Saturday, 31 March 2012


Dr Khurshid Alam. London 30/3/2012

The world created by God Almighty is sufficient in area to give a shelter to each person. It's resources are sufficient to give respectable living to every one. If one cares for one's needs the others will not sleep hungry. The humans miseries are the result of greed of a person, class, society, or a country.

Greed is an inhuman mental illness of self seekers. They see themselves, either don't see others or damn care. Need has limits, greed has no limitation. Need is a characteristic of a person with self respect. Greed is a habit of a perpetual, compulsive flatterer. To greedy human dignity matters the least. He gets pleasure to be flattered and feel not ashamed to flatter others. The greed makes the person sycophant. He flatters others and like the company of flatters.
From a person to universe the greed has made this heavenly world in to a hell. Gandhi said," the world is a heaven if you look after your needs but it is a hell if you are satisfying your greed." It is a vicious circle and have no limits. Bacha Khan ( known as Sarhadi Gandhi ) used to tell me that greed makes monkey out of a man. He does anything and everything to get what he wants. Greed robs you of your dignity and shakes your faith in God. Greedy is a commodity for sale and is bought by any one. Greed makes the inner man so weak that he bows to any one. They have neither self respect nor they have moral values. It is a sin to expect something from some one except God. Not forgivable

Greed breeds expectation that further tarnish one's inner man. To my question that how can we get rid of expectations he said," reduce your needs." He told me a story that on the insistence of his elder brother, Dr. Khan Sahib, he went to see the British governor of our province. The governor took him to a place and said look at these people they are dying to meet me and you refuse to come and see me. Bacha khan replied they might have a greed to ask for your help and I don't need any thing from you but asking you to leave my land.

It dehumanise a human. Dehumanised human is worse than an animal. Neither he can be used as an animal nor he can be trusted as a human being. In my life I have seen some " have nots" what greed has done to them. It is to our bad luck that some of these elements have infiltrated in our party and has damaged us beyond repair. May God protect us from this filth.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Why Civil Governments fail in Pakistan? Dated:28 Feb. 2012

The slide of Pakistan to non-viability as a state and failure to have a delivering civil government has multiple causes. But few important ones, are like the absence of a political process and accountability. If the process would have been started since its genesis it would have resulted into established institutions. And the idea of collective leadership and democratic process would have automatically followed.

It was not in the interest of the rulers, so a particular mind set started ruling the country. They had a phobia towards democratic process. The country was run by dictators irrespective of khaki and Jinnah cap. The mentality was the same.
When the khaki wanted to give a chance to Jinnah cap they did so but the nucleus of power never changed hands. The chairs were given without authority.

The absence of the political process gave birth to opportunists and military created leaders. Majority of them have not been through a process. They erupted like mushrooms in military shavers and inherited the same mentality.
Neither they had a vision nor they had roots in the public. They considered themselves like military masters above accountability.
They were brought to power by masses but were never worked for the masses and of the masses. The system and the country had a huge vacuum that sucked in corrupt aristocracy. The army managed to further corrupt the roots in the name of democracy. The corruption became the norm and honesty was an exception.

F.M. Ayub, Zia and Musharaf played the pivotal role. The first one in the name of basic democracy and the last one in the name of the local government. Gen Zia committed the most heinous crime by radicalisation of the army and the masses. He introduced bribing the legislators. In fact they were hatched legislators, made in military shavers too.

This unhealthy practice on one hand disfranchised the 99 percent population and on the other hand made the legislators to forget about legislation and try to secure their own position and distribute the awarded money as a bribe to their own voters. The basic flaw was implanted in the roots. The legislators were given an extra role in local government to invest for the future elections and awarded a huge sum from public money.
The poor were disfranchised. They could not buy even the voters list. And the masses were corrupted and money became the all powerful.

On papers there was a limit to be spent on electioneering but a deaf ear was turned to the role of money. The moneyed persons had a free hand. It was the only trade with no danger of losses. Invest today in millions and get tomorrow in billions was guaranteed. Bribes and the use of the influence of the chair created a different class better called electoral tribe.
Party programs were made irrelevant. Those who struggled for basic human rights were flung out of the window. The moneyed elected persons after election made parties as Sheikh Rashid put it.

In my opinion unless these malpractices in the electoral system are rectified and in built mechanism of accountability is made an integral part of the system, it is beyond imagination that a common man will ever dream to reach to the corridors of power and be the owner of his own destiny. The present members are far away from the masses sufferings.
The political parties also said good bye to the democratic values to the intra party system. The result was the introduction of nepotism in the parties. They are as non democratic in their nature as the government.
Fear was created in the parties to silence the voice of dissension. It was tailored the sacred duty of the party workers to have unwavering loyalty to the party leadership and not to bother about the manifesto or core values. It resulted in dynastic politics. It was unsubtle attitude to nip free thinking in the parties.

Fear is the biggest killer of the logical thinking. These two factors can never live in one system. It gives holiness to the leaders and a status of dogma to their thinking.
The denial of free thinking is a slavery in its worst form. The slaves could not be expected to make a rationale decision. Like landlordism and industrial mindset, the intellectualism become a tool of exploitation. Dwarf starts growing and intelligence starts shrinking. The suppression of free thinking and the the unlimited role of money are the growing threats to the humanity and it's values. Unless checked in time it may lead to the collapse of the basic fabric of human society.

This is a painful fact that our society is standing on one leg. We are allowed to comment on an honest but we have no right to point our finger towards a dishonest. The denial of this very right has made accountability irrelevant. The corrupt and dishonest are scot free. They have no fear, because the system is providing them protection. They are unashamed of their blatant dishonesty and feel proud of it.

