the generals and rulers.
A white elephant, I.S.I was created, to interfere in all neighbouring countries and to harass its own people. Picked any citizen anywhere and hand over to Americans. The sovereignty of the country was sold in open market for few dollars.
May I ask; who created the conducive environments for out side forces to interfere in our internal affairs. Whenever there are breaches in the political body, there will be vacuum. It is the law of the nature that foreign forces will be sucked in. It was one of the reasons that armed forces were sucked in due to absence of competent political leadership. It was the total non-availability of political leadership that the democracy failed to develop roots in the country.
Our rulers provided opportunity to others; to interfere in our internal problems due politico- economical instability and meddling in others affairs. Apart from the countries even the influential magnets, were invited to solve our political problems. Since the days of Liaquat Ali khan the Americans have the undeniable right to use our land and facilities for any purpose, they wished.
India had the same problem on its eastern border after independence; to have North East Frontier Province but they dealt with it immediately. We are still having N.W.F.P. because the t adamant and bullish attitude of Nawaz Sharif, using Hazara as a trump Card. It will be suicidal for us, if our nationalist leaders to show any flexibility on this issue. If I have to be asked I will have no objection to let the two districts of Haripur and Abbot Abad go, in return for our two of districts; Mianwali and Attock. The present demarcation was inherited by Pakistan from British. We support the right of Seraiki and Potohar, on the same basis. But that will need constitutional changes in the power of upper house. As it comes to Pukhtoons rights, they are all united. Our fear is not without foundation of last 62 years.
We should shut ourselves to Indian phobia; it is a tool in the hands of our rulers to rob us. During Zia rule we were physically involved in four places in India, Kashmir, East Punjab, Gujarat and Assam. Our involvement in the Muslim dominated provinces in China is an open secret, thanks to the ideology of Pakistan.
As for Afghanistan is concerned it is in shamble. Thanks to ISI and Pakistani establishment. They are not in a position to physically interfere in Pakistan. If government allegations are true, then they are justified to send back the arms and ammunitions sent by Pakistan to the warlords there.
But to give up their national resolve to give up their national right could not be expected from Afghans. In spite of all odds they are the proudest nation one can think of. In the history of Afghanistan there has never been absolute monarchy. It was always decentralised cultural monarchy. No government has the right to decide the fate of Durand Line. It has to be grand (Loya) Jirga.
I as a Pukhtoon will never ever accept the right of Mian Nawaz Sharif to name my Mother Land. He is himself a Kashmiri immigrant in Punjab. He is allowed to take Mehtab Abasi and share with him his Raiwand Estate. In case he fails to obstruct our demand then we have the right to demand to change the name of Pakistan. It should read then as Pkistan.
I salute the nationalist forces in Punjab and appreciate their close ties with east Punjab but Mian Sahib should be taught the difference between nationalism and fascism.
I appeal to sensible Pakistani citizen to ponder over these issues and differentiate between made in Pakistan and made in India.
As for Baluchistan insurgency is concerned; it is gift of Pakistani rulers they have to pay the price for it. Nothing in this world is without a price. To every action there is equal and opposite reaction. At the moment it is not equal, but the process is waiting for Pakistan’s follies.
Enough is enough. If my death is some one’s life, let him die. The democrats of Punjab must rise above personal gains to protect the federation and harness this power-intoxicated elephant. We do realise that he cannot survive without power. If a new federation with east Punjab is about to be mature then I feel we should not object to it, as it will be more natural.
By Dr. Khurshid Alam
London. Dated 24th October 2009
Friday, 23 October 2009
Followed by military action in Waziristan the terror strikes through out Pakistan. The main target is Pukhtoons belt and Islam Abad. It was expected. Terror anywhere, in any way, for any aim, has to be condemned and crushed without ifs and buts. It is a beastly act and has no place in a human society. The more it is difficult the more it is the scream of the Time.
It will be inhuman and immoral to defend it for any reason. Listening to the political discussions, I am yet to hear that one of our politician or military generals would have the moral courage to come forward and say that he/ she is ashamed that to be a party to that government which, introduced this beastly game in the political body of Pakistan. If they had that strength of moral fabric they would have never been a party to it. So it was wrong on my part to wait for a person who is extinct in our ruling class. It hurts me equally when innocent lives are lost, any where in the world for whatever reason. I am of firm conviction that wherever blood is shed, the centre of the world should be gravitating to that point.
It should be irrespective of race, colour, creed or religion. But I must point out for the sake of record, that when the terror crossed the Indus, it suddenly dawned on our rulers that this beastly animal should be nipped and is not only a threat to the integrity of Pakistan but shame to ISLAM. The interior minister Rehman Malik is on record, that though the terrorist were there for the last 20 years or more, but when the main land was targeted, they started to think, it is the question of our survival. He opined, now it is their war and they must win, while talking to P.J.Mir on ARY. It clearly shows that Pukhtoon belt were never a part of the main land in his view and our national extinction meant nothing to them. In Pakistan too, there are sacred cows, unless they are hit, nothing comes in to action.
I certainly will be the last one person to support any violence. To me it is animal’s behaviour. But I wonder where are those people who dubbed us as the followers of Gandhi or agents of Hindu and were preparing the nation for Jihad, which subsequently became a “FASAD”
Afghanistan was the first victim of state sponsored terrorism s, in close collaboration with sectarian organisation. Those who failed to promulgate Islam in The Islamic republic, wanted to export it.
The provincial Amir of J.I. supported the Jihad (Terrorism).
And lashed out on Abdul Ghafar Khan. That the non-violence is not for small nations. AGK supported the Hindu philosophy, as he was sold to Gandhi. This he said while addressing “Malgari Doctoran” in green hotel Peshawar, where representative of all school of thought were invited.
The mental make up of Pakistani rulers are not much different than USA. They have double standard at global level and price tagged different blood differently. Pakistan is doing the same, at local level. To our rulers, Pukhtoons blood meant nothing; as for they could get the perks of front line states and get US arms for their armed forces. On global level USA strategists will not allow any hit on USA or for that matter Israel in the Middle East.
For the last thirty years we Pukhtoons on both sides of Durand Line were subjected to target killing by Pakistani Agencies on one hand and by Pakistan hired terrorist, on the other. As Dr. Said Alam said without chewing words that 350 men of word were the victim of this heinous crimes. When I went to Kabul, we were shown a copy of press release of UNO.
It is obscured and total humbug to say that terrorism started when Russian invaded Afghanistan. Pakistan involvement in Afghanistan’s internal affair goes back to the days of Liaquat Ali khan. The active involvement started when Sardar Daud took over. Pakistan should have supported that positive change but instead Late Mr. Bhutto revived forward policy of British and the most undiplomatic language.
The process took the impetus, when Russian provided an opportunity to legitimize his illegitimate rule, who started dreaming of Afghanistan as a 5th province, to deepen the strategic depth of Pakistan.
We should bear in mind that wherever you introduce bullet and terror, in any form in a place, it is impossible to determine its boundaries or to keep it on tight rope to function.
Late Wali Khan almost begged Gen. Zia that a destabilize Afghanistan will ultimately destabilize Pakistan, if you put Kabul on fire it will definitely spread to Islam Abad, if you are sending ammunitions to Afghanistan, please don’t expect them to send you bouquet of flowers. I haven’t changed even the sequence of words in this conversation.
Late president Sadat of Egypt is on record to confess that his government sent half million Russian assault rifles to Pakistan, in return to get US assault rifles for his army. Rehman Malik may be the interior minister of a civil government but his mental make up is the same, specially trimmed for Islam Abad. It is special frame of mind that rules from Islam Abad, people are irrelevant.
We have been grimaced between two hard and rough surface, Pakistani agencies on one side and fanatics on other. Rehman Malik’s main land was not touched, so he was not alarmed. There is hardly any change in civilian and military vision, once they are in Islam Abad. Musharaf projected Pukhtoons as terrorists, to legitimise his illegitimacy. Was it not a criminal act to see off, one of the biggest criminals, Musharaf, with full state honour? Should we accept it as change of faces and continuation of Zia and Musharaf policy?
The accountability has become of immense importance. The international big criminals must be brought to face the tune. He and his coterie must have accountability and the other should be punished post humus.
