Friday, 2 August 2013


                                  EGYPTIAN ARMY DIGS IN.

The Egyptian army is digging deeper reflecting their intentions, that they are not there to quit, having unwavering support of a puppet judiciary. Cairo was again painted by human blood by celebrated republican guard who has a shameful professional record in last three wars.
Ironically the champion of democracy and the police of the unipolar world USA has yet to decide whether the toppling of an elected government is a coup or not? In  oxford English  dictionary there is no alternative word but they may find or creat one in Americana,Webster.

While Cairo, Alexandria and Nasaria was bleeding and the entire world was protesting, USA decided to continue 1.5 billion dollars yearly aid to Egypt.  Arguing that it is not some thing new but a a clause of camp David accord where Sadat surrendered Egyptian sovereignty in return of 1.5 billion dollars. It is undoubtedly a political bribe for Egyptian army, definitely not an aid to Egyptians, but to a surrogate army to keep tight their grip on its own people in the interest of Americans. Traditionally Americans have never invested in countries or public sector but the the recipient have always been dictators, army and kings.

Being mother arab country west was always scared of public uprising in Egypt. To destabilise Egypt during Nasir era and attempts by CIA to disfigure him and Castro of Cuba was their long cherished dream. They wanted stable Egyptian government loyal to USA and succeeded in Sadat era.

During Nasir days they propped up Shah Faisal to counter Nasir. And the Pan Arab nationalism VS religious orthodoxy game was started in Arab world.  The corner stone of US foreign policy was to strengthen surrogate army in every part of the world to support the local dictators, kings, sheikh, despots and usurper particularly in Middle East. .

Though in America itself has a dollar dictatorship as one ex congress man and columnist of New York times told me in London, the love for democratic values ends at USA geographical borders. For out side world they are tailor different policies for different countries that suit American interest. This double standard has made USA  the most hated country in the world in spite of so much investment abroad. It is a history that in bipolar world not a single American  resolution has been passed  in security council without the resorting to the most ugly, vicious and undemocratic veto.

Veto was a  brainchild of Churchill to bribe USSR to share Berlin with the western powers. USSR being the only communist country in UNO at that time jumped to grab the opportunity as the rest of the world was under colonial rule and USSR had no supporter in UNO.

Why the Arab spring was nipped in the bud, needs a realistic and logical dissection?Unless we know the meaning and philosophy of fundamentalism we will never understand the reason behind this blood let all over the world. Fundamentalism is a psychic disorder. It is an overwhelming and compulsive desire to impose personal whims and wish on others and force them to follow the foot prints of the imposer. They are in maniac in their silly pursuit.

It is not only limited to religions but could be political, economical, racial or  just simply audacity to subjugate men and resources of other countries. Colonisation ,imperialism,communism, theocracy, chip technology imperialism all stem from the same mental aberration and idiocy . Hatred and intolerance are the integral components of this horrifying disorder.

Let us be logical for a while and compare Hitler with Churchill. There was hardly any difference in their contemptuous attitudes for other nations and races and were sufferers of superiority complex, both were megalomaniac. Churchill was unelected and Hitler was commanding German emotions. Hitler is fascist today because he was defeated and Churchill is a democrat because he won. Like humans, history do make blunders but never tell lie, the historians do both. This credit of this misinterpretation goes to the historians.

US wants to impose its brand of democracy in the world. It is a ploy to capture world resources and to contain emerging china. China has everything but no land and natural resources. Their industries are run by foreign fuel. Their dealing of foreign affairs and investment is different than the others, if the readers have noticed? They rarely give aid but offers to build the projects themselves. The reason behind is, to reach to the natural resources in the land.

The Russian worry about china has different reason. The Russian republic is scared about china military might. Russian population is on decline while Chinese have crossed 1.5 billions and still growing. They have the longest shared border and centuries old territorial claims.Russian army has no comparison to people's army of china in training and fanaticism. The quantitative change has changed in to qualitative form as in Second World War. (Stalin doctrine).

There is no undiluted democracy in the world. UNO is being run by the most vicious and dictatorial  concept of veto. The military prison for Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners in US is another shining example of love for human rights by USA. The refusal of UK government to allow Irish nationalist to sit in House of Commons is not the matter of far past. It was in mid seventies.

The theocratic regimen of Iran and the most autocratic regimen of Saudi Arabia based on on apartheid concept, using Islam as a shield, both are the shining example of sectarian fundamentalism. Even the royal family is divided in four classes on blood basis, sahib, samu, amir, malik. The last two have the right to rule. Hijazi are not trust worthy. Shia are non-declared non Muslims.

