By: Dated: 16th January 2012 London.
It is consoling to the mind that we have still some political leaders to diffuse the situation to avoid the sad demise of Pakistan. Though we have yet to give up the habit of giving certificates of patriotism.
Some, shut their eyes to the very fact that constitutional jurisdiction of the institution is secondary to the death of the state.
It is true that mere holding election does not encompass the definition of democracy. It just defines the government by the people but not for the people and of the people.
But it does not mean that one should derail the process, but to let the people get educated and force the government to incorporate “for and of the people”. It needs time and allow the process to take its due course. Literally there was no opposition to the Indian Congress in Indian parliament till early eighties. But with the passage of time it grew up.
Adventurism is no alternative to a limping march towards the full democracy. Maturity of the masses cannot erupt over night like a daffodil of the spring. It needs literacy, education, and ultimately ‘Jail breaking’ their minds.
The adventurism is the hallmark of our history of 63 years. Quite sadly, undemocratic manoeuvres stems from the days of M.A.Jinnah.
As Dr. Tahir Gora has rightly said in his book, Jinnah took most of the undemocratic steps during his very short life after the proclamation of Pakistan. His option to be in the Governor slot and conducting the Prime Ministerial role, dismissing the successive governments in different provinces were all indicators for the future set up of the so called Islamic State. It was concept of caliphate rather than a modern democratic state.
In a caliphate there are also some qualifications to be a Caliph those were put
aside. The very creation of Pakistan was without a vision of the future. Subsequently every change was in the same direction. Every one is naked in this foul play. Military or civilian despot ruled the country. The ideology of Pakistan was used as a dogma that was strictly followed to deal with the opposition and to save the chairs.
Kakool produced more politicians than all universities combined. Every change was the change of the men not of the minds. The basic aim was the same, to strengthen the dogmatic status quo and ultimately suffocate the logical approach. The sword led the book; logic was forced to follow the impulse. The impulsive led the crowed into unknown and unchartered waters.
Ayub martial law was proclaimed to stop the election in 1959 and avoid the landslide defeat of Muslim league at the hands of Awami League and NAP.
Ayub violated his own made constitution and instead handing over power to the speaker brought in Yahya.
Bhutto as Civilian Martial Administrator followed Yahya. It is a rape of the history to give the total credit of 1973 constitution to him. It was the serenity of the opposition of that time who did not use the precedence put by Bhutto himself and opted for making a new Pakistan with a constitution.
There was no question that Bhutto rigged the election, though he was winning the election but all that was done to get two third majority. It paved the way for Zia to proclaim another Black Law.
To break the backbone of PPP in Sindh he created a Mafia of MQM. The failure of PPP and Muslim league to deliver some good to the people, Musharraf stepped in. Musharraf stepping in was the total failure of Nawaz League to bring the required changes in the constitution in spite of having two third majorities. Instead he resorted to most undemocratic ways and means?
If we cast a bird eye view on the sequence of events it was the lack of vision on the part of politicians who invited the army. The army strengthen their place by entering in to different strategic pacts with Americans. The civil bureaucracy transformed itself to autocracy to match the mentality of the army and work in harmony. The institutions were made irrelevant.
The judiciary went a step ahead to offer their loyalty to the nucleus of power by surrendering its independence. It is a chain of events that makes the history of Pakistan that brought us to this sad state of existence.
Every institution is sticking to its gun. The politicians of right wing have thrown the bone of contention that has brought the institutions into direct confrontation.
All the institutions are radicalised and politicised and have ridiculed themselves. Army still demands its “say” in political affairs whether it is Kerry Lugar bill or Memo Scandal. NRO is the brainchild of the army but the punishment is being given to the beneficiaries.
The judiciary may be free but the neutrality of the Jurists is having a big question mark. A layman like me can smell the rotten and can see the partisan attitude. Only an insane would believe that the thinking of a full bench of the epic court is total consensus. Unless the CJ is running the court, on the same pattern as the COAS of military. The court has forgotten that its new gotten freedom owes to the blood of many innocent political worker of ANP and PPP and particularly to Benazir.
The politicians have learnt nothing from the past or too dwarf to learn. They lack vision and acumen without any shred of a doubt.
The army has failed to preserve the sanctity of the sovereignty of the land but is trying to re-assert their lost credibility to hit hard on the beleaguered government.
Is memo scandal more lethal to the integrity of the country than the breaches in the defence lines of GHQ and Naval head quarter? Does the military leaders respect carry more sanctity than the places they are suppose to protect.
The free journalism has already passed the verdict on the government of being guilty with no right to appeal.
Constitution determines the jurisdiction of each pillar. But it is note worthy that is being applied to the government on regular basis but some how other pillars escape or considered run by angels, not vulnerable to commit any mistake? There has been hardly a month that has passed without a scandal.
The parliament has been made disabled by the opposition not to take its seat and has opted to be represented by a proxy opposition.
Was the statement of the PM in the parliament really unconstitutional? Was a serving general not supposed to take his permission while going on spying visit? In a parliamentary government is the president not the Commander In Chief of the army. Why the army leadership refused to give him the protocol he was entitled for? Is it not the violation of the rules?
The attitude is the reflection of the intentions. Does it not apply to the army, judiciary and press? Why the parliament is the only target? Why are we shy to experiment with truth?
Why the CM of Punjab was not served a contempt of court? Why Nawaz Sharif was not asked that when he threw the unanimous resolution of the provincial house to rename the N.W.F.P. in waste paper bin while the verdict of the same house was honoured to nominate his crony Mr Tarar to the presidential slot?
Is it to fool the public?
In one breath it is claimed by Nawaz League that any unconstitutional step will be resisted while paving the way for their intervention.
To have the emergency meetings of Jurists and Core Commanders is considered a norm but to recall of the parliament is abnormal. Is it not perplexing?
In this backdrop it seems that it is not a federal form of government but a unitary style of government to safeguard the interest of the elites of Punjab and retain the name of Pakistan for international political convenience.
The rape of history, which started with the creation of Pakistan and is being pursued in words and spirit till today? Why not to bloody confess it?
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