Saturday, 25 December 2010



Pukhtoon land is subjected to barbarism since the defeat of Pukhtoon at the hands of Ranjeet Singh. But the last 30 years our motherland is the Zero ground of the world where death is dancing nakedly. Every imaginable human crime has been committed in this part of the world both by terrorist and the armies on both sides.

The slogans have changed but not the atrocities and barbarism. The armies behave like occupying armies and in the name search hurl insults on the public.

We the sons and daughters of the soil are mainly responsible to create situations that favoured anti Pukhtoon element to interfere in our internal problems Had there been no breaches in our political and national body it would have not been possible for them. The satanic germs always grow in such breaches.

Geostrategic importance of Afghanistan combined with massive illiteracy and poverty provided the most suitable chemistry to the manipulators.

We must forget that there can be peace on one side and war on the other side of Durand line. The nations cannot de divided by lines and fences.

The unfortunate aspect of the whole scenario is that the real party has been pushed to the back seat and the outsiders have taken the control of the wheel. Every one of them wants that the war should end suiting their national interest. Religion, nationalism, financial interest and strategic gains are all at play. There seems no light at the end of the tunnel.

The most vicious part is being played by Iran and Pakistan. They have never stopped physical interference since Sour revolution. We Pakistani have a national character that we cheat ourselves and distort history.

Pakistan wants the continuation of the war, as it is the sole source of earning of the foreign currency. There is a tug of war also going on between Iran and Pakistan that in case the war ends who should be having a bigger stake? Iran is blackmailing the world to divert the attention of international fraternity from its nuclear ambitions.

It is true that the Drone attacks invite local reaction and resentment, indirectly helping Taliban. But it is an obscured notion of Pakistani analysts that because of weak government in the country the frequency of attacks have increased. In my opinion it is the unfavourable circumstances faced by US army that has resulted in this new wave of attacks with increased frequency and intensity. No doubt that a weak government might be one of the factors but have we ever had a government strong enough to stand up to out side pressure particularly to Americans?

Gen. Musharaf even provided the same favour to influential persons of Middle East who brazenly interfered in our domestic affairs. He was the most wicked and compulsive liar of all dictators. He is on record to accept that he gave permission to US forces along with intelligence input. If that is the case then the increase in frequency of attacks has no relevance. I have a gut feeling that he is suffering from False Perception of Grandeur. Unless this vicious character is brought to justice for national and individual crimes the dream of free and impartial judiciary is insanity.

Kabul is not in a position to deter any military adventure from the neighbouring countries. Their differences run deep in history.

Pakistan has neither political wisdom nor it has a consistent policy. If they have one that is terrorism and adventurism. Their political and military leadership is impulsive and could be at times dangerous to world peace. Pakistan has the weakest civilian government and nothing suits better to the all-powerful agencies than a weak government. The political stability in Pakistan is an added danger to strike Afghanistan. A significant chunk of the army big bosses are indoctrinated, impulsive and undependable.

The theocratic and right inclined political parties are playing double game with their own army and US. The sectarian organisations insist that NATO army should leave Afghanistan but provides no alternative that how Afghanistan will deter intervention from unfriendly neighbours and protect its geographical entity. Are they in a position to clinch such a guarantee from their friends? I am sure they can. Their friendly relations with the agencies and shadow of terror are an open secret.

Iran is an indoctrinated theocratic state run on fanaticism. Afghanistan is sandwiched between the two devils. China with its rising military and financial strength is another worry. It is basically communist monarchy run by ruthlessness. Her designs runs very deep. They have manpower, technical skill but no resources and to capture resources they can go any end.

US public is getting fed up with the war. There is also a strong possibility that they may wind up suddenly and say “Good Bye”. They are fighting a war with no decisive victory in sight. They have so for failed in their chase of shadows. The Afghan psyche is also against them. They never tolerate foreign forces on their motherland.

The new approach must be evolved that should be acceptable to Afghans national psyche. A force should be derived from the countries that have never been involved in Afghan conflict. And have nothing at stake in Afghanistan, to train Afghan national army.

International guarantors are must, to keep check on unfriendly neighbours and their agencies to make sure internal subversive activities are checked and so the direct onslaught on Kabul as they did on Jalal Abad during Dr. Najeeb times.

The shadows of Death must be chased out before abandoning Afghanistan. The maximum responsibility should be placed on those who have introduced this deadly virus in this region.

Afghan approach should be a broad based and not limited to political nationalist parties. They should a cross section of society. A national jirga should be raised with only point agenda that is PEACE at any cost and should continue their struggle till the objective is achieved. Kabul, Qandahar, FATA, Peshawar and Quetta must abandon self-projection and realise that with national extinction their existence is unthinkable unless they see glory in un-ceremonial death.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The chemistry of MQM


By Dr. Khurshid Alam.

Unless you know the chemistry of a subject in discussion it is impossible to reach a logical conclusion. Those who migrated to Pakistan during partition always held themselves on high knob because of their sufferings during migration but more than that they were of the view that they are the companions of the founder of the nation, M.A.Jinnah considered themselves like Muhajirs of Makka in Medina. They viewed themselves more civilised and cultured than the native Pakistanis. No doubt they were more educated and had an advantage over the locals to occupy disks jobs and most of the diplomatic slots.

The emerging educated elite of the Punjab was annoying for them. They were apprehensive that army derives its strength from Punjab and if the educated elites also take their root from the Punjab they will be out of Muhajirs Punjabi alliance that was ruling Pakistan in the first ten years of post independence era.

They were true in their apprehensions and thinking. Roughly by that time Punjab took complete control of the country and the Muhajirs were shown the exit from sensitive posts. Pakistan assumed the shape of a greater Punjab and still maintains the same status. Even the bigger nationality was forced to suffer from minority complex and swim in their own blood to independence.

When I visited the then East Pakistan in 1965 there was hardly a local Bengali in railway and a D.C. from Pukhtoonkhwa told me that CSS officers are mostly from West Pakistan. In the early days of Pakistan the Muhajirs had a total control on white-collar jobs in Pakistan. Their frustration started as they started loosing the grip.