 The clash of fundamentalism in Middle East and Afghanistan are the result of American fundamentalist policies. How the Arab spring was thwarted in Bahrain and Yemen to avoid the spill over to the most allied ally, Saudi Arabia. Libya was plunged in to tribal war. Syria is being systemically destroyed till it cease to exist. Iraq was destroyed and fractionalised on sectarian basis. A war was induced in its body politics that will never end.

The latest axe fell on the neck of Muslim brotherhood. Incompetency and apathy apart but the people's mandate was crushed by a military coup. Followed by interim government made of USA "rented democrats". The elites, intellectuals and liberals also danced to American tune, knowingly or unknowingly. If the military was not partial they should have included Mr morse group in interim government that would have provided a room for future negotiation. But the idea was replacement of a school of thought by another that suit  locally, the army and globally USA.

The law of nature takes its course according to the intentions. India made the same mistake in east Punjab to make Khalisa movement to defeat akali dal in election, Hamas is the brain child of Israel to counter PLO, Al Qaeda, hizbs, Taliban of Afghanistan is the creation of USA, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. They all backfired on their masters. It was misconceived dream or notion to contain fire in glass jar. Since the intentions were devilish so are the results.

Anyhow I have faith that national will has never been defeated. Hanoi survived in caves after USA carpet bombing of north Vietnam but it was step forward to Americans shameful defeat. Gibran said if you see a slave sleeping, don't wake him up he might be dreaming of freedom but Abdul Ghaffar khan said, " no wake him up and teach the real meaning of freedom, so that he is not made slave again. " I agree with the later. Egyptian have learnt the meaning of freedom and now it is impossible for the dollar washed sons to yield them.
The result of unipolar world have been disastrous. It was a balancing mechanism. None of them loved the weaker nation but it was the mutual scare that was blessing in disguise for the weaker.

I am ashamed of our free press they are as silent as they were in Vietnam war. I am deadly against the sectarian politics personally. I have seen the hanging of Abbas Haveda, once the prime minister of Iran. His trial lasted only for three minutes.  I have seen Dr. Najeeb humiliating death. I am as scared of JI  as Maulana azad was, after reading their  manifesto and said, "oh my God, it will be a fascist state". To me people's verdict carries more sanctity and must be respected. My heart goes out for civilian government of Egypt simply that it was people verdict and a legitimacy has been illegitimacy. I never use the word democratic but civilian government as the nucleus of power is GHQ in Pakistan and Egypt.  It must be kindly noted by the readers.

Corruption and incompetence of Zardari government cannot be defended, but at the same time this fact should not be ignored that his government was on daily adhoc basis. Every day a new scandal and new so Moto action were there to be dealt with. Very significant similarity with Morsi government. I am sure that Mian Sb will have undoubtedly  smooth sailing because all the stake holder of power belongs to the same constituency having similar mental make up, military, civilian government, bureaucracy, judiciary and media. Ayaz Mir is right to call it "Punjab ki  hukamrani." This is the only system works in our country. The most noticeable is the composition of political panels on our electronic media totally non federal and symbolising a unitary government.




The philosophical approach to peace by different philosophers may have different wordings but the bottom line is the same harmony in a person and between living individuals. We have to hate hatred to start journey of global village and stop tagging different blood at different rates. It has created a havoc in the world.

"The word Peace is derived from a Latin word Pax. In Hebrew it is called shotum and Islam it is called salam. Peace is an internal feeling and is the ultimate precursor for making any effort to build peaceful societies, the corner stone for the universal peace."

"Peace is intra-personal, interpersonal and international phenomenon and is a great human virtue. Pacification is the core characteristic. In peace there is no victor and the vanquished but all parties are equally victors."

"The patience to listen to others and accept the difference of opinion increase the depth of tolerance and leaves no room for interpersonal friction. It creates harmonious atmosphere  to provide the opportunity to lay the foundation of building humanity with social justice and human dignity." In our society the intolerance stems from this very fact that we speak but refuse to listen. Listening increases knowledge, and knowledge in turn increase tolerance. Tolerance leads to harmony. It is a chain of broken results in confrontational society and anarchy. Logic looses value and every glittering thing becomes gold.

"It may be called the state of harmony in the absence of conflicts. In my view this is an incomplete definition. Peace without cultural and economical justice carries no meaning. The peace in a graveyard is no peace but silence of death. Knowing the Pakistani mentality their perception of peace does not fit in the philosophical frame of peace."

"While violence can be described to turn an orderly process or life into a disorderly state with a big element of fear. Fear can end a conflict but with complete disregard to human natural aspirations. This is what exactly going on our land. In peace there is mutual love and affection while in violence and force there is underlying hatred and resentment"

"It is a peaceful co-existence between "living" individuals without denial of the right of those having different opinions and perspectives. Those who cannot understand English must be knowing the difference between the two Urdu words. Skoon, and sakoot."

