Pukhtoon land is subjected to barbarism since the defeat of Pukhtoon at the hands of Ranjeet Singh. But the last 30 years our motherland is the Zero ground of the world where death is dancing nakedly. Every imaginable human crime has been committed in this part of the world both by terrorist and the armies on both sides.
The slogans have changed but not the atrocities and barbarism. The armies behave like occupying armies and in the name search hurl insults on the public.
We the sons and daughters of the soil are mainly responsible to create situations that favoured anti Pukhtoon element to interfere in our internal problems Had there been no breaches in our political and national body it would have not been possible for them. The satanic germs always grow in such breaches.
Geostrategic importance of Afghanistan combined with massive illiteracy and poverty provided the most suitable chemistry to the manipulators.
We must forget that there can be peace on one side and war on the other side of Durand line. The nations cannot de divided by lines and fences.
The unfortunate aspect of the whole scenario is that the real party has been pushed to the back seat and the outsiders have taken the control of the wheel. Every one of them wants that the war should end suiting their national interest. Religion, nationalism, financial interest and strategic gains are all at play. There seems no light at the end of the tunnel.
The most vicious part is being played by Iran and Pakistan. They have never stopped physical interference since Sour revolution. We Pakistani have a national character that we cheat ourselves and distort history.
Pakistan wants the continuation of the war, as it is the sole source of earning of the foreign currency. There is a tug of war also going on between Iran and Pakistan that in case the war ends who should be having a bigger stake? Iran is blackmailing the world to divert the attention of international fraternity from its nuclear ambitions.
It is true that the Drone attacks invite local reaction and resentment, indirectly helping Taliban. But it is an obscured notion of Pakistani analysts that because of weak government in the country the frequency of attacks have increased. In my opinion it is the unfavourable circumstances faced by US army that has resulted in this new wave of attacks with increased frequency and intensity. No doubt that a weak government might be one of the factors but have we ever had a government strong enough to stand up to out side pressure particularly to Americans?
Gen. Musharaf even provided the same favour to influential persons of Middle East who brazenly interfered in our domestic affairs. He was the most wicked and compulsive liar of all dictators. He is on record to accept that he gave permission to US forces along with intelligence input. If that is the case then the increase in frequency of attacks has no relevance. I have a gut feeling that he is suffering from False Perception of Grandeur. Unless this vicious character is brought to justice for national and individual crimes the dream of free and impartial judiciary is insanity.
Kabul is not in a position to deter any military adventure from the neighbouring countries. Their differences run deep in history.
Pakistan has neither political wisdom nor it has a consistent policy. If they have one that is terrorism and adventurism. Their political and military leadership is impulsive and could be at times dangerous to world peace. Pakistan has the weakest civilian government and nothing suits better to the all-powerful agencies than a weak government. The political stability in Pakistan is an added danger to strike Afghanistan. A significant chunk of the army big bosses are indoctrinated, impulsive and undependable.
The theocratic and right inclined political parties are playing double game with their own army and US. The sectarian organisations insist that NATO army should leave Afghanistan but provides no alternative that how Afghanistan will deter intervention from unfriendly neighbours and protect its geographical entity. Are they in a position to clinch such a guarantee from their friends? I am sure they can. Their friendly relations with the agencies and shadow of terror are an open secret.
Iran is an indoctrinated theocratic state run on fanaticism. Afghanistan is sandwiched between the two devils. China with its rising military and financial strength is another worry. It is basically communist monarchy run by ruthlessness. Her designs runs very deep. They have manpower, technical skill but no resources and to capture resources they can go any end.
US public is getting fed up with the war. There is also a strong possibility that they may wind up suddenly and say “Good Bye”. They are fighting a war with no decisive victory in sight. They have so for failed in their chase of shadows. The Afghan psyche is also against them. They never tolerate foreign forces on their motherland.
The new approach must be evolved that should be acceptable to Afghans national psyche. A force should be derived from the countries that have never been involved in Afghan conflict. And have nothing at stake in Afghanistan, to train Afghan national army.
International guarantors are must, to keep check on unfriendly neighbours and their agencies to make sure internal subversive activities are checked and so the direct onslaught on Kabul as they did on Jalal Abad during Dr. Najeeb times.
The shadows of Death must be chased out before abandoning Afghanistan. The maximum responsibility should be placed on those who have introduced this deadly virus in this region.
Afghan approach should be a broad based and not limited to political nationalist parties. They should a cross section of society. A national jirga should be raised with only point agenda that is PEACE at any cost and should continue their struggle till the objective is achieved. Kabul, Qandahar, FATA, Peshawar and Quetta must abandon self-projection and realise that with national extinction their existence is unthinkable unless they see glory in un-ceremonial death.