Thursday, 11 April 2013

                                            PAK ARMY NEW DOCTRINE.


After a long period of 65 years,  Pak. army revised its doctrine that is more near to ground realities. The salient features are:
- There is no external threat to the integrity of the country if there is any that lies inside the country.
- The military will accept the sovereignty of the parliament.
- The future foreign policy should be made by civil government and the army budget should be dictated by the prevailing circumstances with an expert input from the army.

It took a long time for the army institution to realise, though late but the realisation is welcoming.The mess in which we are today is due to the follies of civil, military rulers and sectarianism by clergy.

In the short history of Pakistan the biggest trauma was the creation of Bangladesh. The plot was written by civilians and executed by military. It was not only the humiliation on global level but whatever flimsy reason the two nation theory had, it lost its relevance. We lost the strategical advantage by loosing south eastern Asian wing.

Did we learn anything? If yes then what's are we doing in Baluchistan? The only difference is that the writer and executioner  of the drop scene is a military general.  Though the roots can be traced to the inception of Pakistan and subsequent mis management of national aspiration and non-acceptance of the fact that it is a multinational state.

The civil leadership was the offsprings of the blunder of the history and military was politicised by appointing F.M. Ayub. We have never been able to keep the army out because of civilian incompetency. After politicisation of the military it was further divided by sectarian generals headed by Zia. Musharaf brought the civilian and army face to face for direct confrontation resulting in the loss of respect for the army.

The sectarian clergy has strengthen their hold in the army and civilian. The country is politically directionless, having sectarian breaches. With every passing day the situation is getting worse.

The country has never been on sound basis either politically or economically since its inception. The institutions are non-existing, the civilian leadership is mentally not much different than military dictators. One can guess from two quotes," we will fight for onr thousand years or defeat on one front is not the end of the war". The element of accepting the truth is in none and bellicosity is in both. It is a great loot or clearance sale.

To contain the civil war in the country is hundred times more damaging and posing a serious threat to the state and the country. We are scoring points in this blood let. Military in spite of drafting new doctrine has yet to surrender its previous authority.

No one can defeat a dogma. Dogma has no soldiers  but have devotees. Devotee is different than a soldier. Soldier has to save his life but devotee has to avoid capture if stuck, they blast themselves to inflict maximum damage and kill as many to create phobia and insecurity.  The sectarian fundamentalism is the most fearsome. They have a blind faith that the heaven is guaranteed by the clergy. The most vulnerable are  the poor  and illiterate, they are an easy prey to the sectarian.

I am not sure whether the change of doctrine will be accompanied by shift of nucleus of power? If it is so that is a good omen. The time will prove the real intentions there is no other parameter to judge the intentions.

The corner stone of foreign policy should friendship with all, animosity with none. This should be inducted at school level. All the lessons that teach hate, aggression, use of power should be banned.

If we take Kashmir it is a matter for Kashmiri to decide. Our present political involvement  is defeating our international standing on this issue. It is self contradictory. Out of all political parties only ANP has no branch in Kashmir.

The Kashmiri governance is subservient to the whims and wishes of Islam Abad. It shows the intrinsic contradiction in our standing. And to be frank it is the real expression of our intentions to capture Kashmir, self determination is just an international diplomatic ploy.

Now since we have realised that the threat to the country's lies inside the country our focus should be shifted to the internal problems. The first and foremost is to deal with the radicalisation of whole society. This should be the top priority to tackle.

The most unfortunate is the spread of this virus to the armed forces that has badly effected it's  professionalism. The killing and chaos is mainly due to radicalism. Radicalisation breeds intolerance and hate. The fanaticism believes in bellicosity and loose the strength of reasoning. Logic evaporates and the dense barbarism takes over.

The best media for this virus to grow is illiteracy, poverty. Pakistan has both in abundance particularly in small provinces. The masses are fed up with prevailing circumstances and the sectarians thrive on disappointments. Their religious inclinations and poverty makes them the best candidates to be a devotee. The disease has penetrated every cell of the nation. The strength can be gauged by failure of world might loosing the battle. PAK. Army has never been bruised so badly as it has in this internal warfare. It is unfortunate that they were the makers and now they are at the receiving end.

I have an honest opinion that it is beyond the scope of any one group or nation to eradicate this cancer. To do so it should be a collective effort by all those who started the game. They include the sectarian and right wing parties, the army establishment, the intelligence agencies, Pakistan government, USA government with CIA and UK with its intelligence and last but not the least Saudi, Iran and gulf states. The non state citizens should be dealt by those who brought them to carry out this  beastly game. Even Taliban are not in a position to eject them. Every one has to clean its own mess to the satisfaction of Afghanistan. The atom bomb in such a situation is a liability, the real strength lies in unity. The international fraternity must realise that the opposition parties and ISI  are having much closer relations with the shadows of terror than the incumbent government.

As a deterrent from another country we must have a highly professional and well-equipped army, small in shape high in performance. But to fight this type of war,  the armed forces should have different sort of training like Sri Lanka or northern Ireland. The conventional army has never been successful. Yes dialogue is the best course but it is done with humans not beasts. I have no doubt that the end will be by dialogue but if it is not from the source of strength, at least equality should be there.I believe army is thinking of raising such force.

Those political parties who have covert or overt relation with terrorist should be disqualified to contest general election. It is equal to put the integrity of the country at stake. They should be told plainly and bluntly about their loyalty. If the holders of double citizenship is barred from election because of divided loyalty, this is a much serious crime. Army is stretched beyond limits. Neither the agencies nor the political friends of terrorists are extending a helping hand.

I don't understand how on earth a transparent and honest election is the solution to all problems. Bullet cannot be stopped by ballot it will hit its target



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