Terrorist cannot be contained in a particular shape. Whether it was Hizbies, Taliban or terrorists. They originated from the same philosophy of violence. Violence in any form, will take the shape as it suits them. No doubt that there are foreign rogue elements. But may I ask who made the pitch for them to play? Was it not Mullah and Military alliance, which gave birth militancy and insurgency?
May I ask; is it USA on fire or its US citizens who are being massacred in cold blood every day? Is Peshawar, Islam Abad, Swat and Waziristan a part of USA? Whose war is this? Those who still consider it a US war; they should qualify their statements in front of a bench of accountability.
Those who are swimming in Luke warm water, all types Muslim Leagues to be added to two other Ms. The history has revealed the faces, the dust has settled down. The ground and sky are on fire, in flames, the faces are clearly visible. Unless those in power have closed their eyes and plugged their ears, neither can see nor hear these explosions, detonated in waves. Yes I agree that initially it was not our war, but who put our houses on fire? After Swat, it is Waziristan on fire and the are IDPs are again Pukhtoons. Not that, we are being killed only, we are being robbed of human dignity and national pride. I could expect any body, but not Jasmine to bring Contractor Amir Muqam, the stooge of Begamat and advisor to Musharaf, on her talk. I am ashamed that he hails from my district. It will be insult of my political wisdom to comment on him. We want some thing to put our wounds to sleep, not to put salt in their open mouths.
The time when satanic forces could be nipped in the bud was during Zia; but unluckily he was the band Master of the bandits.
The country is reaping the harvest of the seeds, sown by our own Band Masters. It will be another crime to raise fingers at others, even if India or other countries are involved, we must have provided the opportunity and prepared the ground for them? Does it need very rare intelligence or just a common sense, which is indeed a rare sense?
We should not mislead the public any more. We must tell them, to be ready for a long drawn war. We are fighting satanic shadows, which are better trained than our armed forces, having an excellent battlefield experience and seem well connected with religious parties and other sensitive agencies and armed forces. We must our people that we are at war with a frame of mind. It is easy to eliminate persons but not possible to eliminate a frame of mind, intoxicated, indoctrinated deeply and implanted in every section of our society by Mullah and Military alliance.
Our heads hang in shame that we have these black sheep’s in our rank and file, but can neither console our public nor can make it easy for our forces in combat. But resolve can make a difference without compromising on accountability.
With my apologies to the poet,” ES GHAR KO AAG LAG GAYEE… GHAR KEY DARBAN SEY. Will it not be a good resolve that we will not cheat our history? This is the least we can do for our forces.
By DR. Khurshid Alam… dated 0ct, 23rd 2009
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Pakistan owes most of it's problems to its genesis. Its successive rulers added the rest on the top. They had very little clue how to avoid further complications, nor they bothered about for it. To bring up a little baby is already an enormous task and the genetic abnormalities and prematurity makes the task more difficult. The inexperienced midwives make a mess of every thing. It was treated like a little guinea pig and every one was experimenting on it. Instead of following the prescription of 1940 they decided to the contrary.
Mr. Jinnah must be given credit to make a case out of nothing, thanks to Indian national congress and British. Indian midwives assisted British surgeon.
Pakistan was bound to have complications but the carers were least experienced and least worried about the future of the baby and it effects on its normal growth
The people in uniform were involved at a very early stage and the help of American specialist was sought at a huge cost, the newly born was mortgaged, in return for medicinal supply in the form of Dollars.
The vital organs were not allowed to mature, to defend itself and by the time the child reached to 27 year, it lost more than half of the body, at the hands of these jack of all but master of none. Every new crisis was worse than the previous one; the vital organs were damaged beyond repair.
Now 62 years but still convulsing and pushing it to that state of non-viability. The civilian leadership has proved its incompetence beyond doubt. They have stamped the fact that they are the Brainchildren of military dictatorship and historical blunders. To call them politicians will be an insult of politics. Except on two occasions, there has never been a political movement in our country; the first one was against Ayub Khan and the second was the long struggle of black coats. The rest were all power struggles. The first one had a political miscarriage and nothing materialised but the second one succeeded as it was in professionals hands, and they were vigilant that the so called politicians are good at hijacking. Though Mian Sahib did try but could not succeed.
So for we don’t have any institutions to run the country deomcratically or to ensure the transition of power smoothly and transparently. Accountability is being used for political victimization. There is no cheque and balance. The murderers and those who abrogated the constitution are scot-free and were sent off with all official pomp and show as if he was a national hero. Moneyed aristocracy, landlords and industrialists, filled the vacuums due to non-existence of the institutions. Those who failed to run their businesses leaped in to politics and since the system was money oriented they made political and financial fortunes.
Internal weakness reflected in our external policies and we were fully exploited, whether they were Americans or Saudi. Not only the out side countries but the influential and moneyed magnets of Middle East unashamedly interfered in our internal and external affairs. Mian Nawaz Sharif and Musharaf introduced the individuals’ interference.
The most disgracing aspect is that we are begging for aid and then ask the donor to give on our terms. I think the beggars at Islam Abad airport have learnt the trick of the trade from our politicians. As you come out the whole army surrounds you and they refuse to accept if you give them in rupees they ask for sterling, riyals or Dirham, as they know the flights origination and demand accordingly. We do appreciate the heart ach of our politicians for national pride but I wish they paid the income taxes of last 10 -20 years. It will solve the problem.
Our so-called politicians want to be given bath, shrouded and given forgiveness. They create all the problems and they look outside the boundaries of the country for some one to solve it for them or ask the public to be ready for sacrifices. Isn’t it an open invitation to others?
I have my strong reservation that democracy will ever take roots in Pakistan, if the present lot is at the helm of affairs. None of them has that frame of mind. None of them is ready to sit in opposition. An opposition that is neither friendly nor conspiratorial in nature. A genuine, constructive opposition is the key to a healthy democracy. We mist not forget that when Late Z.A.Bhutto refused to accept the role of elected opposition leader the country disintegrated. Is Mian Sahib planning to do the same?
Democracy has two wheels to roll on smoothly. The treasury and the opposition led by the leader of the house and leader of opposition. Who is a shadow Prime Minister? Refusal to be the elected leader of opposition is either derailing of democratic process or breaking of the country. We have no doubt that Ch. Nisar is a good parliamentarian but after all he is the member of Nawaz league and cannot be a replacement of Mian Nawaz. When he and Mian Shehbaz met the chief of staff in the dark of the night, it was Nawaz Sharif to show his resentment that they should have met him in broad daylight. It was his statement, which calmed the public.
Mian Sahib must answer some questions, not in Raiwand but on the floor, to clear the clouds about his intentions.
What is holding Him Back?
What is his party stand on military action? His non-committal statements denote his support for terrorist by default.
His unambiguous and clear picture about federal democracy? On one hand he was screaming at the top of his voice when it came to clamp governor rule in Punjab, on the other hand he is refranchising Pukhtoons.
Chartered of democracy was pact between him and Shaheed Benazir. He has expressed his opinion about Pukhtoons. How we could be expected to trust him keeping his track record in mind. We honestly believe that 1973 constitution is out of dated document to hold the federation together, in the present imbalance Pakistan. It is the time to put all these documents to gather and frame a new constitution. Mian Sahib is not trust worthy. If some one from Haripur or Abbot Abad wants deprive us of our identity we are ready for re demarcations of the provinces.
He must clarify his refusal to contest after the visit to Saudi Arab and reveal the real deal between him, Musharaf, King of Saudi Arabia and Mr. Hariri of Lebanon.
What are his reservations about American aid and what is the alternative in his mind?
Democracy, as claimed by few, is not the dictatorship of the majority but it is the accommodation of minority. Majority has no right to defranchise those who have voted for the opposition. Mian Sahib is in the best position to put to the house, the secret deals and give an alternative?
MQM, ANP, and the reservations of other small nations must be clarified?
All the foreign dignitaries visit him and the statement issued at the end is the same as they issue after their meetings with the government official but still his the statements issued from the Raiwand are to the contrary?
The present governance is condemnable, but the opposition still have to show its role to be commended. It stinks foul.