The shifting of the capital to Islamabad followed by the chiefs of armed forces and diplomatic staff did reduce a substantial source of income but Karachi is still the biggest revenue earner of Pakistan estimated roughly 70%. This did not come from heavens but Pakistan invested 80% of foreign loans cum aid were invested in Karachi.

The biggest anomaly of the economics was that both man and consuming powers were forced to chase the industry. Karachi had nothing of its own even the topsoil was to import from other parts of Sindh.

Initially the representative Organisation of Muhajirs was N.S.F. supported by Bengalis, Baloch, Pukhtoons and Arabs. It was a leftist organisation and had a federal character. They lost their hold to J.I. students wing and soon the underground currents of simmering frustrations gave birth to Muhajirs students organisation followed by MQM.

It was the first organisation based on linguistic hatred and believer of terrorism, as it was a child of frustrations. The loss of East Pakistan, the denial by Bhutto government to abolish quota system, and granting Sindhi language the status of national and educational language further increased the hatred and fear in young Muhajirs.

To tighten the grip on the organisation and public alike they militancy and terror was made a part of the party curriculum. They crushed the internal strife and external threats with inhuman brutality. Like Palestinians they killed more Muhajirs than their adversaries. Even someone with a different angle of thoughts was killed and bodies put in sack were demonstrated in busy roads.

Pakistan’s history is punctuated by political assassinations Like Liaquat Ali Khan, Dr. Khan Sahib, Dr. Maulvi Nazir, Mr Bhutto, Benazir and many more political workers particularly from democratic and nationalists schools of thought but there was never a political organisation with in built philosophy of terror and political assassinations. MQM was the first of its kind with experience in East Pakistan and then in Karachi.

With the above backdrop ii becomes very easy to analyse MQM chemically and know its chemistry.

- They consider themselves chosen people of God.

- They migrated from a different place and made a claim on some one else soil and declared it THE PROMISED LAND. The behaviour of the present governor during Musharaf rule speaks volumes on this delusion.

- Their demands are more than their share on population basis. They use olive branch and stick together to achieve whatever they want.

- Divinity, terror, and centralisation of authority are hallmark of their philosophy. To eliminate any dissension is a part of the game.

- The top leadership is always out of the country.

- The collection of terror tax is compulsory. Divinity is incorporated to silence any dissension.

- It was created on the basis oh hatred and now being run on the same.

Keeping all the above in mind it is a true copy of Zionism. The recent killing of Dr. Imran, after keeping him for two years out of politics and the absence of blood on the spot stinks foul. It will be too early to comment on it but it was a brutal act and must be condemned by all sane persons of any school of thought.

It is quite expected from MQM that to divert the attention they may attack the innocent Pukhtoons in Karachi. Pukhtoons should be ready for it mentally but must show maximum restraint and give time to British police to let the cat jump out of the bag. The government of Sindh must take the appropriate steps. Let the dust settle down and I feel that where our agencies failed, Scotland Yard will succeed.

Dated. 18th Sep. 2010

Friday, 3 December 2010



By Prof. (Dr.) Dated 2/12/ 2010-12-02

Wiki has leaked some offensive and stinking diplomatic material. Muslim countries in general and Pakistan in particular top the list in every sphere.

The exposure of the facts may be astonishing for many but not for us. Our nationalist leadership had always been punished by every regimen for telling the truth, as the same were our observation from the days of Liaquat Ali.

The accusation against Gen. Kiyani is obscured. The involvement of the top military hierarchy in making the state policy is a part of our unwritten constitution. This is being followed in words and action since the days of Shaheed-Millat. The core commanders is the supreme policy making body. Neither in the past nor even now the sovereignty has changed its house.

Gen. Kiyani was a bit more expressive. His anger was directed to Americans for changing their policy without informing the sovereign body. In last 61 years US has never invested in civilian sector in Pakistan. It was always a military aid. It shocked our military leadership when Kerry Lugar bill came out. Secondly the aid was conditional to be used for US interest. Whenever Pakistan has used it for other purposes the punishment has always been severe.

Since US internal policy has taken a turn that the pre-emptive strike has precedence over diplomacy and Pentagon is no 2 instead of State Department this change of US policy was unexpected for our army.

To interfere in civilian patch up has never been the fault of our Army hierarchy as they have always been asked by our immature and incompetent civilian leadership to step in when needed.

Even the military Generals have been asked to hold free and fare election and to settle the disputes between the President and Prime Ministers. Pakistan has a distinguished character to have a civilian martial law administrator and whenever the military has taken over sweets have been distributed by the public. Our political leaders have always brought down civilian governments with the help of army.

As for as Mr. Zardari is concerned he could not have the power with out a prior agreement with USA. USA never wanted Musharaf to go but when it became unavoidable they grudgingly agreed to civilian rule with precondition. It is not some thing new this is going for the last 61 years.

Their choice between Zardari and Sharif was for obvious reasons. It was not the nationalist approach of Nawaz Sharif or his independent views but his close relations with Jihadies groups were open secrets. All the leaguers with whatever alphabet at the end and sectarian political parties have established secret connections with the terrorist. A simple logic in support of this is that no harm was given to them since 2003 while the COAS was not safe what to say of nationalists and Democrats. They are bearing the brunt of the process.

As for as the nuclear facilities are concerned it is not a source of strength for Pakistan as Hamid Mir puts it, but it is liability. The international fraternity is really worried about AL_QAEDA and their local allies but they are more worried about the sympathisers of Al-Qaeda in ISI and Pakistan armed forces. Gen Hamid Gul school of thought is quite active even now. Thanks to Gen Zia and Afzal to introduce sectarianism in the most professional army of Pakistan.

I wonder why we are making mountain out of mole. Have we ever been a sovereign nation in a real sense? Is there a single major policy or sensitive appointment to a higher slot, concerned with policymaking that we can do without prior permission of USA? We have surrendered this right to them on our own due to a non-existing Indian phobia.