It is because the claw of power is corrupt. Corrupt cannot check corruption. I have seen people going to the parliament on bike or bare footed and coming back in bullet proof cars. Some were disowned by their parents but owned by the system and made fortunes. Corruption is the cancer of the body of humanity. It is every where but in Pakistan it is considered a norm.

Fear and money decay mental development and intellectual thinking. It makes a human myopic and mentally criminal. These two tools has turned human being in to a commodity. It is there for sale. The same factors have devalued the values of the humanity and has created a characterless class. It is like autoimmune disease killing its own body, that is the humanism.

We are Hippocrates of a superlative degree. We claimed to be the followers of Islam but having no Islam in our genes. In western democracy the parliament is sovereign and the members are answerable to the public. In Islamic democracy we have double accountability. The sovereignty lies with God. The parliamentarians are viceroys of God. They are responsible to God and the masses. But looking at the Muslim world we are the most corrupt and dishonest. We are scared of the powerful but have least bothered of God and the public. We are by nature autocratic and despots. If some of us have not been, they were probably denied an opportunity. We have disown the golden principle to be afraid of God and those who are not afraid of God. We are the most cruel to our masses and the biggest coward to our enemies.

The selection of the candidates is based on nepotism and bribery. The masses have no power to dismiss their representative for corruption or any other misdeeds. The power lies with the party leaders.
I would agree with Maulana Tahirul Qadri that if we want to introduce a sound political and democratic system we have to change the basic flaws in the election system. And give the masses a feeling that they are not born to be voters only to elect others but they have the right to be voted and elected too.

This needs change in the process of thinking. It needs mass education as Bacha Khan did in the beginning of last century. We have the means and the tools, and he had nothing except will, determination and the faith in his own honesty and integrity.
The free thinking should not be assassinated in the name of discipline. Discipline means the knowledge of forums allotted for different topics. No one would accept that one should wash the dirty lenin in the public. But intra organisational healthy discussion must be encouraged. The tolerance and patience are the key to the healthy organisation. Masses should have the feeling of ownership.

                                                                 PAKISTAN POLITICAL STANDING

Khurshidalam44@ London 17/3/12.

Pakistan fledgling civilian governments is on shaky ground. There are multiple factors. Few are external but the majority are internal. The most important one is an intrinsic phobia from military establishment and it's mighty intelligence agency that is not unfounded.

Left to the centre parties are always considered as anti establishment parties. They are viewed as security risk and foreign agents. In fact their loyalty is always doubted in military circles.

Pakistan people's party and it's main ally Awami national party have not yet been able to allay the fear of establishment and assured them of their patriotism. Now we have decided not to ask for a certificate. It is better to have no certificate than a fake certificate. There is always cold war between establishment and these parties, occasionally flare up to shoot out.

Traditionally any party whose power base is in one of the smaller provinces they are not trusted to know the secrets of the state. Either army or the rightest parties have this unchallengeable trust to be the custodians of the state secrets and integrity of the country. In this insanity they have lost more than half of the country. Now Baloch have been asked to show their back and they are looking to find an exit for great escape.

Politics, economics, military might and civilian aristocracy all belong to one constituency. They share many values. They are from one clan. Their mind set, thinking process are almost identical. They share the same past and aspire for the same future.

Come what may be but the nucleus of power and the citadel of authority should not change hand. It must be in responsible, dependable and trust worthy hands. For international political convenience if decided to give the government to some one hailing from less dependable constituencies,the chair is given but authority is retained till the international image is improved.

The present government is far from an ideal. So is the shadow government. None of them are the product of a process but the byproduct of historical blunders. But PPP is comparatively having better record and lately has contributed in blood and sweat. It does not make sense to change bad for worse.

The present opposition is not capable and too delicate like "touch me not plant". They are softies of Pakistan. Cannot stand the harsh weather in the prison. The maximum they can be expected to sacrifice, is to have an imperial exile as the guest of khademain sharifain. It is a historical co incidence that our apposition statesmen are also sharifain.

PPP was voted to power. Their first priority was to protect their chairs, secondly to give a run to a civilian rule. No one knows for sure that the second point was its policy or political compulsion. Whatever may be the reason behind but it was a step in right direction and they succeeded in their mission. Zardari proved beyond any shadow of doubt that he has no match in political wrangling and wrestling. He outclassed all others. He proved his manipulative skill.

On the other hand he put the military at bay. The tricks he used are irrelevant but when there is no fair play any trick is permissible. Mortality has no place in such abnormal circumstances. The military did show its teeth on certain occasion but he calmed down the situation. He kept a safe distance from both, the sea and the devil.

He deserves the credit to keep a powerless civilian rule running in the country without providing an excuse to the establishment to remove them from power. On the other hand he stopped those who wanted to jump the queue without turn.. He thwarted all the attempts of the united front comprising of establishment, politicised free Judiciary and gentle brothers.

We the students of historical politics appreciate the skill and acumen of Mr Zardari to keep a civilian government in power in such odd and unfavourable circumstances. We neither expected economical growth, nor a fair delivery system to the common man.

Neither they were capable to do it nor the international recession could allow them to do so. Dishonesty, corruption and nepotism were not some thing new that was introduced by Mr. Zardari but he could not check the souring devaluation of the values of the society and the Pakistani currency. There was tremendous inflation on both fronts. None of these commodities were there any way.

But one must remember that, to apply internationally established rule in an abnormal circumstances is equal to the introduction of confrontation of two systems or mind sets in a tight box. The end result will be an explosion.

It was neither practical nor easy, to be in troubled water and have animosity with sharks . After all Mr Zardari is not there in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland but international scenario is not known to the public. But he had the courage to accept the things as such with a determination to save the civilian rule. He was least bothered about its deliverance to the common man.
He really played well to keep the khaki out of the game and to stop Jinnah cap from breaking the queue.

