Tuesday, 22 February 2011



Dr. Khurshid Alam. Khurshidalam44@hotmail.com

The fall of Berlin was celebrated throughout the world as the beginning of a long process that will bring down many walls, barbwires or lines erected or drawn by colonial powers to bring the divided nations together or remove the stooges of colonial powers who were installed to protect the interests of their ex-masters.

The Muslim world with exception of Afghanistan was under colonial rule. Algeria and few others fought for freedom. The others were given independence by their colonial master in a silver plate. It was in fact political and economical investment for the future by the colonial powers, as they could not maintain their grip any more after Second World War.

The Second World War though erased Japan, Germany and Italy to the ground but also break the back of colonial powers. In other words these three expansionists became the liberators of the colonies. But while colonial powers were departing they completely change the natural geographical boundaries and installed their faithfuls. Some countries were un-naturally divided, while some new were created like Pakistan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Havoc was played with Middle East. Saudi Arabia in its present form was the creation of British, Kuwait was carved from Iraq and Palestine was divided between the loyal Arab Sheikhs and Jews. Most of the boundaries were redrawn.

Palestine is still a bleeding wound. The rest Arab world were handed over to the cronies. Unlike socialist states where there was economical democracy but political dictatorship. On the other hand the capitalist countries had political freedom but economical dictatorship. The biggest Dollar dictatorship is in U.S.

In newly carved Middle Eastern countries had neither of the two. To be more honest it is applicable to most of the Muslim countries. To rule and strangulate their subjects they used religion as a lash. Terror was created.

In Islamic Republic of Iran Ex Prime Minister of Iran, Mr. Haveda was executed after two and a half minutes trial.

Mussadiq in Iran tried but was toppled by Americans and so Jamal Abdul Nasser was discredited using religion and King Faisal was propped in Saudi Arabia to counter Pan Arabism by religion.

These cronies blunted the Palestinians struggle. A Palestinian scholar in Dublin told me that a Democratic Nationalist Palestine is a threat to the Arab dictatorial regimens rather than Israel. He was of the opinion that if ever a Palestine state came in to existence these kingdoms will fall like house of cards one after the other.

In the same venue an American Film producer told me that it will take Israel less than 24 hours to completely capture Saudi Arabia bit it is not in American interest. It is easy to deal with Arab sheikhs to fix the price of petrol than to deal with Jews who are money minded.

They were right I believe Black September and occupation of Gaza by Egyptians were historical proofs that could not be defended on logic.

The sudden uprising in Arab world is the response to the wrong doings of colonial powers and decades long denial of human rights and freedom of speech. It was long overdue. Any how it is never late in human history as for the uprising against the tyranny is properly directed and peacefully sustained. Those who have been to these countries will support me that the masses after decades of suppression have done wonders to cross the barricade of terror and tyranny.

To every action there is equal and opposite reaction. Unless Americans and its allies hijack this revolutionary uprising it is bound to wash away these Tyrants. They deserve no mercy and should be dealt for their heinous crimes. They are pirate of humanity and they have brought shame for Islam.

In Pakistan this sort of uprising is least likely because of lack of trust between different nations but I would not agree with Mr. Ahsan Iqbal of Nawaz league that it is totally impossible and brushed aside. The corrupt rulers and impotent and purposeless opposition may rise suddenly and get rid of all existing political parties.

Iran has joined hands to prove that the Theocratic dictators are no different than totalitarian rulers. Tyranny is a common enemy.

The worrying factors is that this mass uprising in Arab world is not stolen by the theocrats as it happened after the fall Shah of Iran; Khalq was sidelined and eliminated.

The second worry is American. Gulf is strategically and economically most important for them. Israel worry speaks for it. They will try that this national tide is converted to some sort of constitutional changes to save the status quo. In Bahrain they tried and almost succeeded but probably the second thought of revolutionaries put the process back on track.

Unfortunately there is no political leadership to take this uprising to its logical conclusion. All the peace loving and democratic forces should support this movement with whatever at their disposal.

The history has cooked this wonderful opportunity and I sincerely hope and pray that it is not lost or diverted. Its failure will lead to a more tyrannical era, unimaginable in history. Let us prove that it is a global village in real sense and damage to one part can damage the whole village.

The men of words like Nelson Mandela and others should lend their moral support unconditionally.

Dated. 20/02/11

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