To report against each other to USA by our politician is also a norm not an exception. In early days USA was a monitoring authority but now it is a GOD FATHER. It is the price we are paying for becoming strategic partners and receives military perks to fight their war. Added to that it was to accord diplomatic legitimacy to illegitimate military governments.

As for as Arab Sheikhs are concerned though they owe their Sheikhdoms to USA they have no moral authority to criticise others for what they have done to Muslim Ummah in general, Palestine and Afghanistan in particular. But their observation about Mian Sb. does carry some weight. He is dangerous to the federation of Pakistan and he makes promises to break it.

Corruption is the second name of Pakistani politics but the type may wary. Some are financially corrupt while the others m

Wednesday, 1 December 2010



Prof. (Dr. Dated. 27/11/10

The stability and peace in Afghanistan is the core issue facing the world to day. If for the world at large it is a question of eliminating terrorism and promotion of their own agenda in this region, for Afghans on both sides of Durand line it is a matter of life and death. As I have said it in so many previous articles that an insane can be expected to presume that there will be war on one side and peace on the other of Durand line but not a sound mind. Water can be divided by sword.

Though this bloody drama was started by USA, USSR, PAKISTAN and IRAN but now the real players to keep it boiling is Pakistan and Iran. Unless the local devils are out of Afghanistan there cannot be peace on either side. They are the real culprits. They have political, economical, and sectarian interests in this war.

The more the interference by the neighbours the more this issue is likely to be complicated and proportionally more players will get involved with divergent agendas.

Apart from foreign hands we, as a nation is responsible for this wrath. The preceding events like coup against Daud khan, the subsequent inner part tussle of the leftists, the dirty role of Babrak Karmal, the failures of Hizbs and Taliban has brought us to this critical juncture of history. We have lost a lot of time.

The Afghans on eastern side of Durand line have not played their historical role to bring the two factions to the table. The Afghan government is plagued by corruption, lack of transparency and good governance to show something solid to the people on the ground.

The warlords were not taken care of and corruption was not nipped in the bud. Optimism gradually changed to pessimism. Instead of solving the national question it was brushed under the carpet. The country was run on compromises rather than solving the issues. No short or long time policies were formulated.

On other hand Afghans boycott of electoral process isolated them from political process as they opted for bullet instead of ballot. The government did not encourage political process to avoid political vacuum. This vacuum was exploited by Pakistan and Iran equally. In the case of Pakistan they championed the cause of Afghans rights while denying the same to the Afghans and Baloch living in Pakistan.

Jirga system was abused. It is code of life of Pukhtoons. The nations of subcontinent India have no clue of its importance and the way it should be conducted. To have Amman jirga with Pakistan or Iran was silliness. Peace in this belt was not in their interest nor they knew its code of conduct.

It is surprising that if we could sit with Pakistan to sort out our problem why we could not do the same with the Afghan brethren. This was the only way to stop Pakistan and Iran to stop interference who were exploiting in the sectarian and nationalist sentiments. It may take a long time but there is no short cut. It was encouraging to observe that the Afghan government is now seriously engaged in this process.

Taliban movement was basically a national up rising soaked by ISI in sectarian hatred. The money has played horrible role. There is hardly any institution in Afghanistan without the presence of ISI.

The demand of Taliban is the most illogical. The expulsion of NATO forces is as important as the expulsion of Al- Qaeda, ISI and imported terrorist. As I told the British foreign secretary that it is true that we have the tradition of revenge killing but the way it is carried out now is unknown in Afghans history. It is imported from Middle East and lower belt of Ex. USSR.

Afghanistan is equally in need of national reconciliation and deterring national army. Is our Taliban brethren have the capability to deter Pakistan onslaught or even have the ability to expel the ISI recruited and trained terrorist from their rank and file. If the case is to the contrary to it then should we leave Afghanistan at the mercy of terrorists, Iran and ISI?

We have to stop to look at the problem with barrel vision but should widen our outlook to see the realities on the ground. Can Taliban clinch a guarantee from Pakistan and Iran with of civilised behaviour and non-interference with guarantee of international fraternity?

I do realise and it gives me pain in the chest that Afghani currency is not happily entertained in Kabul and Afghani language is not having the same status as Dari in the corridors of power but it needs political participation by Afghans. The fascist attitude should be abandoned. Afghanistan is home to other nations too. We have a shared history and culture. We should respect all languages equally but Afghani being the largest should not be only a national language but official too and government should guarantee that the justice is done. Pakistan and USSR are the two glaring example of neglecting national aspirations. The sole reason of Pakistan break up was the imposition on other nations. Do we have to experiment on ourselves and refuse to learn from the experiences of others? We have history and Watan but no willingness to take initiative and jump from back seat to the front and take control.

The enemy is not so strong but we are on our knees as an Irish leader said during Irish liberation war. Have we got the will and strength to prove it wrong?

Revival and reorganising of AFGHAN MILLAT is the scream of the history to meet the challenges of 21st century.



Pakistan owes its internal instability and international isolation to its establishment. The nucleus of power has always been an unholy clique called military junta and civilian elites or both together.

Most of them were imported, having practically no knowledge of the people whom they were supposed to rule. Let us take the example of the national language, Urdu. This language was spoken as a link language in this area of the subcontinent with no prejudice.

Later Pakistan and Urdu was linked to Islam. Islam was thoroughly abused for political means. It was Mr. Jinnah who had sown the seed of Bengali nationalism by declaring Urdu as national language.

So was the immediate reaction of nations making Pakistan? An undisputed language was made controversial. The irony of the fact was that Jinnah pleaded the case of Urdu in English, as he could not speak Urdu himself, being a Guajarati.

Pakistan and Urdu was declared synonymous to Islam. The reaction was worldwide. UNO declared the mother tongue day to be celebrated all over the world after the massacre of Bengali students in Dacca by Pakistan. It was considered cultural imperialism and the first manifestation of Ideology of Pakistan.

Another folly done by the imported leadership that they started building Pakistani nationalism instead of building the country and recognising the indigenous nationalities. A confrontational atmosphere was created that could suit their political vested interest and to impose unitary government run by personalities and influential families instead of institutions.

