Monday, 27 February 2012

Why Civil Governments fail in Pakistan? Dated:28 Feb. 2012

The slide of Pakistan to non-viability as a state and failure to have a delivering civil government has multiple causes. But few important ones, are like the absence of a political process and accountability. If the process would have been started since its genesis it would have resulted into established institutions. And the idea of collective leadership and democratic process would have automatically followed.

It was not in the interest of the rulers, so a particular mind set started ruling the country. They had a phobia towards democratic process. The country was run by dictators irrespective of khaki and Jinnah cap. The mentality was the same.
When the khaki wanted to give a chance to Jinnah cap they did so but the nucleus of power never changed hands. The chairs were given without authority.

The absence of the political process gave birth to opportunists and military created leaders. Majority of them have not been through a process. They erupted like mushrooms in military shavers and inherited the same mentality.
Neither they had a vision nor they had roots in the public. They considered themselves like military masters above accountability.
They were brought to power by masses but were never worked for the masses and of the masses. The system and the country had a huge vacuum that sucked in corrupt aristocracy. The army managed to further corrupt the roots in the name of democracy. The corruption became the norm and honesty was an exception.

F.M. Ayub, Zia and Musharaf played the pivotal role. The first one in the name of basic democracy and the last one in the name of the local government. Gen Zia committed the most heinous crime by radicalisation of the army and the masses. He introduced bribing the legislators. In fact they were hatched legislators, made in military shavers too.

This unhealthy practice on one hand disfranchised the 99 percent population and on the other hand made the legislators to forget about legislation and try to secure their own position and distribute the awarded money as a bribe to their own voters. The basic flaw was implanted in the roots. The legislators were given an extra role in local government to invest for the future elections and awarded a huge sum from public money.
The poor were disfranchised. They could not buy even the voters list. And the masses were corrupted and money became the all powerful.

On papers there was a limit to be spent on electioneering but a deaf ear was turned to the role of money. The moneyed persons had a free hand. It was the only trade with no danger of losses. Invest today in millions and get tomorrow in billions was guaranteed. Bribes and the use of the influence of the chair created a different class better called electoral tribe.
Party programs were made irrelevant. Those who struggled for basic human rights were flung out of the window. The moneyed elected persons after election made parties as Sheikh Rashid put it.

In my opinion unless these malpractices in the electoral system are rectified and in built mechanism of accountability is made an integral part of the system, it is beyond imagination that a common man will ever dream to reach to the corridors of power and be the owner of his own destiny. The present members are far away from the masses sufferings.
The political parties also said good bye to the democratic values to the intra party system. The result was the introduction of nepotism in the parties. They are as non democratic in their nature as the government.
Fear was created in the parties to silence the voice of dissension. It was tailored the sacred duty of the party workers to have unwavering loyalty to the party leadership and not to bother about the manifesto or core values. It resulted in dynastic politics. It was unsubtle attitude to nip free thinking in the parties.

Fear is the biggest killer of the logical thinking. These two factors can never live in one system. It gives holiness to the leaders and a status of dogma to their thinking.
The denial of free thinking is a slavery in its worst form. The slaves could not be expected to make a rationale decision. Like landlordism and industrial mindset, the intellectualism become a tool of exploitation. Dwarf starts growing and intelligence starts shrinking. The suppression of free thinking and the the unlimited role of money are the growing threats to the humanity and it's values. Unless checked in time it may lead to the collapse of the basic fabric of human society.

This is a painful fact that our society is standing on one leg. We are allowed to comment on an honest but we have no right to point our finger towards a dishonest. The denial of this very right has made accountability irrelevant. The corrupt and dishonest are scot free. They have no fear, because the system is providing them protection. They are unashamed of their blatant dishonesty and feel proud of it.