I honestly think it is of paramount importance to let the civilian soupy stream run for a while. It will deliver democracy in long run. Let us break up this chain of dictatorial whims.

We should not be dishonest to the people and be frank to tell them that it is not an accountable democratic system. But the civilian rule must run in this most unacceptable form till the masses realise the importance of their vote and understand the might of ballot. This run will give birth to politicians instead of wrestlers and heavy weights,who are committed to democracy and fair play.

There is no short cut nor there is a JIM, to quick fix it in three months. The public must know that JIM is a TV character and has nothing todo with reality. This swim and sink technique is the only way to a viable and democratic Pakistan. Any adventurism by Jinnah cap will result in khaki take over permanently.

The present foul play may not deliver any thing to the masses but will provide them training how to use their vote and use it as a sickle to root out the corruption and nepotism. The rulers will never do it as it is not in their interest but the be- ruled have to liberate themselves. It is their need and only they can do it. I am sure, if given opportunity they cannot be fooled more than twice.

We cannot afford either Sonami or earth quake. They are synonymous to destruction we need gradual change called evolution not revolution like the one sweeping the Arab world. We do need Tahreer square to Tahreer a new history but without bloodshed and foreign interference.

The other most important factor is the involvement of US in south west Asia and we must realise that they have invested a lot in the region, particularly in Pak army. They should be helped to have an respectable exit. By impulsive decisions we are prolonging their physical presence in the area.

On the other hand American is the sole super power and should share the major responsibility in this region. Any adventurism by US will radicalise the society more and strengthen the alliance of the fundamentalist, particularly in Pakistan and the area at large. To down a drone will be insignificant but the repercussions will be enormous. As the Chinese proverb goes that patience for a moment can thwart universal havoc.
The workers Gallery 29th Feb.2012. London
Listen to me?o I know you, all want to tell me something. You are impatient to speak out.
I am listening to you tell me all turn by turn. This is your right. No one can deny your right of expression. Now you can start.

Look I listened to you all with patience. I expect you to listen to me with patience and stop me when you feel that I am wrong or have failed to convince you. I am not a leader but one of you. We are all followers of Bacha Khan. His policy is our guide. He is with us in his words and meanings, though he has physically left us. But has left behind what he had.
Look, you all have some personal and some general grievances about the party and the government. I am not a government spokesman but a party worker and preacher of his teachings.

You have idealised him and want to see idealism in his party and government. You have been disappointed by all of us . I don't intend to wash some one's head. Nor I am here to offer excuses. Yes, you are right. Many have been ignored. Many sacrifices have kept aside. Most of you have been victim of corruption and nepotism.

Our elders gave sacrifices but did we? They did not sacrificed that they should be awarded and respect for us. If you want respect you have to learn by your deeds to be loved. Love and respect are twin brothers.

Some of you mentioned that you have been denied your merit. Some of us brought nothing but shame to the teaching of our great leader. They used his teaching as a cash crop. Some used his name for personal gains without going through pains. I agree with you. Believe me I mean it. But let us ponder over it. Why it happened? Who did it? How did they get chance to do it?

Please think over it, cool down, chill out, pause for a while and ask yourself,
," Do we have any role in this filthy game? Are there any lapses on our part then I am sure you will understand me better? Did we work for the philosophy of Bach Khan? Did we understood the political teachings of Wali Baba? Did we convey his teachings to the masses? Did we train and educated few people in our constituencies to represent us? Didn't we follow the personality cults and throw back his teachings? Did we personally preached and practiced his teachings? Did we take this national responsibility or followed traditional seasonal politics? Did we understand what he meant by that, " faith is a continuous battle"? Did we negate our interests and promoted national cause? Did we followed the discipline and urged others to do so? Didn't he tell us that it is a brotherhood not a party? Did he not tell us that a brother has to serve a brother not rule him? Did he not teach us the fear of God and fear from those who were not afraid of God?"

These are the few questions. There are in thousands more to be asked from ourselves and our conscience. His teachings are stretching over a century. It is not possible for me to tell you all and request you to ponder over it.

Now tell me how many of us have answers to these questions? How much have we been honest to his teachings? How much we have worked to create an honest and educated cadre? How many of us can claim that we do not worship persons and personalities but only God?

Those who claim to understand his philosophy but fail to convey his message to all, are they not the biggest sinners.? Is it not a crime? Those who know and keep mum, do you think they are less criminals than those,"who know not, but think they know?"

There was a philosophy, there were people, there was a moving society. Was it not the duty of us, to give the moving society a direction. If we have failed in our duty, will it not loose the direction? Will there be no vacuum that will be filled by those "who know not"? The vacuum will suck in all shades of people. The vacuum cannot differentiate between goodies and baddies. It is the philosophy who can make this differentiation.

We must accept we have failed in our mission. We must accept that we and only we are responsible for what has been done to us. We have failed to see our own failures. We have been obvious to the fact that pointing a finger to some one, four are pointing to us.

Every one of us has the right to criticise the party but criticism must match our sacrifices and inputs. We must stop asking others to give us bath and shroud and a letter to be forgiven. History makers are different in actions and manners. Either you have to accept honour and dignity or money with no dignity?

If we accept our failures our souls will be at peace we will be at peace with ourselves. Bitterness breed brooding. Brooding bites your body and soul.

What should we do now? Should we abandoned our faith? Should we cut this tree because it has been damaged by maggots or we should look after it? We should treat it?
We should water it? We should put anti maggot fertiliser in its root? Let it grow to the size it was, once upon a time. Look at all the other trees, none of them is in our courtyard. Their stems are in different places their small branches are reaching us. Should we go sit under the shadow of a tree that is not ours?

It is not the way a proud nation should do unless he surrenders his pride.. I hope I have answered your grievances. Expectations give birth to bitterness and grievances. Don't expect. Don't ask for. Let people offer you. Here lies the dignity.