Every government ask the people to be ready for sacrifices for the integrity of the country. Is it not the right of the people to ask the rulers show their sacrifices?
It is the time to say enough is enough. People have nothing to sacrifice? Can you?
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Is the nation backs the military
The armed forces are fighting a shadow, with a strong mind frame, in a pitch dark. As I pointed out in my last article, there is no weapon, which can match a frame of mind. They are present everywhere and seen nowhere.
Their precision of targets and tactical strategy is an eye opener for all of us. Ii is impossible to have a sustain wave of attacks with minimum loss. The logic of war lies with them; to choose the target and terrain. Their battlefield experience is longer than the whole career of some senior officers.
To conduct such war is almost impossible without the roots in the important section of society, including agencies, armed forces and political organization. Divinity is the mother of a blind faith or dogma. Blind faith has no comparable counter offensive arm, to match. It makes the life meaningless and death more attractive. One looses his interest in this world around and starts dreaming of the countless bounties of GOD, in the world after. This frame of mind is shut to all logic. When logic loose its relevance, the human is worse than a beast. Destruction gives him/ her happiness and pleasure. The person is completely disassociated from the surrounding and is focussed only on the target. By and large, the less privileged class is more vulnerable to these temptations.
As mentioned before without roots in the informed section of society, they are paralysed. They have to be uprooted from the society to be defeat. The agencies gains more importance and assume the role of mind and eyes of the combating force. Their incompetence can turn the table up side down and could be disastrous. The situation turns more dangerous, if the rogue elements have infiltrated the important section of the society. It is the national resolve, which deliver victory. The backing of this resolve is the source of strength for the force in combat.
Is our military force having the resolve of the nation on their back? Have we succeeded in uprooting them from the broad base of the society? These are crucially important questions and must be addressed to, with serenity and logic. We must be honest and to the points in our analysis. Nothing should deter us from the truth and there is no room for compromises, reconciliation and political scoring.
Let us have a look of their prime targets? They are the provincial and federal establishments, armed forces and their subsidiary organisations. In civilians, their targets are nationalist, democratic forces; with liberal thinking civil societies and journalists. If we closely observe their victims; there is hardly any from religious parties, sectarian organization and any brand of Muslim leaguers . I mean to say M.L. (N, Q, F, etc.). While the army has launched its offensive in the most difficult terrain, either to condemn the action or to talk of political negotiation or remain non committal at this stage, is practically the same, as supporting rogue elements or to withdraw the nationwide resolve on the back of the armed forces. It is not the time to remain mum, but to be in support or against. There is no grey area. Neither it is the time to look for political capitalization.
We as a nation have the right to put the question to those, to know their standing at this crucial time? It is a serious matter, if the officers in GHQ are not safe, how on earth these elements roam around so freely, with no protection or fear? The hands may not be visible but they are palpable and logic tells us that we are correct in our analysis. After all these were the elements, which were comrades in arms of the military dictators, who started this game. There are many lines of thoughts converging on their past record, which is supportive to make sense out of the guess. It will an immoral to play a double game at this juncture. Here; no foreign force is involved, it is our army against the foreign rogues and thugs. They are serial killers. We all know, that ultimately it will be dialogue that will resolve the matter, but it has to be from the position of strength, not with shadows in pitch dark, but with people in broad daylight. It clearly points out, the roots of the rogues in the society and provider of the shelters and when in cordon to show them exit. Self-deception is suicidal, to shut eyes from the facts, can damage the whole country and may succumb to this foul play.
Once the fire is brought under control, the national army is the alternative to keep an eye on the bounce back of the terrorists. I am personally against raising the local Militia Force. Such forces can be used, by insider or outsider vested interests, against each other and can be detrimental to our national aspirations. I think that a national army instead of local army should be raised from the public and should be trained by ex army jawans and officers should be under provincial jurisdiction. The recent decision by the provincial government, to raise an elite force of 1000 from ex army soldiers is commendable. I think it will be much wiser to broaden its base on national level, to minimise antagonism in future. It is point of importance for provincial government of Pukhtoonkhwa to ponder over it. We have a bad precedence in our history of warlords in Afghanistan. The local lashkar may assume that role or they may be used by vested interest.
To guarantee the success, it would have been much advantageous, if there were no mistrust between Pukhtoons and the army. This can be minimised by least collateral damage and a well thought policy to provide them facilities, when they vacate their area, followed by rehabilitation and restoration of infrastructure after the enemy is flushed out. The civil federal government should take steps on international level now; to gather resources to launch a master plan, to avoid the disappointments, as in the case of Swat. The foreign office should launch a worldwide campaign. It is a war for global peace and the global fraternity must respond to the construction of FATA, PATA and the province as a whole. If the out side aid is not acceptable to Nawaz Sharif, we won’t mind the contribution from the enormous wealth, he has risen from the day when he joined Gen Zia establishment. We need investment in our area, to alleviate poverty, deprivation and backwardness of last 62 years, we don’t mind the source, from where it comes.
Let me remind the readers, that once Winston Churchill was asked that since all wars are conducted by army generals; why they should not have the authority when to start and end? He replied that the conduction of war is the domain of military generals, but to stop or start a war is social science, politicians better decide it.
Prof. (Dr.) Khurshid Alam.. Dated 19th Oct. 2009
“It was probably 1975 our political friends of, Pukhtoons Socialist Democratic Party Germany invited us to attend a conference on; “PUKHTOON AS A MAN”. Few Nobel Prize winners were attending it. I thought it would be a good idea if I seek some guidelines from Bacha khan. I came from England to see him and explained him the purpose of my visit. He asked; how much was the air fair? I said £90=0. He took a deep sigh and said,” You wasted that money. You should have given to some poor Pukhtoons.” He further added,” you haven’t understood my philosophy. I am against this slogan,” Pukhtoon as a man or as tribe.” This is the slogan of our enemies, our slogan and struggle is for Pukhtoons as a nation. Then a deep sigh,” I hope and pray that you all understand what I stand for in my life time?”
My youngster is usually asking, what is the REAL BIG PROBLEM of Pukhtoons as a Nations. My answer is unambiguous and clear. Pukhtoons have a lot of problems to face but they have no solution unless they win one case, which they have put on ice for the last three hundred years. That is Unity with historical identity. That is the establishment of Pukhtoons Independent Home Land.
Unless this divided and fractured nation is brought in one Administrative Unit and they are accepted the Master of their own land, none of their problems can be solved. I am ready to go the extent, that if we were colonized in one administrative unit. I would prefer it 100 times to the present state; a fractured Pukhtoon Physical Body; divided in 7 administrative units. I think that later if we rise we will rise as a nation. To me total slavery is acceptable in unity than partial slavery in disunity. The enemies of Pukhtoons did this. It served their purposes. To create different objective conditions for different parts of Pukhtoons, to have a different out look to their problems. The injury inflicted in any one part, the other part does not feel the pain. The pieces of physical body have some time antagonistic attitude to one problem. This disintegration of the physical body has destroyed single national feeling, pain, voice, thinking and outlook. All our problems stems, from this “one” single factor.
Thinking over it for the last 40 years of my political struggle; every passing day strengthens my conviction more. We are trying to alleviate the symptoms of the disease but don’t treat the disease. Our case is lying in the court of history unheard, we as a nation damn care to present it to the judge, “The Time.” It is imperative that we our process of thinking and goal should be one. We must accept boldly that we are slaves of the slaves and slaves have no rights, even in Islam. What ever we are being given is a political bribe, not as our right. Unless and until; we have an independent entity as a nation in this global village we deserve no rights. Irrespective of political affiliation we must generate a process of national thinking. This main responsibility lies on our intellectuals, writers, intelligentsia, civil bodies and artists. We must not forget that after the defeat at the hands of Ranjeet Singh; we never got our independence back. Like a commodity; one master to other passed us on. I fail to understand why revenge was not taken or even considered?
Let us take the present blood let; its source is the Durand Line. I don’t have to explain it. It is for the readers to think honestly and precisely over it or convinces me to the contrary. This was my request to the present provincial government before they were made to sit on the dump of gunpowder. I appealed to them to put aside all developmental schemes but try to change the process of thinking. You have not be elected to govern but to finish and unfinished mission. People of the calibre of Afrasiab Khattak, who is being considered the brain and think tank of the government, has gone frozen and numb.