Every nation has Its own top priority. Nation with historical background always wish to locate and shape its own destiny. Nation without destiny and tomorrow has no right to exist. Our destiny is lying in PEACE.  Peace is the mother of progress and prosperity.

Fifty percent of our population is living in forced exile to earn bread and butter due to political and financial exploitation of our resources by the local exploiters, state tyranny and bloodletting induced in our political body by our historical enemies. For political animosity with khudai khidmatgars Jinnah punished the whole Pashtun nation and so the subsequent despots followed the footprints.

Let it be clear "to those to whom it may concern" that we don't need motorways and bullet train in our national grave yard. To live with dignity is our human right and if we have to die it should not be the choice of others to choose the mode of our killing. We believe in life for all with mutual respect. "Toddlers should not teach us how to walk." Stalin said one death is a tragedy many is statistics. We don't want statistical deaths any more. We Pakhtuns have to start the process to stop this statistical exercise.

The Chinese tour was tailored for the development of Punjab. No doubt it was a great success. We congratulate the king and crown prince. But we are not ready to be guinea pigs any more. Nor our leaders should give chance to others to use us as gun powder in power struggle.

Democracy will remain a dream in present geographically imbalanced Pakistan.. The establishments(civil and military) with judiciary and journalist hail from the same constituency, share the same historical values and tomorrow. Their process of thinking is at harmony with each other, diagonally opposite to the interest of smaller federates. This would have been better if we would have followed  Pakistan resolution and had a union of states of  the republic of Pakistan.  They have not accepted the changes in the constitution and Ms. Kashmala is on record.

The recent decision of supreme judiciary is an anti federation verdict, the judiciary is in the same boat with PML(N). Past record of Mian Sb is incompatible with federation. The election commission is deeply divided on the decision as the reliable sources say but it was their impotency to surrender their authority to a partisan judiciary.

"Violence breeds violence and instigate the other party to use counter violence. Non violence breeds love and make the other to surrender. Hate cannot be removed by hatred but love and tolerance can transform the enemy in to a friend. It is weapon having no destructive quality. Abdul Ghaffar Khan used to explain that violence has always a bigger and vicious counter violence but there is no counter to non violence.

Human being is the second most destructive animal to an elephant. But elephant destroy the local nature and when it comes to the human beings they destroy the globe and grossly destroy the humanity. The prosperity and human growth requires a climate of peace.

I have a gut feeling that Pakistan establishment is not interested in real peace if they are then why they are asking for a stake in sovereign country, Afghanistan ? The perception of non interference and peace does not fit in to the mind frame of Islam Abad . Is it not against the UNO charter? There are other solid reasons too. Whatever international importance Pakistan is enjoying at present strained situation is due to unstable and war torn Afghanistan.

The birth of Pakistani Taliban and the emergence of a new political force in Pakistan claiming to protect Pakistan and Islam have targeted KPK, Baluchistan, and Sindh. Doesn't it stinks foul while these ground drones have most of their centres in Punjab? It is not in the interest of Pakistan to loose international nuisance value and shut the only one thriving industry of terror.

Afghanistan must pursue their strategy of peace with Afghan Taliban with the preconditions  to stop violence and build Afghanistan that belongs to all of us irrespective of the fact who is the ruler as for as it is by Afghans, of Afghans, and for Afghans. The more we are fractured the more we will be dictated.

USA must realise that they must stop beating around the bush. It was their foreign policy that united right wingers in Pakistan. They should talk directly to PML, sectarian organisations and the secret agencies of Pakistan establishment, they hold the key to the insurgency on the eastern side of Durand line and fuelling fire in Afghanistan. The situation has changed, Zardari didn't enjoy the support of the forces that mattered.

It is unfortunate that recognised nationalist forces have lost their political say by loosing elections thanks to their provincial government and impotent provincial party organisation that was plagued with corruption. It is for the first time in our history that our youth revolted against the nationalists in spite of a great struggle by our artists and writers to hold it. "The only force to be commended". In addition the nationalists are divided and oppose each others more than their enemy, showing their love for national destiny. Their personal interests are far sacred to them than national destiny.

The silly demand of theocracy in Pakistan for Americans to vacate is equal to provide them safe exit. All foreign elements must vacate. Al Qaeda being the mother organisation and the  poisonous mushroom growth around it are all interwoven when it comes to terror. They must go or be eliminated which ever suits Americans and Pakistan. The building of Afghanistan, KPK, FATA and southern Pakhtunkhwa is the moral duty of those, who destroyed it.

But it is distressing that while we are on fire, British and US fire brigades are running to Lahore and 09 in Karachi. USA and UK share in the crime against humanity and destruction of Pakhtuns belt. And equally the nationalist forces.