It is because the claw of power is corrupt. Corrupt cannot check corruption. I have seen people going to the parliament on bike or bare footed and coming back in bullet proof cars. Some were disowned by their parents but owned by the system and made fortunes. Corruption is the cancer of the body of humanity. It is every where but in Pakistan it is considered a norm.

Fear and money decay mental development and intellectual thinking. It makes a human myopic and mentally criminal. These two tools has turned human being in to a commodity. It is there for sale. The same factors have devalued the values of the humanity and has created a characterless class. It is like autoimmune disease killing its own body, that is the humanism.

We are Hippocrates of a superlative degree. We claimed to be the followers of Islam but having no Islam in our genes. In western democracy the parliament is sovereign and the members are answerable to the public. In Islamic democracy we have double accountability. The sovereignty lies with God. The parliamentarians are viceroys of God. They are responsible to God and the masses. But looking at the Muslim world we are the most corrupt and dishonest. We are scared of the powerful but have least bothered of God and the public. We are by nature autocratic and despots. If some of us have not been, they were probably denied an opportunity. We have disown the golden principle to be afraid of God and those who are not afraid of God. We are the most cruel to our masses and the biggest coward to our enemies.

The selection of the candidates is based on nepotism and bribery. The masses have no power to dismiss their representative for corruption or any other misdeeds. The power lies with the party leaders.
I would agree with Maulana Tahirul Qadri that if we want to introduce a sound political and democratic system we have to change the basic flaws in the election system. And give the masses a feeling that they are not born to be voters only to elect others but they have the right to be voted and elected too.

This needs change in the process of thinking. It needs mass education as Bacha Khan did in the beginning of last century. We have the means and the tools, and he had nothing except will, determination and the faith in his own honesty and integrity.
The free thinking should not be assassinated in the name of discipline. Discipline means the knowledge of forums allotted for different topics. No one would accept that one should wash the dirty lenin in the public. But intra organisational healthy discussion must be encouraged. The tolerance and patience are the key to the healthy organisation. Masses should have the feeling of ownership.

Saturday, 25 February 2012


Every awakening for freedom of humanity should be welcomed. Masses involvement in any change is better than one-man show. It was a long overdue awakening. Nothing is more powerful than national uprising. It has been proved by history whether it was in Vietnam or Afghanistan. The denial of national rights divided USSR, Yugoslavia and Pakistan.

If there is an organised party with educated cadre then the change is usually for betterment. But if it is a sudden uprising like Arab awakening it can go any way. It may lead to anarchy; civil war or usually it is stolen by vested interests.

Now in this backdrop one can analyse Arab world country by country. Egypt had somewhat organised political movements. But they lacked the cadre and discipline. The Tahrir square made a history but the masses have to go a long struggle to cut down military to its size and finish their role like Turkey.

Almost the same phenomenon was observed in Tunisia. The leadership was more mature the transition was comparatively smooth unlike other countries. In Libya it was diverted to a tribal war. The lack of an organised movement on the back, after a lot of blood shed it took a shape of intra tribal rivalry. Both sides are well armed and having no central powerful authority to disarm these tribal gangs.

In Yemen there was the same vacuum. No one knows the direction it will take up in the coming months. Its strategic importance is such that any change is a matter of concern to USA and Saudi Arabia. Saudi monarchs are dribbling in their trouser looking at the change at their doorsteps. The Saudi involvement in Bahrain was on sectarian basis. The majority of population is Shia having no say in the government affairs. The Iranian clergy involvement was on this pretext that majority should be heard. It was logically a correct stand.

But subsequently their involvement in Syria cannot be understood? The Shia minority, Alawites are ruling the majority Sunni with iron hands. The most barbaric regimen is the Syrian, in Middle East. The opposition is fragmented on sectarian lines. The Sunni are being supported by all Gulf States led by Saudi Arabia with the backing of the west and Shia ruling party has the support of Iran backed by Russia and China.

In this sectarian rivalry and the tussle of the west and Russia the blood of Syrians is being shed. Russian involvement has only one logic, that it is the last foothold for Russian in the Middle East.