Unless the frequency of thinking is not the same in Peshawar, Kabul, Quetta and Qandahar, nothing can be achieved. It is all white wash in White House.
Why it cannot be achieved? This is a million dollar question. This question must be answered firmly, bluntly but politely, without fear or care that it will upset a section of the society. The counter question to this question is that why the Islamists parties failed to establish Islam, in a single Muslim state. The answer to this is simple that all parties have deviated from the path of Islam and have developed their own sectarian Islam. Their sectarian attitude is so strong that they don’t pray together and dubbing each other infidel. The sectarian attitude is eating up the basis of Islam like maggots.
The same disease has infected the nationalists irrespective of borders. Our Pukhtoon leadership has developed sectarian attitude to Pukhtunwali. Each one has own brand and hit each other more harshly and brutally, than the real enemies. They are fighting for the leadership. Our intellectual and writers are writing sacred book for each school of thought. They are equally responsible in this sin. If some one has played any positive role, they are our artists. They all deserve to be commended, and the others to be condemned. This is the biggest stumbling block in the advancement of our national aspirations and to reach logical goal, resulting in, that the Pukhtoons on the west of Durand Line are suffering even when they are in majority and on the East they are suffering as they are in minority. We can call them nationalist Mullahs. Why not? Is there any difference in the two species?
It is not necessary that slaves have to be in chains. Colonization could be economical, cultural, lingual, mental, historical or physical occupation. Can I ask what do we have? Have we not been robbed of every thing on both sides of the Durand line?
What else has to be done by the enemy, to make us realize that we are not slaves? What is holding our leaders back? This is another a million dollar question. It must be answered. As one the poet said;
This is the best explanation. Their special brand of Pukhtunwali is holding them back, to unite Pukhtoons. This is the actual deviation, called selfishness or “ANANIAT”.
As Islam has been completed 1400 years ago but it is still disputed by sectarian mullahs, so is Pukhto by these nationalists Rahibs. It is the time to speak loudly and clearly. Instead of pointing fingers to others we need self-analysis, re reading our selves and revising our priorities. Otherwise we have no to morrow.
Dated 17th October 2009.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Democracy And Provincial Autonomy
Who is ruling them, but how they are being ruled?
Democracy as such, is not an ideal system but has no better alternative. The more it gets maturity, the better it gets. It is unfortunate that in Pakistan it has always been nipped in the bud. Ideally the system in its true form; does not exist anywhere in the world. Even the U.N.O. is being run undemocratically. But a comparative study can be made.
There is no a universally tailored suit of democracy, to fit every nation. Every nation has to go through a process to reach a stage and tailor the system according to its own circumstances. Unfortunately U.S. wanted to force the world to adopt their system and look like a band of bandmasters. During Bush & Dick administration it was too evident. Forgetting that the first term of Bush; was hardly of democratic in nature. It is a system to be evolved by the people. It is not some thing to be exported or imported.
It hardly matters, whether a system is parliamentary or presidential but the essential factor, is the inbuilt accountability of the rulers by the be-ruled. It also depends on the geographical structure of the country in question. It is unfortunate that quite often, democracy has been misinterpreted and abused. Most commonly the people consider it, the rule of the majority. Yes it is one of the aspect, but more important is the accommodation of minority and a mechanism to have continuous accountability, to stop the abuse of authority, by majority. At no point the public say should be ignored. It is a form of collective leadership and the minority should not be refranchised.
The global population is now a mix race. A nation might have a majority in a piece of a land but in its purest shape, not conceivable. The solution to this problem is; to take the geography, cultural background and history in to consideration too. According to Russell, “the more we are near to these natural factors, the greater will be the intrinsic strength and cohesion of the society or country. After all this is a question of common sense that there are roughly 6000 languages in the world and 190+ countries. So a pure racial administrative unit is not a logical thinking. A system has to be evolved that the majority does get its due status; but minority languages and cultural entities are not to be swallowed or extinct, but preserved and protected.
In a democratic set up, it is not only the fair distribution of the resources but the protections of other factors too. Human dignity and national identity should not be robbed, as it promotes internationalism as pointed out by Bertrand Russell. More are the cultural entities; the more colourful will be the society. It is not only hunger but also human aspirations that must be taken in to account
Sometime religious groups think, that it is not in conformity with religion. I agree with them, but it is not even against religion. In my view; Islam takes it a step forward, that the sovereignty lies with Allah and the elected people being the viceroys of Allah. So they have to face double accountability; to Allah and the Electoral College. The idea of devolution of power, provincial autonomy and local government stems from the basic fact, that more people should be involved at every level and made accountable. On one hand it promotes local developments, on the other, it provides chance to the people from the gross roots to go through a process and take over the leadership of the country. In Pakistan instead of power, corruption was taken to the roots. The dictators did it cleverly, as corrupt masses cannot challenge corrupt masters. The other injustice which was done to the system that instead of creating a system, which could produce leadership from the root level, the agents were created to serve the vested interest.
If properly implemented it discourage the centralisation of authority to a person or to an institution and broaden public base. The centre should devolve it to provinces, states or nations and they should in turn devolve it to district and tehsils. The basic aim is, to give the feeling of participation and to provide the facilities at doorstep. This is one of the best systems in available circumstances. What happened in Pakistan that Ayub khan did it to limit the Electoral College and Musharaf devolved corruption to the root level? I was basically further centralisation of power and negation or refusal of the autonomy to the provinces. It was not the jurisdiction of the centre, but right of the provinces. The system is essential part of democracy and provincial autonomy but the implication, execution and intentions were undemocratic and vicious. It was more politically motivated than developmentally. It is the absence of this system that most of our leadership is imposed on us from the top and have no knowledge of the problems of a common man. If a system is abused it is not the fault of the system but of the abuser.
Some time one start really questions his own mind, that why does this system fails so often to work in Muslim world? Do we lack the tolerance and the courage to be accountable? If we trace our history back, either this system of collective leadership has been sidelined or has been dubbed as un-Islamic. Another point to be noted; there is no mechanism of peaceful transition of power. From very early days of Islam every transition of power had some serious casualties and was stained with blood. One must understand the difference between power of a sovereign and delegated power. In our religion sovereign is God, only. Delegated power underlines, the issue of accountability. I have not seen that any of our leaders has been made accountable for their deeds. And more interestingly none of them has received the verdict of guilty from our courts when they were in power. To the contrary their unconstitutional acts have always been provided judicial protection. When there is no fear of accountability the delegated powers are used as absolute power, with absolute corrupt intentions. The power corrupts and absolute power corrupt absolutely. The corrupt leadership corrupt the system. This is the play going on in Pakistan.
Pakistan is in a grave danger. In my view the main danger is internal. The most important political and constitutional issues been ignored, which are eroding the basis of the country. The main issue is the devolution of Power or in other words provincial autonomy. The Pakistan of Jinnah ( 1947-1972) was an imbalance Pakistan. The only nation who voted for Pakistan, The Bengali, was 54% of the total population. Who were refused autonomy in the name of Islam? Parity of the two wings was introduced to convert the majority to parity and to take away the identity of the three small nations in the west wing. The base of power, civilian or military, derived its strength from Punjab. It was the basically the Ashrafia of that province, enjoying the by products of political strength.
Gen Yahiya held the election on the basis of one-man, one vote but was not honoured, by Yahiya and Mr. Bhutto according to Larkana plan and the country was split in to two. It was the second time that Muslims were divided for the sake of power. India was provided an opportunity to prove the two-nations theory wrong just 23 years after its invention. No body came out to defend Islam and big brother concept. Nazrul Islam was slaughtered by Alla ditta in the slum of Dacca.
Like the Pakistan of 1947, the new Pakistan was again an imbalance Pakistan. Now Punjab had 62 % numerical strength and was the base of power.