This was the most ridiculous notion one could think of. Another paradox of this silly idea was that in one breath they dubbed the nationalist movements of subjugated nations as non Islamic while on the other hand Pakistani Nationalism was accorded divinity. It is a Dogma not to be discussed. The companions of the great leader who migrated with him from India to Pakistan were playing chess with the indigenous population and became land mafia.

A giant bulldozer of military and civilian beaurocracy started cultural and economical colonization. Logically looking at the whole process a person from Patna had nothing in common with an Afridi of Khyber. The creation of Pakistan enclosed the contradictions in a small vassal increasing the chances of mutual collision. Though the friction and contradictions were there, in India but it was too huge a country and so the chances of collisions were less.

Though the two nations theory was abandoned immediately after the creation of Pakistan but quite often it was used brutally by the rulers of Pakistan to suppress the small nations.

Bengalis were the first victims of the ideology of Pakistan and of their own folly to vote for Pakistan. Bangla leg was amputated to finish their numerical superiority and get rid of their political awareness.

Millions were slaughtered and million illegitimate children were born to sanctify the dogma of the ideology of Pakistan.

This dogma has manifested itself in different forms, the military adventures in Baluchistan, the denial to Pukhtoons of their national identity and keeping them out of political system, converting Sindhies in to minority in their own homeland by Indian land mafia and then followed by the great massacre of Bengalis.

The present controversy to name the nameless province of Pukhtoons was the latest manifestation of the Punjabi aristocracy headed by Mian brothers and the Choudhries of Jhelum. It exposed the real face of Pakistani rulers and their mind set up and the depth of their political acumen and knowledge of history.

It was true that a political issue and should have not been attached with political amendments. But they failed to realise it that it was not a political issue. It was purely a historical fact.

It was wrong even on the part of Pukhtoon leadership of all shades to agree to discuss it with the leaguers. To do so it was in fact accepting by default that our history is also debatable and need the approval of another nation.

The Mian Sahib had a retrograde amnesia to remember that it is a common practice in Pakistan that political issues are linked with religion

I think our leaders let them off the hook very easily. Their political tactics had cornered the Punjabis and their political pimps in our cadres. They were in a position to squeeze out as much as they could and had the opportunity to expose Sardar Mehtab and Amir Muqam that they are political pimps. They should have been thoroughly exposed.

I think we should also accept that Haripur and Abbot Abad were never been a part of Pukhtoon belt. It was given to us in return for Mianwali and Attock. The historical boundaries need re demarcation.

As I pointed out in my previous article consensus is permissible in political and constitutional matters not in history. Will it be acceptable to Punjab to rename it as Ravi Punjab?

One thing has emerged crystal clear out of this crisis that it better to be a Talib with an identity than a Pakistani without proper identity.

We fought an imposed war to save Pakistan at a very huge cost. Our homes and hearths were destroyed, thousands were slaughtered, decapitated and millions were forced to abandoned their homes to be immigrants in their own soil. The sanctity of our motherland was tarnished. Was it worth to sacrifice so much for a country where our identity needs to be approved by our sworn historical enemies?

It is a humbug to accept that other provinces sacrificed too. They had the fall out effect. It was our land that was put on fire by Pakistani agencies to serve their masters. Even now PML (N) & (Q) and the sectarian parties are shaking hands with the terrorists under the tables. It was one of the main reasons that Nawaz is hesitant to take his role as opposition leader.

What ever we do is not acceptable to Punjab as said 62 years ago by Bacha Khan. Let us accept it and abandon to be Pakistani. Even the electronic Taliban of Pakistan are comrades in arms of Punjabi political leadership. Is there anything left that can prove us wrong?

It is in the interest of Pakistan that Pukhtoon belt on both sides of Durand line is on fire, economically not sustainable and politically non-viable to provide Pakistan logical base to exist. Otherwise Pakistan has lost all possible logic to be a country t. Iran is another devil to destabilise Afghan land.

Our nationalist workers must listen to the political documentaries on Sham shad T.V. channel. They are eyes opener for us. Pukhtoon leadership in Afghanistan has to prove it once for all that they have the Afghan wisdom to put their home in order and stop compromises on history.

The big players should also realise the gravity of the situation. They must stop sending fire extinguishers to Lahore and Karachi when Pukhtoon belt is on fire, should try to understand that a stable Pukhtoon land is neither in the interest of Pakistan nor Iran. In our miseries lies their survival. Instead of strengthening Pakistan armed forces they should strengthen Afghan economy and institutions and must invest in Pukhtoonkhwa through UNO good offices and not Pakistan.

By Prof. (Dr.Khurshid Alam) dated 1st April 2010



Pakistan owes its internal instability and international isolation to its establishment. The nucleus of power has always been an unholy clique called military junta and civilian elites or both together.

Most of them were imported, having practically no knowledge of the people whom they were supposed to rule. Let us take the example of the national language, Urdu. This language was spoken as a link language in this area of the subcontinent with no prejudice.

Later Pakistan and Urdu was linked to Islam. Islam was thoroughly abused for political means. It was Mr. Jinnah who had sown the seed of Bengali nationalism by declaring Urdu as national language.

So was the immediate reaction of nations making Pakistan? An undisputed language was made controversial. The irony of the fact was that Jinnah pleaded the case of Urdu in English, as he could not speak Urdu himself, being a Guajarati.

Pakistan and Urdu was declared synonymous to Islam. The reaction was worldwide. UNO declared the mother tongue day to be celebrated all over the world after the massacre of Bengali students in Dacca by Pakistan. It was considered cultural imperialism and the first manifestation of Ideology of Pakistan.

Another folly done by the imported leadership that they started building Pakistani nationalism instead of building the country and recognising the indigenous nationalities. A confrontational atmosphere was created that could suit their political vested interest and to impose unitary government run by personalities and influential families instead of institutions.

This was the most ridiculous notion one could think of. Another paradox of this silly idea was that in one breath they dubbed the nationalist movements of subjugated nations as non Islamic while on the other hand Pakistani Nationalism was accorded divinity. It is a Dogma not to be discussed. The companions of the great leader who migrated with him from India to Pakistan were playing chess with the indigenous population and became land mafia.