APC AND BALUCHISTAN? Dated: 29th Feb: 2012. London
"Violence breeds violence, denial of human dignity creates revolutionaries" (Bacha khan)

After a lot of discussions our government decided to call an APC on Baluchistan. . Is it the answer? I doubt very much. The free press did play the case of Baluchistan very forcefully and dedicatedly. They have to be commended. Few anchors like Fahad, Kashif,Ghauri and Hamid Mir played the pivotal role. Their honesty at least in this case is praise worthy, when Jamil Bugti asked Kashif tell me who should we talked to? Is there any body? Kashif painfully replied there is none.

This is a truth. Our journalists and politicians were drumming that there is a triangle of power. Later they added the fourth leg of free journalism. But it was total dishonesty, to fool the people and distortion of the reality. While I was young doctor I kept on writing particularly in 1990 decade, not to make fool of ourselves and people. It is a crime.

Not in the history of Pakistan the nucleus of power has shifted from GHQ. Even in US president cannot claim that he can make total policy shift against the wishes of Pentagon. In Pakistan unfortunately they are involved in minute to major issues and not ready to share. It may be too sour but it is a fact. It is blunt but it is.

Let us look at our very assertive judiciary they need the shoulder of army to take a major decision. For example to hit the PM they were waiting for a cleavage to appear between the executive and the army. It was not out of their patience but it was the compulsion of the circumstances.

The journalists are very vibrant but does not touch the sacred cow. Mr Nawaz Sharif pose to be anti establishment but when it comes to the reality, he makes a safe escape to London since he has learned to speak English. The younger Mian rush to Dubai.

The same play is being repeated that was played in the first thirty ears of the country's life, with Bacha Khan and his nationalist movement. The establishment wanted him to be a part of the ruling clique and he was constantly saying that give my nation the national identity with rights and let me serve them. They were far apart with each other in mental frequency.

The same drama is repeated with Baluch. They want their robbed national identity and dignity and our rulers are offering them political bribery called packages.

What wonders me that if the civilian government cannot offer what they want how on earth the APC will give them? Unless the armed forces is a party to it nothing can be given. Baluch know well this fact. This is my candid opinion.

They sincerely attempted under the umbrella of NAP but their dreams were shattered. I have heard them in public and in private, that they have a huge trust deficit. If they have to enter in to a meaningful dialogue they will insist on military involvement and an international guarantor.

As for as I know them, initially they will try probationary agreement and if that works, it will be followed by final agreement. They have no cloud in their mind that any civilian government can deliver any good. The civil authorities owe their little bit say to the army, how they could be trusted to deliver to Baluch. The same is true about all small nations. Unless Pakistan resolution accepted in it's letter and spirit, the question of having a true federation of four nations is mentally accepted and expressed in attitude, the core issue cannot be solved. And by every day gone it will become more complicated to undo it.

The time is against those who have the real power. This is also known and clear to Baluch that they have lost its international credibility. It is the time to strike when the iron is hot. They are seasoned politicians, they are not ready to let this opportunity go like this.

It must be remembered that often treason to patriotism delivers the freedom and justice humanity. To be patriot is to defend one's own dignity and identity. Neither It can't be drilled into the minds nor imposed by a bullet. It is earned not instilled

Pakistani rulers must accept that it is not the numerical strength of a nation but the will of the nation that matters. We all know that the total population of Baluchistan is of 5-7 millions. The Pakistan army is the 7th biggest army of the world, but did the red army of USSR broke the will of Estonian?

The present civil government failed for many reasons but can we deny that they had chairs but no powers? Has there been a week without a new scandal? They were on shaky ground. They were not in a position to deliver to the public. They were kept busy to save their chairs. In this game Zardari out played every one and we must accept it.

Did the most vocal Mian could deliver any thing during his premiership with two third majority in the house and sharing the constituency with the 'real power holders'? We must be factual. I have seen late Mian Sahib crying and swearing at his eldest son to fiddle with this institution but he did not listen to me nor he listened to Wali Khan.

The smaller nations who are sharing power at the moment are still worried, how to provide protection to the constitutional amendments. Their fear is not unfounded. Book still follows the sword. The mentality change is yet to occur. It is a fight against a mind set like the terrorism. To defeat terrorist is difficult because it is to defeat a mind set. So is the case with smaller nations vs Islam Abad.

The world is watching us. With every passing day the establishment is loosing more and more credibility. The frustration of Baluch is increasing and the national will is getting stronger with every killing of the innocent.

Nothing can restore this confidence of Baluch except a bold and internationally dependable leadership who can settle the matters with the army first and then embark on other national issues. Unless this knot is undone, no small nation will consider itself safe in Pakistan.

If we want to live in the dream of insanity that is our choice, having nothing to do with the reality. There is no point to blame our minds the fault lies in the reality. If we have to solve the major issues it will be the acceptance of the ground realities and the determination to tackle them, we have to come out of this denial and have the courage to accept otherwise we have to mourn our non objectivity for the unimaginable loss that is bound to happen.

To know the realities on the ground in Pakistan one has to come out of Pakistan. In Pakistan the vision is so jaundiced and the mind is so cloudy that one can neither see, nor can think with sanity. It is the question of survival of the country. The survival of it is in a true federation and getting rid of dogmas. The days of issuing fatwa are gone bye.



While Arab world is in turmoil, after Arab awakening process and has yet to put their houses in order to get the desired result, another political storm is in offing to hit the area.

It is timed so precisely by the international players that it is the time for them to get what they want to achieve and on the other hand to struck pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities and nip it in the bud. No sane mind will support the proliferation of nuclear capability.