In both cases it was the top priority to solve the question of devolution of power and reassure the smaller nations that they’re right to rule their respective provinces with financial, cultural, linguistic and historical identity. As their fear had increased in intensity; that if 54% majority, one thousand miles away, can be given such a horrifying blood bath for using the power of ballot, what could be their future? Collectively having 34% population, with no military and industrial might on their back? The close geographical proximity to the new Big Brother was another genuine concern.
Neither it is acceptable in Islam nor democracy that the Big brother should make the smaller as slaves. In both systems, even if a brother is handicapped and small, but has the equal right to the bigger and stronger one. The fear had logic and the logic proved itself to be true, when six months later, the governments in Pukhtoonkhwa and Baluchistan were dissolved, the entire leadership was arrested along with thousands of workers and the rest went in to hidings. All were charged for high treason and those forces that committed the high treason were made the rulers. The remaining Pakistan was basically saved; by the then opposition who dropped the demand to have a fresh mandate in the new country and just insisted for a federal and democratic Pakistan. These were not illogical demands. This was a new Pakistan, with completely different geo- political structure. Mr. Bhutto was having the same dilemma, as faced by Mujib. He had no representation in NWFP and Baluchistan. In the greater interest of the integrity of the remaining Pakistan, a new constitution was drafted. Bhutto came across to the opposition leader; Late Wali khan, to request him to drop further demand of Provincial Autonomy, pointing his finger to Gen; Tikka, in the Gallery, he is ready to take over. The constitution was accepted unanimously but with a condition that the question of quantum of provincial autonomy particularly and the revision of the whole, will be carried out after 5 years. The co-author of 1973 constitution did not rule the country constitutionally, nor the emergency was lifted for a single day during his tenure. Military action started in Baluchistan. FSF (A PARAMILITARY FORCE) committed the most heinous crimes against the opposition leaders and his own members, who tried to defy him like Miraj Mohammad khan. Sardar Atta u Allah Maingal’s son eyes were enucleated by a Col; of FSF and were brought to Jinnah hospital to show him, while he was in bed with a heart attack. The infamous Liaquat Bagh firing took place during that time. We took 23 dead bodies back to our province, as I was watching the might of the mighty governor of Punjab , Mustafa Khar. It must be surprising for the readers that 4 years old son of Ajmal Khattak along with his mother were detained in Police stations for Anti State activities.
The amendments in 73 constitutions were started by Late Bhutto and are continuing till to day. Zia and Musharaf completely changed the shape.
The constitution of 73, didn’t work at that time and it is beyond any wild imagination that it can protect the interest of smaller nations.
After its promulgation there have been two very strong civilian Prime Ministers; Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif. Both have rapped the constitution, without having the slightest guilt complex. Killing of Bugti, the bloody drama of Malakand division, FATA and its fall out on the districts has strengthened our beliefs that in present we are not safe. (Ref. Major general Qureshi on ARY). Pakistan as a state is not viable in present form, not because of any external threat; but the internal breaches.
Pakistan needs a completely new democratic, federal constitution, with guaranteed political and financial provincial autonomy, with historical sanctity. We do accept that the present government has failed to give transparent and good governance but looking at the alternative; Mian sahib, and remembering his rule with 2/3rd majority in the parliament, sends cold wave in our spines. Any way Mian Sahib is least likely to join the present parliament. In present circumstances, to be the leader of opposition is not a joke. You have to be equipped with political wisdom and acumen and strength of character, to change the direction of the internal and external policies. I hope I am wrong but I don’t see that sort of man in him.
If the country has to be held together; it has to be strong, fair and prosperous internally, to be respected externally. You cannot demand respect and equality; one has to learn how to earn it? You can borrow money with pre-conditions but can’t beg, with preconditions. We have lost sovereignty long ago. Without An exception or two have been sold several time as a country. Now to win it back, it will be the internal strength, if we gain it. Let us forget USA, UK, SAUDI ARABIA fiddling in our internal affairs, if they are, who gave them this chance? The last part to be answered and must be addressed to. Even influential business Tycoons of Middle East have been involved to settle out political and judicial problem like MR. Hariri of Lebanon, when Mian sahib returned to the country during Musharaf time and was escorted back by Hariri. Was he uninvited intermediary or was invited by Musharaf to insult our judiciary?
It is the scream of time. We must disengage from the ideology of Pakistan, strong centre or big brother concept. We must build a democratic union of states with enshrined respect for human dignity and national identities. The trump card is in the hands of Punjab to act now or never. The smaller parties should share each other ideas and experiences and put their cards on the table.
We condemn state or political atrocities of all natures. We demand full fledge judicial enquiry of all these judicial or extra judicial murders; but there is a big “BUT” that these heinous crimes were not committed in late sixties or late eighties. Pakistan came in to being in 1947, much before those two periods. These sort crimes were committed from the day one. We should not forget those who have laid their lives for fair play and justice from day one. We should not forget those who were killed in the dark streets of our short history. We must not forget those; who stood up to the people who were given the status of prophets, what to say of dictators.
It was disgusting on the part of our leaders not to move a resolution in the opening session of National Assembly to ask for apology to the Martyrs of Babra and Liaquat Bagh.
By. Dr. Khurshid Alam…………………………………
London ..Dated 6th October 2009.
We are always talking of accountability in politics. Has any body been made accountable for his deeds or misdeeds in 61 years of our convulsive history? If not. Was there no one, who had ever done any thing wrong; and we were ruled by angels. If the answer is ‘yes’. Then the public has got the right to ask that who brought us to this present state. We have no rights at home, or no respect abroad. If the answer is that they were not angels; then again we have the right to ask; why those persons were not made accountable? Is it because every ruler; who took over; was no better than the previous one?
Is there any logical, political or religious binding which prohibits the application of accountability. The answer will be definitely “No.”
Religiously speaking, if accountability was not essential in Islam; the concept of the day of judgment would have been irrelevant. According to Islam if you don’t believe in the day of judgment; you are not a Muslim. That day is the day of accountability.
Does it mean to say; we should leave every thing for Allah; to sort it out on the day of judgment? That does not make sense. Then; what was the point; to create a world and appoint human beings as His viceroy? One may ask about the duty of viceroy. The duty of a viceroy is to run a colony according to the law and consider himself answerable to Allah. In fact in Islam; there is dual accountability, to Allah and the public or shura; the elected body of the people. It does not mean that an ordinary citizen have no right to ask the rulers himself; if he/ she feels that injustice has been done to him. He does not have to wait till the session of the parliament is called or the election or the overthrow of the government by Generals. In other words Allah has given us complete autonomy in this world; as His viceroy and there should be a system of continuous accountability. Even then no one can escape the accountability on the day of judgment. It is because of the limitation of the knowledge of a human being. We cannot see what he can see. He invites us to use our wisdom and thoughts.
In western democracy the accountability is to the people and to the house and court of law. In any civilized society no body is above law. In Britain even the constituency
In the light of above introduction; where do we stand? We are neither practicing Islam, nor we are practicing western democracy. So we cheat Allah and our fellow country men.
The present state of affair will not be there on the day of judgment as one of my great friend and writer told me that neither there will be Islam Abad nor NWFP; nor the problem of NFC award & Hydal power revenue. So these decisions are to be made in this world. If we fail to make it here. Allah will intervene. It is up to him to do it in this world or on the day of accountability.
Our politician are using it as a political slogan. When they reach to the corridor of power and then shut the door behind with force; not to hear the screams of the people. They are least bothered of Allah and the public. Loot is their faith and those who fail every where; their success is guaranteed here in this country in politics. Initial investment is a bit difficult; then there is no problem. I am in politics since 1964 so knowing most of those rich magnets. I was always proud that we have none in my district; Shangla. But thank God that our representatives have not only caught up with the others; but have left the most senior players behind.
We have been robbed systematically and cruelly from day one; by all those in power or near the corridor of power. If you are lucky to establish some sort of secret and special relationship with the generals; then it depends on you to be as aggressive as you can be; to suck hard till the last drop; there is no law or authority to stop you. There could be exception but no law to this phenomenon. Methodology may vary but the aim is the same. There is nothing to worry about accountability. The one on the way to replace previous one ; will need your services and wealth with a guarantee to get it double. The secret is; invest quickly and suck forcefully. The ruling class is of the same creed with a bit of alteration in the last alphabet like N,Q, F and C etc. In one of my article before I have written that I have seen these sort of headless creatures; having “da sar sorey” covering acres of land with Munhall style palaces. I never wished to see their palaces but was really interested to see their heads but they had none.