A giant bulldozer of military and civilian beaurocracy started cultural and economical colonization. Logically looking at the whole process a person from Patna had nothing in common with an Afridi of Khyber. The creation of Pakistan enclosed the contradictions in a small vassal increasing the chances of mutual collision. Though the friction and contradictions were there, in India but it was too huge a country and so the chances of collisions were less.

Though the two nations theory was abandoned immediately after the creation of Pakistan but quite often it was used brutally by the rulers of Pakistan to suppress the small nations.

Bengalis were the first victims of the ideology of Pakistan and of their own folly to vote for Pakistan. Bangla leg was amputated to finish their numerical superiority and get rid of their political awareness.

Millions were slaughtered and million illegitimate children were born to sanctify the dogma of the ideology of Pakistan.

This dogma has manifested itself in different forms, the military adventures in Baluchistan, the denial to Pukhtoons of their national identity and keeping them out of political system, converting Sindhies in to minority in their own homeland by Indian land mafia and then followed by the great massacre of Bengalis.

The present controversy to name the nameless province of Pukhtoons was the latest manifestation of the Punjabi aristocracy headed by Mian brothers and the Choudhries of Jhelum. It exposed the real face of Pakistani rulers and their mind set up and the depth of their political acumen and knowledge of history.

It was true that a political issue and should have not been attached with political amendments. But they failed to realise it that it was not a political issue. It was purely a historical fact.

It was wrong even on the part of Pukhtoon leadership of all shades to agree to discuss it with the leaguers. To do so it was in fact accepting by default that our history is also debatable and need the approval of another nation.

The Mian Sahib had a retrograde amnesia to remember that it is a common practice in Pakistan that political issues are linked with religion

I think our leaders let them off the hook very easily. Their political tactics had cornered the Punjabis and their political pimps in our cadres. They were in a position to squeeze out as much as they could and had the opportunity to expose Sardar Mehtab and Amir Muqam that they are political pimps. They should have been thoroughly exposed.

I think we should also accept that Haripur and Abbot Abad were never been a part of Pukhtoon belt. It was given to us in return for Mianwali and Attock. The historical boundaries need re demarcation.

As I pointed out in my previous article consensus is permissible in political and constitutional matters not in history. Will it be acceptable to Punjab to rename it as Ravi Punjab?

One thing has emerged crystal clear out of this crisis that it better to be a Talib with an identity than a Pakistani without proper identity.

We fought an imposed war to save Pakistan at a very huge cost. Our homes and hearths were destroyed, thousands were slaughtered, decapitated and millions were forced to abandoned their homes to be immigrants in their own soil. The sanctity of our motherland was tarnished. Was it worth to sacrifice so much for a country where our identity needs to be approved by our sworn historical enemies?

It is a humbug to accept that other provinces sacrificed too. They had the fall out effect. It was our land that was put on fire by Pakistani agencies to serve their masters. Even now PML (N) & (Q) and the sectarian parties are shaking hands with the terrorists under the tables. It was one of the main reasons that Nawaz is hesitant to take his role as opposition leader.

What ever we do is not acceptable to Punjab as said 62 years ago by Bacha Khan. Let us accept it and abandon to be Pakistani. Even the electronic Taliban of Pakistan are comrades in arms of Punjabi political leadership. Is there anything left that can prove us wrong?

It is in the interest of Pakistan that Pukhtoon belt on both sides of Durand line is on fire, economically not sustainable and politically non-viable to provide Pakistan logical base to exist. Otherwise Pakistan has lost all possible logic to be a country t. Iran is another devil to destabilise Afghan land.

Our nationalist workers must listen to the political documentaries on Sham shad T.V. channel. They are eyes opener for us. Pukhtoon leadership in Afghanistan has to prove it once for all that they have the Afghan wisdom to put their home in order and stop compromises on history.

The big players should also realise the gravity of the situation. They must stop sending fire extinguishers to Lahore and Karachi when Pukhtoon belt is on fire, should try to understand that a stable Pukhtoon land is neither in the interest of Pakistan nor Iran. In our miseries lies their survival. Instead of strengthening Pakistan armed forces they should strengthen Afghan economy and institutions and must invest in Pukhtoonkhwa through UNO good offices and not Pakistan.

By Prof. (Dr.Khurshid Alam) dated 1st April 2010

Wednesday, 24 November 2010



BY DR.KHURSHID ALAM. Khurshid.alam10@

After 2 years of civilian rule the talk of the town is to change of the government. Strangely this times the demand for dictatorship is from a section of treasury benches.

The morality demanded that firstly they should have accepted their failure and then demanded the change of government. The biggest anomaly in the demand of MQM is that they have chosen alternative before hand, which is the sole prerogative of the masses. It is the decision of the masses to go for honest generals, jurist, or technocrats their choice should not be restricted.

The masses may opt for in-house change or snap elections. Ironically suggestions are not in the political philosophy of MQM they always dictate full road map. Basic political acumen demanded that all that they should have done to accept their incompetence and quit.

The inbuilt weakness in the political body of MQM is that they cannot survive without power. Knowing their weakness well they preferred to give a road map where their accommodation is guaranteed and they are not left out high and dry. Lust of power is a terrible addiction and to detoxify some one from it is not an easy job.

It is a Mafia not a political organisation to understand political science. It is the biggest militarily organised and indoctrinated fascist network believing in a dogma where opposition to the divine leadership is demonstrated in a rucksack on the corner of a busy bazaar. You don’t have to ask its smell speaks. It is highly tight network. No doubt about their popularity in Behari section of Urdu speaking but the big boost to their voters margin is simply due to PHOBIA of the known as their past deeds are no secret. It is a philosophy more in resemblance with Zionism born out of so called victimisation and believing in terrorisation and victimisation.