But the sanity will demand that standards should have universality, and any thing that is detrimental to the humanity must neither be allowed to develop nor anyone should have hegemony to stock pile these deadly arsenals.

No conditionality should be linked with this principle. Any thing that is destructive to human race and nature should be stopped by all possible means available to humanity. Conditionality like responsible or irresponsible, democratic or autocratic state should be abandoned. This creates loopholes and room for application of double standards.

This should be strictly in the domain of UNO and no country should have the right to apply these sacred principles for their own interests. The watch dog should be UNO and UNO only. No support should be lent to make UNO irrelevant. This decade should be devoted only to democratise UNO by getting rid of Veto concept and to bury the Infamous satanic Bush doctrine of pre-emptive strike.

This is naked state terrorism. It is rampant since the world has become unipolar. Unfortunately the Democrats who came for a "change" have yet to change this barbaric and Mr Bush, bushy legacy. This legacy will further push the people to bushes and mountains.

If all the clergy of each and every religious schools of thought are put to gather still Bush and Dick share, in the radicalisation of world opinion will be greater than any.

The axis of evils derived it's strength from the arrogance of the axis of Devils. It was the double standards and total disregard of the sole super power towards humanity in general , that stimulated the radicalisation and terrorism. Terrorism breeds terrorists. The non uniformity of the principle and tailoring it for national and international interest prepare the grounds for terrorist growth.

They are blind to history as well. The two black spots that were inflicted on the face of twentieth century was the same self proclaimed responsible and democratic country, USA. It is also to be remembered that that unforgivable sin was committed after cease fire and there was no elected government in the US itself.

The other question that arise in the minds of sane elements,is who will define responsible and irresponsible? Who will certify the arsenal of mass destruction and the capability of self defence.

Iraq and Afghanistan are the shining examples. Where did they find the arsenals of mass destruction after destroying and occupying a sovereign country. The twin tower were hit by Al-Qaeda but the Taliban were punished for the crime, they never committed. Both are the weepings wounds of the so called global village or empire of the chip technology.

The world was watching for the non aligned movement but it is saddening that the country of Gandhi and Nehru instead of spearheading the philosophy of peace and democracy became the contender of undemocratic and barbaric philosophy.

The syrian war continuation is not due to Russian and Chinese veto, but it's transformation in to sectarian war by American stooges in Middle East led by Saudi Arabia, resulting in the fragmentation of the opposition and continuation of the most heinous crimes. Now it is a war between two minds sets. I can see no early end to this Madness.

The visit of Israel prime minister at such crucial while America is in the grip of election fever and every one knows of the role of Jewish lobby in US politics. Barack Obama could not dare to reject the use of military might. He said that it is still on the table but the window of diplomacy should be given some more time but was quick to add that Israel is a sovereign state and has the right to defend its interest and sovereignty. Is it really in danger. Or a ploy being used to create fear that people loose the logical thinking.

The logic demands that the current stock piles must be reduced by the holders by certain percentage on yearly basis and the non proliferation should be applied universally. Israel has conventional superiority on all Arab states put together. One fails to understand that why the international fraternity is mum about its nuclear stock pile.

It will be a shear stupidity to deny the right of existence to Israel. They have proved beyond doubt that those who turn blind eye to this stark reality they have the conventional might to prove it and they have done so on many occasions.

Israel is the only democracy in Middle East. But their love for democratic value is only for Jews. Their external policy is based on barbarism and it is the only apartheid state left in the world. Still it is the corner stone of US foreign policy.

In my opinion the Muslim countries share responsibility for the continuous suffering of Palestinians. If we cannot be good friend we should not be staunch enemies.

We cannot achieve any thing by this animosity. Every time we had a war with Israel they have expanded it's geographical boundaries. The abandoning of intifada and accepting Gaza strip were their biggest political and strategical mistakes of Palestinians. The corruption is yet another factor.

The pre-emptive strike of Iran will have world wide repercussions. It will give birth to another Al-Qaeda more radical and more vicious. I am sure Israel has the capacity to destroy it. US has failed to squeeze any undertaking from Israel. But it will be putting the peace of the world at stake. Any thing that is bad for one is bad for all.

NATURE AND HUMAN BEING. Dated 15/3/12. London.
We spend a lot of time acquiring intelligence at the expense of developing intellect.

Intelligence is built by gaining information, knowledge from external agencies, from schools and universities, teachers and textbooks. The intellect is developed through your individual effort by exercising the faculty of questioning, thinking and reasoning. Not accepting anything that does not admit logic or reason. Know the difference between the two. And that any amount of intelligence gained cannot per se build your intellect.
World is a great school of learning. Nature is unfolding itself every day page by page like a book and those who have the basic intelligence picks up from it to pile up in their mind.

It is necessary to have a bit of knowledge to differentiate between these most commonly used words. The para above is over simplistic description of the two given by Hindustan times. Unfortunately they are closely related and intertwined words that a precise differentiation may not be an easy task.

Most of the intellectuals agree with some contradictions that the intelligence is an acquired conscious effort to accumulate information from external resources. The external environment has a pivotal role in it.

While on the other hand intellect is the capability to acquire knowledge. In other words, Intellect is acquiring intelligence without mistakes. While the wisdom could be defined acquisition of intelligence with mistakes.

This added quality arms us to differentiate between the expected result of good or bad, failure or success. In other words wisdom teach us how to apply knowledge in the light of our experience. Wise people are consulted to share basically their experience.

As we say commonly that Mr X is more wise than his age. Acquisition of knowledge and development of intellect require a set time while one cannot put limit ban on wisdom. The more you grow and experience the wiser you are.