Being a doctor of medicine; probably I have different conception of head. The one which has grey and white matters and all the rubbish; which binds one in a web of character, fear, code of life and morality.
If you don’t have any of these then there is nothing to worry about; or if you have; crush these enemies of wealth and start a loot. Keep the one on top a bit happy by gifts through home department. It doesn’t need much; an imported Japanese car, jewelry; diamonds work better. When you are playing with billions then millions hardly matter.
This is the financial aspect of accountability but one should not be oblivious to the different aspects of an individual o a society.
For example power is the most important factor. That could be military power or civilians. It is unfortunate that power makes a man corrupt and absolute make him absolutely corrupt. Corruption may be the misuse of power financially, politically, personally or any other way which may be detrimental to the society or public institutions or to the world at large. To use the power; to start state terrorism against their own people; or people of a different country. The bulldozing of the opposition is another way of corruption. To deprive the humanity of basic human rights , violation of international law, abrogation of a country law or encroaching on the other institutions to centralize the power. It is very unfortunate that in third world countries the rulers are enjoying the absolute power particularly in Muslims dominated counties or so called Islamic world. They are invariably backed by US. It has been on the record that globally. People around the world is looking to Mr.Obama to bring some changes and shun these double standards. It is also a form of corruption on global scale. UNO was made to have a check on global Bonaparte but it was not to be!! Will Obama restore the dignity of this world forum.
Coming back to Pakistan who failed to grow as a modern democratic state and now being considered a political dwarf. Politically unreliable and economically unstable having no institution, no law , no consistent internal or external policy. To attain nuclear capability is to deter the outsider away; but our nuclear capability has become a liability rather than an asset and has put our integrity at stake. We are more vulnerable to out side interference. Civilians or khaki has lost the relevance. Islam Abad change their mental make up.
Let us take one political party who is the biggest champion of democracy. Muslim League (N) who took oath from her candidates; to leave the seat if they were elected and then changed their loyalty. But kept the flood gate open for the millionaires of the Q-League. This another sort of corruption to provide protection to the corrupts of last regimen.
The accountability is a must to create healthy atmosphere where democracy can breed and rulers can be checked. This word was first coined by late Wali Khan. When he raised the slogan first; accountability & then election. But late Z.A.Bhutto replied that the “Pahaari” Guerilla is afraid to face people.
Another irony is that the accountability here is being used for political victimization like Musharaf did it against Bhutto and Nawaz. The very process was in itself a corruption to misuse its power.
Accountability restores public confidence in the system. It should be never time limited or limited to a section of the society but across the board right from day one till one. It should be made of people of national and international repute and should be drawn from judiciary; civil bodies, writers, lecturer and others like a jury.
BY Dr. K.Alam. khurshidalam5
The Bloody Drama ‘As you sow so shall you reap’?
It will be no more than academic exercise to go in to the background and trace the root causes of the bloody drama being played in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It left Afghanistan as an occupied state and destabilized Pakistan to the extent of non-viability. Whatever happens in this whole area or the West, the fingers will be always raised at Pakistan, thanks to ZIA & MUSHARAF?
It was 31 years ago that the decision was taken in Islam Abad to put Kabul on fire. The players were many, but the studio where the Drama was serialised, had to be Pakistan and the author was the most criminal minded General of Pakistan, ZIA. He was cunning like a FOX. To read his mind was impossible, even by his local and foreign Mentors. Even the American Hercules chopper failed to carry his sins. He failed his mentors to read him and surprised the fox, to learn tricks from him. The subsequent masters, after his death, all contributed whether they were military dictators or civilians’ rulers
He gave a free hand to fundamentalism, sectarian indoctrination in the armed forces and civil plutocracy. He polarised and radicalised the armed forces in particular and the society at large. It was he, to use the military as surrogates of Arab sheikhs. It was he, who destroyed the concept of unitary command of Pakistan armed forces and destroyed the discipline of the army, which was the source of the strength of Pakistan armed forces. It was till he took over the command that even adversaries considered the armed forces of Pakistan the best trained and highly disciplined force. He tested the intrinsic strength of the army, in Jordan, to use it against Palestinians to protect a Hashemite king. He slaughtered them in thousands and till to day; all Palestinian mourns the black September. He was a highly vindictive and cruel person. Whenever he had a chance to get power, he exercised brutally. On three occasions; once in Jordan for a king, second time to eliminate Bhutto’s Family and third he showed his intrinsic satanic character to turn the table on Afghanistan, to bring them to their knees to accept the Durand line, as international border or to push the Durand line to the western border of Afghanistan and rule as a second Ranjeet Singh. He was a die heart supporter of Khalistan. What ever he would do did it with conviction and dedication. He was a committed fascist by nature and sectarian religious by faith and showed zero tolerance not only to non-Muslims but also to other sectarian religious parties. He was mentally a slave of Saudi Royal Family and Wahabi school of thought. Personally, I have not heard of his corruption but it is an open secret that he had masterly command, how to bribe his subordinate generals, if he would get the slightest feeling that the concerned person can be a nuisance. He thoroughly corrupted his subordinates and promoted the mushroom growth of political & military nurseries, called Madrassa. He was a regular prayer goer to “red mosque” to divert the attention of the agencies. His outwardly humbleness, was to cover his cruelty embedded in his nature
In short whatever is happening today in Pakistan, we owe it to him. Musharaf had a big contribution to it; but was not a man of religious conviction. He did enjoy to exercise power and self-projection; posed as a pseudo intellectual, preaching enlightened approach. He didn’t touch the theocratic wing of the establishment. Both had two faces. The other character in common, was to make promises to break.
There was a hardly a ruler of Pakistan in 62 years, who put the country first, to his own interest. But these two surpassed every imaginable limit. From the very early days; we were the most obedient surrogates of US imperialism, but these two sold us many times and mortgaged the sovereignty and national pride, not only to Americans and Saudi, but to influential people like Hariri of Lebanon and Osama of Saudi Arabia. We were used to dictation, but they made it further easy for foreign masters, to send every thing in written just to be signed.
The last two decades under these two generals, eroded the very basis of the country. Musharaf went a step forward to drag army and civil societies in straight confrontation. The army was abused and stoned by the same public who used to shower flowers on them. Only one man felt safe in army uniform that was Musharaf. All others law enforcing authorities used to dribble in their uniform.
The country had eroded basis, with no discipline and the young officers and jawans were more politically motivated and brain washed in sectarian religion. When it comes to conviction the discipline of the army becomes secondary. The rogue elements are bound to born and grow in strength. It is a normal phenomenon, if your superior is your political comrade, then why to worry?
Now coming to the point that after the defeat or tactical retreat in Swat the terrorists have bounced back with more ferocity and strength. Their every blow is more severe, deadly and internationally devastating. Their tactics are more thoughtful and their methodology of execution is more precise. There is more continuity in sustaining offensive and hit the target of more symbolic importance, like GHQ.
It is not some thing new but they have improvised the tactics used by other terrorists or guerrillas in other countries. Whether it was Ireland, Sri Lanka, Iraq or Algeria. The basic tactics are the same, with least personnel’s loss and to cause maximum damage. In this sort of war, you are not fighting against a well-equipped armed gang on a front or garrison, but you are faced by a mental makeup, who can be anywhere and everywhere. Their head quarter or bastion of power is lying in the society itself. Their brains are in uniform but not their body. This is the non-visibility of the enemy, which makes the eradication of the menace, more difficult. It is weapons against a frame of mind. There is no comparison between the two. Every terrorist is brigade in himself and is free to tailor his action, according to the circumstances without answerability, as for as he does not violate the basic principles. So I do agree with, Ayaz Mir that we cannot condone it but we should not be discouraged and should be ready for the worst and hope that it will not come. Any doctrine where the human life is meaningless; the fight becomes easy and dedication becomes more intense. For them every house, every corner of the street, is a post for attack.
