Friday, 3 December 2010



By Prof. (Dr.) Dated 2/12/ 2010-12-02

Wiki has leaked some offensive and stinking diplomatic material. Muslim countries in general and Pakistan in particular top the list in every sphere.

The exposure of the facts may be astonishing for many but not for us. Our nationalist leadership had always been punished by every regimen for telling the truth, as the same were our observation from the days of Liaquat Ali.

The accusation against Gen. Kiyani is obscured. The involvement of the top military hierarchy in making the state policy is a part of our unwritten constitution. This is being followed in words and action since the days of Shaheed-Millat. The core commanders is the supreme policy making body. Neither in the past nor even now the sovereignty has changed its house.

Gen. Kiyani was a bit more expressive. His anger was directed to Americans for changing their policy without informing the sovereign body. In last 61 years US has never invested in civilian sector in Pakistan. It was always a military aid. It shocked our military leadership when Kerry Lugar bill came out. Secondly the aid was conditional to be used for US interest. Whenever Pakistan has used it for other purposes the punishment has always been severe.

Since US internal policy has taken a turn that the pre-emptive strike has precedence over diplomacy and Pentagon is no 2 instead of State Department this change of US policy was unexpected for our army.

To interfere in civilian patch up has never been the fault of our Army hierarchy as they have always been asked by our immature and incompetent civilian leadership to step in when needed.

Even the military Generals have been asked to hold free and fare election and to settle the disputes between the President and Prime Ministers. Pakistan has a distinguished character to have a civilian martial law administrator and whenever the military has taken over sweets have been distributed by the public. Our political leaders have always brought down civilian governments with the help of army.

As for as Mr. Zardari is concerned he could not have the power with out a prior agreement with USA. USA never wanted Musharaf to go but when it became unavoidable they grudgingly agreed to civilian rule with precondition. It is not some thing new this is going for the last 61 years.

Their choice between Zardari and Sharif was for obvious reasons. It was not the nationalist approach of Nawaz Sharif or his independent views but his close relations with Jihadies groups were open secrets. All the leaguers with whatever alphabet at the end and sectarian political parties have established secret connections with the terrorist. A simple logic in support of this is that no harm was given to them since 2003 while the COAS was not safe what to say of nationalists and Democrats. They are bearing the brunt of the process.

As for as the nuclear facilities are concerned it is not a source of strength for Pakistan as Hamid Mir puts it, but it is liability. The international fraternity is really worried about AL_QAEDA and their local allies but they are more worried about the sympathisers of Al-Qaeda in ISI and Pakistan armed forces. Gen Hamid Gul school of thought is quite active even now. Thanks to Gen Zia and Afzal to introduce sectarianism in the most professional army of Pakistan.

I wonder why we are making mountain out of mole. Have we ever been a sovereign nation in a real sense? Is there a single major policy or sensitive appointment to a higher slot, concerned with policymaking that we can do without prior permission of USA? We have surrendered this right to them on our own due to a non-existing Indian phobia.

To report against each other to USA by our politician is also a norm not an exception. In early days USA was a monitoring authority but now it is a GOD FATHER. It is the price we are paying for becoming strategic partners and receives military perks to fight their war. Added to that it was to accord diplomatic legitimacy to illegitimate military governments.

As for as Arab Sheikhs are concerned though they owe their Sheikhdoms to USA they have no moral authority to criticise others for what they have done to Muslim Ummah in general, Palestine and Afghanistan in particular. But their observation about Mian Sb. does carry some weight. He is dangerous to the federation of Pakistan and he makes promises to break it.

Corruption is the second name of Pakistani politics but the type may wary. Some are financially corrupt while the others m

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