Dr Khurshid Alam 23/3/2012 London.
Slavery exists since the time unknown or as old as humanity. It might have changed its form in different time or may exist in different forms in the same period of time but the character remains the same. It may struck an individual or a group. It may be physical, social, cultural, economical Political or mental. But must have an oppressor and an oppressed or a victor and a victim.
Unless we have the knowledge of true freedom or the capability and wisdom to define freedom, the perception of slavery cannot be grasped in its entirety. The wiser have defined free man and freedom differently.
The imaginative and perceptive capability of human mind is boundless and the human knowledge has limitations. These limitations imparts relativity to our expressions.
The theocrats play in this grey area. Where human mind cannot reach, the dogmas are introduced. Divinity impose its own limitations.
Why freedom is so loved and slavery is so detested because in freedom we see the fulfilment of our aspirations. But is it the end? No, human mind keeps searching for new aspirations in changed circumstances and to acquire more freedom as Ghani puts it that human mind is the offspring of a change.
The very title of Bertrand Russell, article,"the worship of a freeman" has an intrinsic perception peeping behind the word worship. Worship in itself is a subjugation. But there is no doubt that in his essay he has been the nearest person to human aspirations.
If we keep aside the sand bags of words, can't we see the slavery in UNO. Human action is inherently coercive as said by a thinker. Living without governmental coercion is freedom, this is what he thinks. But the question of human nature's coherency has been ignored. He further adds that man is not free unless the government coercion is limited avoiding to take in to account of human nature, Devine philosophies and social injustices. Ronald Reagan say as government expands,liberty contracts. Though in his life time his actions were completely contrary to his words
To most western thinkers, democracy is the most sacred. No doubt we have yet to replace it with a better system but it should not be forgotten it is majoritarianism with no regards for minority. As I said it is better called collective wisdom in a particular circumstances. As some one pointed out there is nothing to check and protect the weaker or limit the obnoxious persons.
Slavery is the most heinous crime but it is unfortunate that it has the patronage of the powerful and mighty. It is practiced openly under the slogan to protect the free world.
It converts human aspirations in to a commodity what to say about physical body. It is bought and sold in a free market by the powerful owner. Power and indignation can result in submission of desires but not imagination. The imaginative process is responsible for human evolution.
To Gibran the real freedom lies in love. It is a state of mind that does not accept heavenly or humans inhibitions and limitations. He further adds that when our inhibition loose control on our conscious power we can aspire freely. To supplement his view he says, " if you see a sleeping slave, don't wake him up he might be dreaming of freedom." The great preacher of non violence Abul Ghaffar Khan, known as sarhadi Gandhi, does not agree with Gibran and say," no wake him up and teach him the real meaning of freedom so that he is not robbed of it again."
In my long discourse with him I have the impression that, to him the physical confinement was imprisonment but inhibition on free thinking was slavery. He used to emphasise on it with a great force that in any system or society where the imaginative power is curtailed and the expression of truth is an unforgivable sin that is slavery. Body in chains is a far lesser crime than chaining of mind and pen."
I cannot negate the relativity from objectivity in this statement but it is more near to human subconscious aspirations. Ghani thinks that human cannot survive in stagnancy but in a continuos search for a change. This search is the soul of freedom.
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