If any role has to be played with slight more success, it is the role of intelligence agencies. After all it is our sown crops and our nation and military has to reap the harvest, we sow 30 years ago in Afghanistan, ignoring completely that they cannot be contained to a geographical boundaries. In this game, they have no concept of borders or boundaries no nothing about Geneva or UNO. It is next to impossible to provide foolproof guarantee to the public or institution. As Ayaz Mir rightly pointed out, that if the American and Israel have failed in spite of all their resources and available technology, we have nothing except national resolve, which is undefeatable. The logic lies with them not with us, to select the terrain and the target. In the last few weeks the main targets are Peshawar and Islam Abad, the second one has more symbolic importance. It is a gift given to us by our own rulers, mentioned above. The biggest national criminals and enemies of Humanity and must face accountability.
How can we deal with it? This is a million dollar question. Our agencies are white elephants. They should improve their performance and should have more technology at their disposal. This will decrease the incidence, but cannot stop the strikes altogether. Their role is more important than the rest of the army. Unless they improve their performance to commit army for the war with non-visible enemy tantamount to lead these young jawans and officer to a slaughterhouse.
I neither agree with information minister or the spokesman of army that it is a bruised snake in desperation. In my view it is a wounded elephant, preparing itself for total destruction. With my apologies to the information minister to change the frame of mind in the thick of war, is self-deception and when we are on a weaker pitch. It would have been the best option, if our rulers have not opted to make this frame mind, for their pity interests. To undo our making has to be postponed, till we have the upper hand.
I have no hesitation to speak out my mind loudly and clearly that these types of organizations, cannot work without local links. We should not cheat ourselves any more and should thoroughly search for the rogue elements in armed forces, agencies, religious and political organizations. It is almost impossible to hit, with so much precision, without the help of rogue elements in the society and important places. We should not forget the killing of Polish Foreign minister at Karachi airport, during Ayub rule by a fanatic driver of civil aviation. Here the question of national reconciliation becomes the second priority to national extinction. The rogues are rogues where they are and who so ever they are? If our rulers would have thought at that time,” if you marry a gorilla for the sake of money, when the money finish, the gorilla will remain the same.”
We are faced with a non-visible, well-trained and well-equipped battling force with thirty years experience of the field, which is equal to the whole career of a senior Military officer, with no battlefield experience. They are having better knowledge of the terrain and having the choice of the selection of the targets. Who is feeding them this information? To find out these links, combined with national resolve, if they cannot be defeated they can be marginalised. It looks to me that their agencies are better informed about us than our agencies. It is very painful that in this crucial time we are doing politics, at the cost of the country.
The last but not the least, political disputes beside the point, we have to learn to work with Afghanistan and India in very close collaboration to finish this cancer.
BY Prof. (Dr.) Khurshid Alam………London. DATED: 13/10/2009
Only for THE NEWS
By Prof (Dr. Khurshid Alam) khurshidalam5@hotmail .com Dated 1st October-09
Like any political worker I am following the international political currents and the domestic changes. Just to keep myself up dated, to know the thinking of outside world about of us. We must also know, the opinion of our own political analysts. It is necessary to keep a close watch on our leaders; how they conduct affairs both domestically and internationally. An ordinary political students and worker of Pukhtoons nationalist movement; I study all these views and news with a bit more concentration; as it has profound effect on us. It is our land; where the great game is being played and our people; who are being consumed as fuels. The whole Pukhtoons land is a dump of gunpowder dump. Every player has its own agenda; how to use this dump against us, to achieve their own aims. The question is; did we opt for it? The answer is” NO”. Its just simple logic that no one can sign his own death certificate; secondly we had experienced the first great game and the effect of that, are still looming; thanks to our strategic location.
I am of the strong opinion that internal or external policies of a country cannot be separated. They are always intertwined. After Z.A.Bhutto I think Mr.Mehmood Qureshi is the most vocal and sharp foreign minister. If he cannot make an international impact; it is because of our internal policies. In fact there is nothing; but the country is being run on personal whims and wishes. Take the example of Nawaz Sharif. Why he is hesitating to come in to the parliament. People are not that naïve, which he thinks. He is not ready to speak out his policies on all issues. Under the table his hand is in some one else hands and on the table he is hand shaking with another. The country is passing through a very difficult period. He is shrugging his shoulders from responsibility, due to the fear that it will expose his true face. Under the table he is unfriendly and on the table he is friendly opposition. He terribly lacks the qualities of a political leader. He wants to reap the harvest of both worlds, without sowing any seed.
Internally an unstable and non-viable Pakistan is the gift of our so-called most “non political”, political leadership. Majority of them are either born from the womb of dictatorial regimens or off shoots of Muslim league. Compared to medical science the social science is the most difficult one. Medical science is based on rock hard facts; social science involves society as a whole and the prevailing circumstances around the society; which can directly or indirectly affect that society, so making it more difficult. It demands a person; to go through a long drawn process and climb the stairs according to his mental maturity and power of analysis. Most of our leaders; are the children of the historical blunders. We owe our “today” to them. Politically the country is not trust worthy & financially, it is a nonviable. Our rulers are like private students of kakool political academy. They simply don’t know and cannot see the breaches in the physical body of Pakistan. The government is poor and the governors are few of the richest people of the world.
The political parties are the most undemocratic in nature; with few exceptions. Look at the double standard of Muslim league (N). They were the first to take oath from their candidates to resign; if they change the loyalty to the party; but kept the doors open for the members of M.L. (Q). Even the most vocal Ch; Nisar remained mum; when asked about one of the advisor of Gen; Musharaf; who built an empire out of nothing. Probably his vote and wealth may be of some use in future, to put the chartered of democracy in action. While the respected chaudhri sahib; is the chairman of the most powerful public accounts committee and can prove his strength of character. In my view it was the most unexpected stand, one could expect from him. The said advisor must face the accountability. I am afraid that there is preparation of another game to play; to turn black money in to white.
In this scenario; what could be expected from the international fraternity? Let us be honest to our own selves; where they should place us in this game? Were we forced to be a part of this game or we opted for it? Is it not the fact that Gen.Zia & Musharaf; both gave a surprise to the State Department; by offering their services literally for nothing and put all the agencies at their disposal and mortgaged the whole country for legitimizing their unlawful governments.
They are traitors and must be tried in open courts. The Supreme Court decision is a litmus paper test for the government and Nawaz Sharif. When Americans completed their Jihad and left; our agencies carried their inhuman mission and vicious game, without any guilt complex. Any one; who is defending them is involved in the cover up of their heinous crimes. Gen Musharaf who tried to be the most committed Pakistani and raised the slogan of “first Pakistan” is now in Edgware, London. Once his skin was peeled off by the black coat; he was scared of his shadow and felt more comfortable in London, with a changed slogan, first is UK; singing, “long live the queen” instead of PAK SARZAMEEN SHAD ABAD. He showed the strength of his character.
In the last few weeks I noticed a visible changes in our official language and of our analysts. The government has accepted the drone attacks as a part of the game and now it is no more the violation of our sovereignty. Any way America was morally bound to fight for us. After all we are fighting for them for last three decades. “It is a manifestation of friendship on equality basis.”
But what is surprising for me that some of the most respected analysts; analyze our official decision on the basis of its palatability for Americans; as if we can swallow any thing. I was hoping that some of our brilliant analysts will wean off the country from US dependence. The height of our political immaturity is; that some of our analysts are looking to Barrack Obama policies and his ancestral religious linkage. I am afraid that if it is emphasized too much; on one hand it may start a domestic competition in our sectarian parties; how to win him over and on the other hand it may create difficulties for him. We had a very nasty precedence, when Ahmadies were declared non-Muslim. One of them won noble prize, we jumped to own him & celebrate it. He was the first Pakistani to win the noble prize; according to our official statement and equalized us with India. There was an axing statement from him that he is a British citizen and has nothing to do with Pakistan. Further added that he was victimized on religious basis in Pakistan. That was a very shameful episode. This time, we might do the same to Mr.Obama and expose him for impeachment by a strong Jewish lobby that exists in Washington. Not long ago they played the same game with President Clinton. When ever he touched the issue of Palestinians in Middle East; they created a scandal.