It was rightly said by Maulana Fazlur Rehman that in their presence no Talibanization of Karachi is needed. It is such a huge Land Mafia that came from 1000 miles and squeezed out native Sindhies from three biggest cities, Karachi, Hyderabad and now Sukkur. It is reliably learnt that when in need Taliban turn to them for help.

Communism did not fail but the communist leadership failed resulting in dismemberment of U.S.S.R. So is the case of democracy in Pakistan. It is the leadership who failed to deliver. There have always been civil governments by the people but were never of the people and by people. It will be failure of the intelligentsia to make the people understand the difference between civil rule and democracy. The main difference is the accountability.

No doubt that present government is a complete flop by any standard. But the alternative has to be decided by the people of Pakistan.

To talk about bloody revolution is draconian idea. Altaf Husain statement is self-contradictory when he says that once the people are out on the street they will see Altaf Bahia on the roads of Karachi. In other words he is asking people to start the bloody game and he will be here. Any revolutionary change needs a leader on the ground that has gone through a process and is aware of ground realities and strike when iron is hot. Altaf Husain will be greatly mistaken to match himself with Imam Khomeini. There was political spadework for years in Iran by clergy and Khalq before Imam appeared on the scene. If the Khalq would have played their cards right the scenario might have been different.

A revolutionary struggle without a leader leads to anarchy. Is MQM preparing ground for anarchy?

The important question to be asked who will be select honest generals? Will it be the board of directors from MQM? Will they lay the criterion for honest and dishonest? Is GHQ aware of their fate?

Will it not be good idea to give time to this civilian wrangling and wait till it gives birth to an acceptable democratic set up. We do know that it is not even a lame democracy but a totally incompetent civil rule. Can we expect MQM to dissociate itself from it and start a mass movement not only in Karachi but also in Pakistan as a whole?

Will it be unfair to ask their leadership to end double loyalty and chose between the crown and Pakistan? Then they will have high moral ground to preach what they think. We as Muslim believe that the time of death is fixed and cannot be postponed for a second. For how long Altaf Bahia will remain in hiding from death if there is really such threat, which I doubt.

We know the special relationship of MQM with the army. They have several joint exercises in late East Pakistan and Sohrab Goth. His return will renew the old contacts and he will be better equipped to bring the desired changes, which he cherished so much for so long.

His time tested ally Muslim League (Q) is ready to join hands. I suggest they should not forget their patron Musharaf and try to convince him to bring to finish his incomplete mission.

I am not very comfortable to see certain people on the wrong side of the fence like Mushahid Husain and Maroti Memon in Q-league and Nisar in N-league but I can’t help. During this civilian anarchy if they were in a proper place and position they might contributed substantially and positively to thwart off the nefarious designs of our revolutionary Qaid.

Dated; 12th Sep 2010



Afghanistan though a poor country, has always been of great interest for foreign adventurist because of its strategic position. As I said earlier in one of my article that if it was a gateway to India. It is a gang way to central Asia; a newly found golden sparrow for the western countries.

Afghanistan was punished for a crime, which they never committed. The importation of Osama, creation of warlords and setting of heroin Industries were all the doings of U.S.A. and United Kingdom. Even the invasion of Soviet Union was preceded by interference in Afghanistan by CIA and ISI. Soviet Union was provided pretext to invade to protect its soft belly while a loyal local surrogate Babrak Karmal was readily available.

There was hardly a section of the society that was not infiltrated by ISI. Pakistan’s growing interference and arming of warlords provided an opportunity to India and Iran to protect their own national interest. Saudi were not behind any one as financier and arms supplier. In this second big game there were many players with many agendas.

Afghanistan was put on fire with a presumption that it will not spread across the Durand line. A frame of mind was created in army and civilian organisations like J.I. that the only cure of the ills of Muslim Ummah and Pakistan is lying in bullet. Zia, Reagan, Mrs Thatcher and J.I were the key players. Afghan land was selected for these nefarious aims. It is a derision of Pakistani officials that they are the victims of terrorism. Yes no one doubts that but who started the game? Who created this frame of mind?

USA under the leadership of Mr. Bush tried his own invented cure of pre-emptive strike to take revenge of twin towers. Instead of punishing the culprit they levelled Afghanistan to zero ground instead of punishing Osama and his mentors. It was their bad luck that they were one of them.

Taliban were defeated but they refused to surrender to Americans. They felt betrayed by Pakistan and Saudi and thought that Pukhtoon state was handed over to non-Pukhtoons. It assumed a nationalist cum religious movement. The subsequent installed government led by Mr. Karzai failed to recognise the reason for insurgency in Afghanistan. They miserably failed or were forced to make this historical blunder not to recognise Taliban as a political force with strong military might and were having the strong military backing of I.S.I.

Mr. Karzai made another mistake to deviate from his own stance that the warlords and those who have any secret dealing with Pakistan will not be allowed to ascend to the power and no collaboration will be sought with them. This about turn resulted in a government that was corrupt from tip to toe and was loyal to their self-interest and the interest of Pakistan. They failed to deliver any thing worth mentioning to the gross roots of the people. An era of loot and plunder started and the public optimism faded away. The public started to lament for Taliban. I.S.I. was there in physically to take advantage.

Instead of talking to the real aggrieved party and opposition they started jirga with Pakistani officials. It was a historical paradox. Jirga is not known to any other nation in subcontinent India. It is one of the important pillars in the code of life of Pukhtoon. It was bound to fail. Had it succeeded Karzai would have given free hand to Pakistan to interfere in future in the internal affairs of Afghanistan.

To expect an undiluted democracy from Karzai is unjustified. These voices are heard from the old guard who are mostly from northern Mahaz. The irony of the fact is that people like Gulabzo, a staunch communist and former ambassador to U.S.S.R, support them.

Nowhere in the world there is undiluted democracy. U.N.O. Is plagued by veto, U.S.A. is having Dollars dictatorship as pointed out by one of the most decorated American writer and journalist. In the cradle of democracy like United Kingdom we have witnessed the most brutal attitude to Irish nationalists.