In other words experience is a great teacher but the tuition fee is too high. It is saddening that every thing has a fee to be paid for but not consultation in less developed societies. Intellectual has the vocabulary matching his imagination to dress his imaginations. We may give it a name, intellectual wisdom. He may or may not have been on the role of a university. We may say simplistically that he is a student of the university of life.
Dr khurshid Alam. Dated24/3/2012( London)

The word Peace is derived from a Latin word Pax. In Hebrew it is called shotum and Islam it is called salam. Peace is an internal feeling and is the ultimate precursor for making any effort to build peaceful societies. It is a corner stone for the universal peace.
To achieve this state of mind one has has to go through different spiritual methods of purification or we may call it, a process to cleanse one's own chemistry.

Peace has been defined as a state of balance of self understanding and understanding of others in relation to your self. Where respect is gained by understanding the difference of perceptions of others. We may call it peaceful co-existence in contradictions.

It may be called the state of harmony in the absence of conflicts. To me this is an incomplete definition. Peace without cultural and economical justice carries no meaning. The peace in a graveyard is not a peace but silence. It is a peaceful co-existence between living individuals without denial of the right of having difference of opinions and perspectives.

Peace is intra-personal, interpersonal and international phenomenon and is a great human virtue. Pacification is the core characteristic. In peace there is no victor and the vanquished but all parties are equally victors.

Violence can be described to turn an orderly process or life into a disorderly state with a big element of fear. Fear can end a conflict but with complete disregard to human natural aspirations. In peace there is mutual love and affection while in violence and force there is underlying hatred and resentment.

Violence breeds violence and instigate the other party to use counter violence. Non violence breeds love and make the other to surrender. Hate cannot be removed by hatred but love and tolerance can transform the enemy in to a friend. It is weapon having no destructive quality. Abdul Ghaffar Khan used to explain that violence has always a bigger and vicious counter violence but there is no counter to non violence.

The patience to listen to others and accept the difference of opinion increase the depth of tolerance and leaves no room for interpersonal friction. It creates harmonious atmosphere to provide the opportunity to lay the foundation of building humanity with social justice and prosperity.

Human being is the second most destructive animal to an elephant. But elephant destroy the local nature and when it comes to the human beings they destroy a wast area and grossly destroy the humanity. The prosperity and human growth requires a climate of peace.

                             THE LANGUAGE OF NATURE. 18/3/12. London

The two great teachers cannot be denied their high grounds in any aspect. Nature and mother. Mother is a great teacher in the sense that apart from a partner in creation she is the one to teach the most difficult lesson to a small child how to take the first step.

He is admitted to the school of life? The small step is the beginning of a long journey of life. Now it is his duty to read and acquire knowledge from the surrounding nature. Nature has enormous and unlimited knowledge to offer to humanity, relates to humans in its own language. Those who use their faculties of seeing, listening and analysis acquire what no man made institution can offer. The beauty of nature that it speaks in its silence and it's noise. It unfolds itself to be read. Few of us has the capability to do it.

Nature does not like to be limited nor tolerate inhibitions and hindrances. Those who try to built hindrances, the response always match the obstructions. Let us look at the vast and deep ocean They have a huge universe in its depth. The very depth of holding so much secrets of nature, gives it the power and might.

The depth gives tolerance and serenity. Less disposition to express. Watch it's surface, calm and quiet. What to say of noise there is no whisper. We have expressions like, still waters run deep or the lull in the sea is always followed by a storm. If we think over it the storm is always a reaction to obstruction or an internal disorder.

If we correlate this characteristic to human, a knowledgable intellectual will speak less and listen more. His depth of patience will be more. Provocation will agitate him comparatively less. Hardly with an inclination to show off.

It is the ignorant and particularly those with little will create more problems and speak louder than what they know. Arrogance will be his second nature. He is like a river with no depth. But in spite of less depth, its nature does not tolerate obstructions and hindrances to its free flow. The rivers roar, when it hit obstruction, retreat and hit again. It rumbles, change direction and cause destruction. The same may happen in sea but when there is a volcanic eruptions or gross interference in its internal chemistry. In it's depth lies its tolerance.

The great people owe this behaviour to nature. The depth of their wisdom, experience and knowledge purify their soul and mind. Their tolerance threshold is unimaginably very high. They hate vulgarity and damaging others.

If we spend a night amongst a thick forest of pines and listen to the music when the breeze is blowing it is the taller trees that sing. The smaller trees will dance more and sing less.

How much we have common in nature and without realising how much we have inherited from nature. How much nature broaden our horizon and vision if we ponder over it for a while?


Dr. Khurshid Alam London 21/3/2012

I am in search to find a correct meaning of truth or the definition of truth. The more I read the more I get confused. The reason is the lack of knowledge. The other reason could be unless we can define lies or falsehood, we cannot define the truth. Or unless we can totally disengage subjectivity from objectivity we cannot define the two words definitively. But that is not an easy task to minus subjectivity from objectivity.

Science terms any thing true or fact which could be reproduce in its original form. But scientific evolution is an eternal process. Things that can't be proved to day the technology may prove it tomorrow. Who knows about the day that will have no tomorrow.

Theologists are least concerned to provide proofs and facts but ask us to believe.

The philosophers are working in the grey area between scientific facts and theological dogmas. As some one said they are masturbating with intellectualism.

To politicians, the opinion of majority is a fact unless proved otherwise. There is a big pre-conditionality attached. That also depends on our capability to observe and interpret. It can be termed as a collective wisdom but not truth. Statistics and acceptability to the social values has its part to play in this view. It will be difficult to give a blanket statement that the minority point of view is untrue. Things can be true but not provable.

Any how truth is definitely there in its absolute form because we cannot discord the reality. We know this for sure that any thing which accords reality is truth. But to know reality confront us with yet another challenge. We can give cautious opinion that something that does not change depending upon who is looking at it is reality and by the same token it should be viewed as truth.