I agree with our analysts that life does leave some prints on human mind; but all that will be secondary to the American national interest. If we recall the late president Reagan; he invariably used some of his films dialogue in his speeches.
President Obama visit to Russia and his subsequent statement that the western world will not allow Pakistan and Afghanistan to fall to Taliban or Al Qaeda. The visit and subsequent statement is self-explanatory and has put us in proper slot, we deserve. It does not need a high degree of analytic knowledge to read between the lines.
Firstly he wanted the regional powers to play their role.
He is also looking for a safe and dependable rout of supply for his troops.
Thirdly it was not only Afghanistan; Obama was worried about; but Pakistan too. One could see from his body language and impressions were easily showing his concerns; about the comparatively bigger fish, Pakistan. This was a clear signal of our questionable capability to safe guard our nuclear facilities and to provide protection to their supply of troops; which is constantly under threat in Pakistan. It was not only a “no confidence” in the government but armed forces too. We stand exactly where we should be if we have a little bit importance, it is not the political stature of our country but the US credibility as super power at stake, we do have some nuisance value.
He didn’t chew words to emphasize the strategic importance of Afghanistan in future and made it abundantly clear, that stability in Afghanistan is not attainable without the support of Pakistan. Pakistan importance in his view was that of a corridor to Afghanistan.
We were asked on several occasions to do more. We were snubbing the world opinion. That was tantamount to play a double game; which in fact we did prove right when we were pushed to the wall. It was our military leadership who had to listen and tolerate the snobbish remarks by American high command. Its effect on our people in
Malakand division and FATA were devastating. Apart from complete destruction of infra structure, loss of revenue and target killings; people started to think that Pakistan army was no better than terrorists. When the military leadership realized or we were forced to accept that that the credibility of armed forces is at stake; it was then that the decision of RAHE-RAST was taken; which proved beyond doubt the capability of armed forces. So we were really misleading the world opinion. In spite of the fact the decision was leaked and 300 top leaders of the terrorist left Swat 24 hrs before the operation but still the world appreciated.
Let us listen to people like Hamid Mir, Ayaz mir, Shafqat Mehmood, Raheemullah Yousuf Zai and young, dynamic Safi and try to learn; not to cheat others and us. If we start experimenting with the truth, we can find the way out of this terrible mess; we are in. After all; GOD did not send these rogues. Our agencies imported them; to fight a war for others, that has engulfed us now. It is a natural phenomenon that fire needs fuel to burn. Gen. Zia, Musharaf, Rahim Gul and the sectarian organizations were the suppliers. Unless they are punished; it will be an insult to the blood of so many innocent Pukhtoons and military jawans. If we stop fueling this fire; the natural phenomenon will come in to action. When there is no fuel; fire starts consuming itself; resulting in ash.
Unless we have put our house in order and narrowed the gulf between the nations, rich and poor; we cannot be a stable country; economically and politically. No one is going to help an unstable country with nuclear ability. We have an international liability rather than a source of stability in this volatile region. Let us boldly accept that beggars cannot be choosers. It is the time to ponder; why our institutions are failing, even in civilian hands. The answer is; the institution needs seasoned politicians to run. Regretfully most of our leadership owes their survival to military establishment or have been groomed by them; there is hardly any difference in their mental make up. Let us stop begging for equality of treatment. It is inviting more shame. If we are internally sound and fair; it will make other realize to treat us on equal basis. To compare ourselves with India, we cannot achieve that importance. The shear size and population of India is a big plus point for big powers. A poor and backward India is a huge market and an advanced India, is a dependable or preferable friend or ally and cannot be ignored in both circumstances. There is no point to look for enemies but to concentrate on our own people. Whether civilians or military we have to make every one accountable. There should not be benefit of doubt.
I do appreciate the concern of some analysts and politicians about the conditionality attached with American aid but what is the alternative?
Asfandiar Wali came out with a long awaited statement. We must bring an end to this dichotomy of administration in our province. This dichotomy has made this province non governable. It is very easy prey for internal or external power or vested interest to create the sort of situation which exits now in this province. It is almost impossible to have peace in districts without peace and writ of law in FATA and PATA. Nor there can be prosperity in this sort of policy, “DIVIDE AND RULE”. One might question my analysis, to support Asfandiar demand. Some will remind me and question my wisdom to have been one of the most active members in the movement of the merger of Swat and now justifying the merger of FATA in Pukhtoonkhwa. I do appreciate their concern. But still feel so; that our national unity is the top most in my priorities, be it under occupation. Whether FATA or PATA, slaves or masters; we are one nation and should be in one administration to convert our regional outlook, in to a national outlook. To me it is of paramount importance. For example; we are made slaves as a nation; my logic tells me; that the day we rise against the master; our rise will be national in character. Our enemies have done so; to destroy our national outlook, which is the main reason of our sufferings today. There is a sizeable group of politician and writers who will be against it and argue that we want to convert “AZAD QABAIL” in to slaves. I beg to differ with them on three reasons.
1) They are only free to have a rifle without license & to kill their own cousin brother.
2) FCR is a draconian law
3) But even then if they are slaves like all of us. It is my honest opinion that we must pay any price to be one nation. This is the core problem of our sufferings.
The other demand made by Asfandiar Wali is; that neither the removal of 17th amendment nor the promulgation of 1973 constitution can solve the country’s problems. Yes; he is very right to point out the real problem. The acceptance of 73, constitution was conditional; it was subject to review after 5 years, particularly the question of the quantum of provincial autonomy. Now it is a 46 years old man made document. With the changing scenario, many things have changed for worse. We do not think that this document will face the challenges of 2009 and alleviate the fear of small nations and the internal threat to the country as a whole. An important point to remember, that the same document failed even at the time of its promulgation. In support of my opinion; I would like to quote Gen. Musharaf,” when he commented on Bugti Killing, that it is not 1972; it is 2009.” So that is exactly, what we feel that we are unsafe in this new Pakistan. We feel that 73; constitution, cannot provide us national and financial guarantees. Even our lives are at stake and the enemy is stronger, as he claimed himself and it is a fact. The governor, C.S. and IGP nomination in the provinces by the centre, is the most apparent violation of provincial autonomy. This is the best time that our leadership should take the control of front seat.
I would request Mr. Asfandiar Wali to put his words in to action and send out his emissaries to different parts of FATA &PATA before the enemy poison our brothers in these areas. He has asked for provincial autonomy with financial autonomy and I would like to add to it, the words of Wali Baba,” provincial autonomy with historical sanctity. Zhob, Quetta and Loralai should also be included.
A stronger union of states with financial and historical autonomy is the only way to hold the country together; not bombs.
At the end I appeal to Islam Abad & Lahore not to ignore the ground realities any more and save the country. There is no point to create Indian- Phobia or the danger to Islam to divert the public opinion. Islam is 1400 years old and had a glorious past. Where does Islam stands today, is the doings of the rulers of Muslim world? Pakistan has just completed 62 years of convulsive life and has never fired a bullet in a holy war but has always fought non holy wars for others; whether it was in Afghanistan or Jordan, where we killed Palestinian to protect a Hashemite king, remembered by Black September. If we are sincere in the self-determination of the nations like Kashmir & Palestine; it is better to accord the same, to the nations in the jurisdiction of Pakistan.
As a political worker I put my services at the disposal of our nationalist movement; where ever I can be of any use for national reconciliation and unification. The biggest and most conspicuous example, is the nomination at present the nomination of the Governor, C,S, and IGP. These are considered the agents of the federal government. It is a naked interference by the centre in the province.
At present we must accept that the stand taken on several key issues of national importance by MQM and the presentation of their point of view in political debate, shows their political maturity and homework. They have covered a long distance in a very short period.
It is easy to criticize but it is difficult to give the alternatives. I may be wrong in my assessment but I feel MQM has got that good acumen. I sincerely hope that the others parties learn from them. Politics is not a part time job; it can be done only with missionary zeal and dedication. I was really impressed by Imran Khan, to emphasize on this point that the election alone does not provide the proof that the system is fair and democratic in nature and cited the examples of Egypt and Syria. With elections a country can be most oppressive and cruel. if elections are taken out of the context of other factors.
By Prof.(Dr.) Khurshid Alam…………………
District Shangla. London.