Afghanistan is a fledgling democracy with no established institutions and still faced with the monstrous insurgency and foreign interference from neighbouring country and having outside army since they have none of their own. It will take ages to have a democracy that is near to its definition. What is hurting is that what they could deliver, they have failed to do like eradicating corruption, nepotism, and provision of basic needs to the common man.

All the ills have stemmed from one great folly that they failed to engage Taliban in a constructive dialogue and to stop double standards visible in the streets. Pukhtoons are right to ask why Ahmad Shah Masood portrait was given the state honour and why Dr. Najeeb portrait was denied that status. This is what I saw, heard and noticed with my own eyes and ears.

I have a firm faith that if Mr. Karzai with all his political acumen, historical vision and knowledge of Afghan psyche can engage Taliban with sincerity and honesty in a national jirga all that is needed to build the bridges of trust. He will not only put his house in order but will cut he foreign hands interfering in Afghanistan internal affairs. Afghan rulers have provided this opportunity to others. If I may remind Mr. Karzai his own words that any one who comes to Afghanistan apparently for whatever reason has its own agenda to carry out. Only afghan can have Afghan agenda.

U.S.A. really wants to bring peace to Afghanistan and get out. They know in their heart that it is impossible for them to win this war. It is a war between two set frames of minds. But what they terribly lack as a nation that they have no knowledge of the psyche of other nations. Wherever they have been they have failed to spot the problem.

The ball lies in the court of afghan rulers. They must realise that they have done nothing for the people. To win the hearts of the people they will dry up the supply line to Taliban and to engage Taliban in a jirga they will gage the foreign interference. In that case they may not need the presence of foreign forces in their soil and will rob the opposition of a strong weapon.

I do realise Afghanistan need a master plan for reconstruction that need peace but we can have a peacekeeping force from nonaligned countries and those Muslim countries that have nothing at stake in Afghanistan. It is shear silliness to ask the foreign forces to leave and not apply the same rule on Osama and other militant organisations backed by Anti Afghan countries or their rulers.

History cannot wait any more. Destructive minds have played their role now the historical afghan sanity must prevail.

Prof. (Dr) Khurshid Alam Dated.15th june2010

Monday, 15 November 2010

Pakistan contemptuous attitude towards Afghanistan?

Pakistan contemptuous attitude towards Afghanistan?

By Dr. Khurshid Alam

When the US administration used the term Afpak there was a huge hue and cry in Pakistan. It was considered as diplomatic insult to compare or equate a nuclear power with Afghanistan.

The same feelings were expressed in a diplomatic language by Mahmud Qureshi while having meeting with Hilary Clinton and US envoy to Afpak. In the same breath he asked Americans for mutual respect based on equality. He further requested the US administration to treat India and Pakistan at par.

I see a great paradox in the conduct of foreign relations by Pakistan’s foreign. On one hand equating itself with India and US on the other hand not ready to be equated with Afghanistan. While Afghanistan is a “Watan” mother land of 1000 years old history and existence in some form or the other while Pakistan is a country that has lost its 54% in 22years. Separatist’s movements plague the rest.

Afghanistan has stood the test of the time. Being in turmoil for the last 40 years for many reason but the foreign interventions by neighbouring countries are the main cause. The power struggle between theocracy and liberalism is playing the havoc supported by Pakistan and Iran. It is this tussle being exploited by the unfriendly neighbours. But when it comes to the geographical integrity of the country and national history Afghans are solid like a rock. No doubt Afghanistan is also multiracial country but their history is a binding force.

A person from Bihar has nothing in common with someone from rugged mountains of Khyber Pass rather they are sworn enemies of each other.

After 62 years of its life Pakistan is nonviable state with a failed government. Morally they have gone so low that they are requesting others to respect their sovereignty. On the other hand while Afghans have NATO forces in their land but whenever their national pride is challenged or their history is taken for granted they hit back with same ferocity.

A country or state without national honour has no right to exist. If nuclear capability could deliver strength, honour and superiority USSR would have never bogged down.

It is the national honour that is respected. Have we got any?

So for the nuclear capability is concerned it has become a liability. It is not only the threat from Taliban but also the same mind set in Pak armed forces that is giving sleepless nights to the western world. With that mind set Pak army is not only a threat to the region and world at large but to its own citizen. After the threat by Musharaf followed by the assassination

Chemistry of MQM.


By Dr. Khurshid Alam.

Unless you know the chemistry of a subject in discussion it is impossible to reach a logical conclusion. Those who migrated to Pakistan during partition always held themselves on high knob because of their sufferings during migration but more than that they were of the view that they are the companions of the founder of the nation, M.A.Jinnah considered themselves like Muhajirs of Makka in Medina. They viewed themselves more civilised and cultured than the native Pakistanis. No doubt they were more educated and had an advantage over the locals to occupy disks jobs and most of the diplomatic slots.

The emerging educated elite of the Punjab was annoying for them. They were apprehensive that army derives its strength from Punjab and if the educated elites also take their root from the Punjab they will be out of Muhajirs Punjabi alliance that was ruling Pakistan in the first ten years of post independence era.

They were true in their apprehensions and thinking. Roughly by that time Punjab took complete control of the country and the Muhajirs were shown the exit from sensitive posts. Pakistan assumed the shape of a greater Punjab and still maintains the same status. Even the bigger nationality was forced to suffer from minority complex and swim in their own blood to independence.

When I visited the then East Pakistan in 1965 there was hardly a local Bengali in railway and a D.C. from Pukhtoonkhwa told me that CSS officers are mostly from West Pakistan. In the early days of Pakistan the Muhajirs had a total control on white-collar jobs in Pakistan. Their frustration started as they started loosing the grip.

The shifting of the capital to Islamabad followed by the chiefs of armed forces and diplomatic staff did reduce a substantial source of income but Karachi is still the biggest revenue earner of Pakistan estimated roughly 70%. This did not come from heavens but Pakistan invested 80% of foreign loans cum aid were invested in Karachi.

The biggest anomaly of the economics was that both man and consuming powers were forced to chase the industry. Karachi had nothing of its own even the topsoil was to import from other parts of Sindh.