We cannot correlate truth with humanity. It is mortal and change its character with passage of time. We can say some thing is good or bad for that period of time but cannot say it is true or false. To hold on to some thing could be termed not the whole truth but does not qualify either truth or false.

Nehru wrote to Indra that any thing which one cannot speak to the millions without guilt complex is not true. I believe the same was the opinion of Abdul Ghaffar Khan, popularly known as frontier Gandhi. But the feeling of guilt does not wash out the element of subjectivity and fall out of social values that hinders free thinking.

I have reached to this conclusion that scientifically it is not possible for a person like me to elaborate more than what Nehru has said. Truth does need some a degree of intelligence. As Bertrand Russell say that it is not wise to believe a stupid that what a wise man said? As he has understood what was said according to his intelligence and interpreted accordingly.


Dr Khurshid Alam 23/3/2012 London.
Slavery exists since the time unknown or as old as humanity. It might have changed its form in different time or may exist in different forms in the same period of time but the character remains the same. It may struck an individual or a group. It may be physical, social, cultural, economical Political or mental. But must have an oppressor and an oppressed or a victor and a victim.

Unless we have the knowledge of true freedom or the capability and wisdom to define freedom, the perception of slavery cannot be grasped in its entirety. The wiser have defined free man and freedom differently.

The imaginative and perceptive capability of human mind is boundless and the human knowledge has limitations. These limitations imparts relativity to our expressions.

The theocrats play in this grey area. Where human mind cannot reach, the dogmas are introduced. Divinity impose its own limitations.

Why freedom is so loved and slavery is so detested because in freedom we see the fulfilment of our aspirations. But is it the end? No, human mind keeps searching for new aspirations in changed circumstances and to acquire more freedom as Ghani puts it that human mind is the offspring of a change.

The very title of Bertrand Russell, article,"the worship of a freeman" has an intrinsic perception peeping behind the word worship. Worship in itself is a subjugation. But there is no doubt that in his essay he has been the nearest person to human aspirations.

If we keep aside the sand bags of words, can't we see the slavery in UNO. Human action is inherently coercive as said by a thinker. Living without governmental coercion is freedom, this is what he thinks. But the question of human nature's coherency has been ignored. He further adds that man is not free unless the government coercion is limited avoiding to take in to account of human nature, Devine philosophies and social injustices. Ronald Reagan say as government expands,liberty contracts. Though in his life time his actions were completely contrary to his words

To most western thinkers, democracy is the most sacred. No doubt we have yet to replace it with a better system but it should not be forgotten it is majoritarianism with no regards for minority. As I said it is better called collective wisdom in a particular circumstances. As some one pointed out there is nothing to check and protect the weaker or limit the obnoxious persons.

Slavery is the most heinous crime but it is unfortunate that it has the patronage of the powerful and mighty. It is practiced openly under the slogan to protect the free world.

It converts human aspirations in to a commodity what to say about physical body. It is bought and sold in a free market by the powerful owner. Power and indignation can result in submission of desires but not imagination. The imaginative process is responsible for human evolution.

To Gibran the real freedom lies in love. It is a state of mind that does not accept heavenly or humans inhibitions and limitations. He further adds that when our inhibition loose control on our conscious power we can aspire freely. To supplement his view he says, " if you see a sleeping slave, don't wake him up he might be dreaming of freedom." The great preacher of non violence Abul Ghaffar Khan, known as sarhadi Gandhi, does not agree with Gibran and say," no wake him up and teach him the real meaning of freedom so that he is not robbed of it again."

In my long discourse with him I have the impression that, to him the physical confinement was imprisonment but inhibition on free thinking was slavery. He used to emphasise on it with a great force that in any system or society where the imaginative power is curtailed and the expression of truth is an unforgivable sin that is slavery. Body in chains is a far lesser crime than chaining of mind and pen."

I cannot negate the relativity from objectivity in this statement but it is more near to human subconscious aspirations. Ghani thinks that human cannot survive in stagnancy but in a continuos search for a change. This search is the soul of freedom.


Dr Khurshid Alam 25/3/12 London.

Certain words are repeatedly used but extremely difficult to give them a universally accepted definition. Morality is one of them. It is derived from a Latin word moralitas. It combines certain characters like manners,character and proper behaviour.

Some have described it as the differentiation of intentions,decision and action to differentiate between the good or bad. The other say it is the most important code of conductus forward by a society. Some gives it the name of principles concerning to differentiate between right and wrong. The principles and intentions are two different concepts. It sounds more like inter play with words.

If it is so important to the society then it should have universality. It should not change its form from race to race, colour to colour, country to country and religion to religion. The factors that constitute it should have universality. Those are also not universally determined. Civility is another commonly used and universally abused word. It should have been derived from knowledge not dictated by the society.

The west commonly considers civility as their property while east is showing pride in it's moral values. Who is the sole proprietor of these values cannot be ascertained? Both abuse the same values when it comes to their vested interests.

Human beings have certain extinct like hunger, sex and greed. In hunger no body cares for any conditionality but to get some thing to eat. In a poor society if you flung out a a dry piece of bread with fungus there will be many to run for it. But the dog of an affluent person will just smell and go away. Should we call those human beings immoral and non civil compared to that dog.

Sex is a human extinct when the stomach is full. As for as their mutual agreement it is not considered bad in the west. The only precondition is age. Minor for minor, major of major. Compare to sex, unpunctuality,irresponsible attitude and misuse of authority or public funds are considered bigger crimes.

In the east the sexuality or exhibitionism are considered the most heinous crime with mutual agreement. This again not applied to the far east. Education in sex is unthinkable. Homosexuality is unimaginable. But on the other hand non punctuality, abuse of power and bribery is a norm. Honesty and responsibility to the society is an exception not the rule.