Initially the representative Organisation of Muhajirs was N.S.F. supported by Bengalis, Baloch, Pukhtoons and Arabs. It was a leftist organisation and had a federal character. They lost their hold to J.I. students wing and soon the underground currents of simmering frustrations gave birth to Muhajirs students organisation followed by MQM.

It was the first organisation based on linguistic hatred and believer of terrorism, as it was a child of frustrations. The loss of East Pakistan, the denial by Bhutto government to abolish quota system, and granting Sindhi language the status of national and educational language further increased the hatred and fear in young Muhajirs.

To tighten the grip on the organisation and public alike they militancy and terror was made a part of the party curriculum. They crushed the internal strife and external threats with inhuman brutality. Like Palestinians they killed more Muhajirs than their adversaries. Even someone with a different angle of thoughts was killed and bodies put in sack were demonstrated in busy roads.

Pakistan’s history is punctuated by political assassinations Like Liaquat Ali Khan, Dr. Khan Sahib, Dr. Maulvi Nazir, Mr Bhutto, Benazir and many more political workers particularly from democratic and nationalists schools of thought but there was never a political organisation with in built philosophy of terror and political assassinations. MQM was the first of its kind with experience in East Pakistan and then in Karachi.

With the above backdrop ii becomes very easy to analyse MQM chemically and know its chemistry.

- They consider themselves chosen people of God.

- They migrated from a different place and made a claim on some one else soil and declared it THE PROMISED LAND. The behaviour of the present governor during Musharaf rule speaks volumes on this delusion.

- Their demands are more than their share on population basis. They use olive branch and stick together to achieve whatever they want.

- Divinity, terror, and centralisation of authority are hallmark of their philosophy. To eliminate any dissension is a part of the game.

- The top leadership is always out of the country.

- The collection of terror tax is compulsory. Divinity is incorporated to silence any dissension.

- It was created on the basis oh hatred and now being run on the same.

Keeping all the above in mind it is a true copy of Zionism. The recent killing of Dr. Imran, after keeping him for two years out of politics and the absence of blood on the spot stinks foul. It will be too early to comment on it but it was a brutal act and must be condemned by all sane persons of any school of thought.

It is quite expected from MQM that to divert the attention they may attack the innocent Pukhtoons in Karachi. Pukhtoons should be ready for it mentally but must show maximum restraint and give time to British police to let the cat jump out of the bag. The government of Sindh must take the appropriate steps. Let the dust settle down and I feel that where our agencies failed, Scotland Yard will succeed.

Dated. 18th Sep. 2010


Saturday, 13 November 2010




It was another chance for me to visit my war torn fatherland. Though I went to attend a conference on non-violence and Bacha khan. We all returned with loads of love and MILLI IHSASAT.

Their hospitality, Love was overwhelming and left me with the feeling that water cannot be divided by sword.

This is the third big game being played on afghan soil. In the last two the players were either two or three but this time the players are countless and one finds difficult to recognise the real parties.

Every player has its own agenda and Afghans are the guinea pigs. On their blood they want to achieve their national vested interests in this strategically important country known as the heart of Asia.

As the President Karzai told us once that only Afghans can save their country because they will be having Afghan agenda.

I observed this time that there is a huge gap between what is said and what is being done. The discussions were scholarly, with intellectual depth but the ground realities were the same when I visited Kabul 3 years ago.

Afghans are out of political game. In most of the places they had boycotted the elections and instead of deciding their destiny by ballot they have opted for bullet. It is for the first time that Afghans lost its majority in the lower house. In the present situation the future is bleak. They are isolating themselves internationally.

The feelings of Afghans that they are subjected to MILLI SITAM were abundantly visible and palpable. The were vocal too.

The most painful aspect was the paralysis of political activists and think tanks to convert their aspiration in action. At times it looked to me that if they have surrendered without fighting a battle.

They were critical of President Karzai but had no alternative of their own. They were using their intellectualism as sand bags to hide from realities.

I got the impression that President Karzai is against the process of political process and organisation. I hope I am wrong but if it is to the contrary then it is further disappointing.

In the present scenario a government can be run but to steer out the country out of this mess with its geographical integrity looks impossible.

In my opinion the absence of political process and organisation have led to a political vacuum where there is no accountability, transparency to check corruption and nepotism in the government or the road map for the future. Good governance is unthinkable without political process and so the winning of the hearts and mind of the people. There is a huge gap between the ruler and the be ruled.

It will be silliness to question the ability and depth of intellect of Mr.Karzai. His hold on his national history is not in question. Deliverance to the people the fruit of good governance and to secure the future of the country by starting the political process and develop the culture of that in diversity there is unity cannot be ignored.

It is the political forums and institutions that could guarantee the future of the country. It needs teamwork. A single person is just like a king with a crown but no cabinet. The earlier the process of building the institutions is started and healthy political process starts rolling the future will remain bleak.

The priorities are to be sorted out according to its importance. Peace is the priority no 1. It was encouraging to note that every one had realised it, the government and even Second line cadre of Taliban that it is the necessity of the time. They have realised that unless the sword follows the book they are the ultimate looser. It is the time for Mullah Umar and Gulbadeen to listen the scream of history and their followers are duty bound to increase their pressure for national reconciliation.

On the other hand the government and the intellectuals on both side of Durand line need to exert their maximum energy for the same purpose. It needs a multi prong approach to the problem of national disintegration with the realisation that Pakistan and Iran can never be trusted and it is against their national interest to see Afghans national integration. Pakistan is milking USA in the name Anti terrorism while forgetting that this monster is their brainchild.

The security is the other issue. Afghanistan is standing alone between the two poisonous neighbours. They need a strong deterring force to protect aggression or interference from the unfriendly neighbouring countries. While the present training is on they should get the services of the armed forces raised during Dr.Najeeb rule. They had proved their ability to repulse Pakistan’s onslaught on Jalal Abad.

Afghanistan in its present is a truncated states unless it is restored to its historical shape it is an easy victim. Faced with enormous challenges but I am confident of Afghan’s national resilience and historical wisdom if used with care they can sort out their priorities as a nation they will come out with purple colour.