What is good or bad is perception not a rule in my humble opinion. I think that any thing that does not hurt a person or damage the society is relatively good. I feel one has got the right to do good or bad limited to himself as for as it is it is not harmful to others and should be considered relatively benign.

Civility is politeness and social manners to avoid hurting or humiliation of someone else. It does not come with education. Education refines it but literally it is the brought up that is more significant.


Fear is the worst enemy of truth, honesty, and logical thought process. It sinks in body and soul and sits in. Destroy us organically and spiritually. Robs us of human dignity. Its nudity in its worst form.

The fear origins from unknown. As we start knowing the fear starts disappearing. Fear originates inside human beings or instilled by the surroundings. What ever may be the cause, the lack of knowledge is at work behind the screen. It is such a brutal weapon it destroy self esteem and wrecks the soul. It is a weapon used by every exploiter using different pretext to subjugate others.

To get rid of it, needs the provision of the opportunities to acquire knowledge. Those opportunities are denied to the wast silent majority of the humanity. From a family to the globe, this vicious weapon is being recklessly used.
Fear makes the person helpless and helplessness eats up the human society like maggot eats the bark of a tree. It has made the humanity an easy prey to oppression and subjugation, in the name of any rubbish slogan. To end the rule of fear globally, the only pill available to cure the sick humanity is to equip the people with knowledge.
Dated: 16th March 2012

Thursday, 8 March 2012



While Arab world is in turmoil, after Arab awakening process and has yet to put their houses in order to get the desired result, another political storm is in offing to hit the area.

It is timed so precisely by the international players that it is the time for them to get what they want to achieve and on the other hand to struck pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities and nip it in the bud. No sane mind will support the proliferation of nuclear capability.

But the sanity will demand that standards should have universality, and any thing that is detrimental to the humanity must neither be allowed to develop nor anyone should have hegemony to stock pile these deadly arsenals.

No conditionality should be linked with this principle. Any thing that is destructive to human race and nature should be stopped by all possible means available to humanity. Conditionality like responsible or irresponsible, democratic or autocratic state should be abandoned. This creates loopholes and room for application of double standards.

This should be strictly in the domain of UNO and no country should have the right to apply these sacred principles for their own interests. The watch dog should be UNO and UNO only. No support should be lent to make UNO irrelevant. This decade should be devoted only to democratise UNO by getting rid of Veto concept and to bury the Infamous satanic Bush doctrine of pre-emptive strike.

This is naked state terrorism. It is rampant since the world has become unipolar. Unfortunately the Democrats who came for a "change" have yet to change this barbaric and Mr Bush, bushy legacy. This legacy will further push the people to bushes and mountains.

If all the clergy of each and every religious schools of thought are put to gather still Bush and Dick share, in the radicalisation of world opinion will be greater than any.

The axis of evils derived it's strength from the arrogance of the axis of Devils. It was the double standards and total disregard of the sole super power towards humanity in general , that stimulated the radicalisation and terrorism. Terrorism breeds terrorists. The non uniformity of the principle and tailoring it for national and international interest prepare the grounds for terrorist growth.

They are blind to history as well. The two black spots that were inflicted on the face of twentieth century was the same self proclaimed responsible and democratic country, USA. It is also to be remembered that that unforgivable sin was committed after cease fire and there was no elected government in the US itself.

The other question that arise in the minds of sane elements,is who will define responsible and irresponsible? Who will certify the arsenal of mass destruction and the capability of self defence.

Iraq and Afghanistan are the shining examples. Where did they find the arsenals of mass destruction after destroying and occupying a sovereign country. The twin tower were hit by Al-Qaeda but the Taliban were punished for the crime, they never committed. Both are the weepings wounds of the so called global village or empire of the chip technology.

The world was watching for the non aligned movement but it is saddening that the country of Gandhi and Nehru instead of spearheading the philosophy of peace and democracy became the contender of undemocratic and barbaric philosophy.

The syrian war continuation is not due to Russian and Chinese veto, but it's transformation in to sectarian war by American stooges in Middle East led by Saudi Arabia, resulting in the fragmentation of the opposition and continuation of the most heinous crimes. Now it is a war between two minds sets. I can see no early end to this Madness.

The visit of Israel prime minister at such crucial while America is in the grip of election fever and every one knows of the role of Jewish lobby in US politics. Barack Obama could not dare to reject the use of military might. He said that it is still on the table but the window of diplomacy should be given some more time but was quick to add that Israel is a sovereign state and has the right to defend its interest and sovereignty. Is it really in danger. Or a ploy being used to create fear that people loose the logical thinking.

The logic demands that the current stock piles must be reduced by the holders by certain percentage on yearly basis and the non proliferation should be applied universally. Israel has conventional superiority on all Arab states put together. One fails to understand that why the international fraternity is mum about its nuclear stock pile.

It will be a shear stupidity to deny the right of existence to Israel. They have proved beyond doubt that those who turn blind eye to this stark reality they have the conventional might to prove it and they have done so on many occasions.

Israel is the only democracy in Middle East. But their love for democratic value is only for Jews. Their external policy is based on barbarism and it is the only apartheid state left in the world. Still it is the corner stone of US foreign policy.

In my opinion the Muslim countries share responsibility for the continuous suffering of Palestinians. If we cannot be good friend we should not be staunch enemies.

We cannot achieve any thing by this animosity. Every time we had a war with Israel they have expanded it's geographical boundaries. The abandoning of intifada and accepting Gaza strip were their biggest political and strategical mistakes of Palestinians. The corruption is yet another factor.

The pre-emptive strike of Iran will have world wide repercussions. It will give birth to another Al-Qaeda more radical and more vicious. I am sure Israel has the capacity to destroy it. US has failed to squeeze any undertaking from Israel. But it will be putting the peace of the world at stake. Any thing that is bad for one is bad for all.