The Hashemite kingdom of Jordan is mum to save its kingdom. Most of the non-Arab Muslim countries have taken the same posture. There is contradiction in the stance of Pakistan. They are at loggerhead with USA for intervention in its sovereignty. But on the other hand supported the American resolution in UNO, to intervene in Syrian affairs. This is the problem with Pakistan it has no principle to run it's affairs whether internal or external, on definite thought out principle but relies on mere impulses. Any external intervention be it killing, abduction or extradition of its citizen having the hidden support of the establishment is considered non interference, however on the other hand, any action without their tacit support is considered the violation of the sovereignty of the country. Basically they would have not uttered a word if the press was not so vocal and the credit extends to stubborn radicalisation in the country too. In my view the present strain relations are for internal public consumption. But it goes without saying that the USA administration must show maximum restraint in the case of Pakistan and Iran, being the world sole super power. The slight irresponsible response will radicalise the public opinion and the hawkish element in the establishment of Pakistan, on the other hand it will make peace in Afghanistan almost impossible.

We are in no illusion that USA administration cannot stand the pressure from Israel and its lobby in Washington but Israel must consider its repercussion in the whole area very seriously. To strike pre-emptively will cost them dearly.

I am personally of the opinion that we cannot be friends with Israel but we should not be its enemy too. Israel is a fact and not to accept fact is insanity, this animosity is one of the factors of Palestinian miseries. Though the arrogance and stubbornness of Israel still top the list. I think Palestinian leadership is also responsible to certain extent. To agree to Gaza strip was strategically wrong, as striking Palestinians were made easier. Now they have one target while prior to it they used to look for the target.

The international community and Israel demand is illogical to ask equal concessions from beleaguered authority and a nuclear power. The present awakening of Arab masses and subsequent anarchy has pushed back the Palestinians issue. Israel must realise before the time turns against it that a democratic nationalist secular Palestine is more in the interest of Israel than anyone else.

The same was the dilemma in Afghan revolution. The lack of political leadership, an organised and educated party cadre and well thought out strategy and now we are paying its price with our own blood. As our great leader Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan said that for successful revolution there are three pre-requisite. Firstly, a political organisation, secondly a committed and politically educated cadre, and thirdly a centre that is a learning school and organisational academy. Most of the movements those failed lacked these three factors. They are inter-twined.

Any dictatorial regimen by any name creates a vacuum. This vacuum sucks in rogue elements and the same is being used by mighty powers to exploit for their own interests.

In the present unipolar world it is of paramount importance to give a second reading to the charter of UNO. There are basic flaws in it. The very concept of veto is undemocratic. It makes the whole body irrelevant except the five bigs. It is tilted so much towards the powerful that it has assumed a shape of anti less fortunate nations. Even in very highly intellectual circles the counter devil concept is gathering momentum till the veto is abolished. It was a matter of surprise and shock for all peace and democracy loving people that the country of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru is aspiring to be one of the veto powers. Instead of spearheading a movement to fight this concept and make UNO a house representing the whole humanity.

Ideally speaking no nation should have an army but the global village should have an army. If all the nations have no army there will be hardly any threat to any body. If there is some thing on a small scale that can be dealt by UNO. The present policy is to make UNO more impotent and less relevant. It is sub servant to USA and other four bigs. It is an international coffee house.

The theory of pre-emptive strike is an open state sponsored terrorism. Democratic values are tailored to suit the powerful. This animalistic approach has turned the world a hunting ground for the powerful. It might suit the mentality of Bush in the bushes not the humanity. The attitude of the bigs and super has devalued the values of the humanity. It is the duty of the internationally known intellectuals and some living legends to rise and break their silence. The dream of global village without equality of the nations is insanity and in fact imperialism of chip technology.

The preacher of democracy, peace and prosperity has turned the whole world in to a jungle where there is no place for law and justice. The whole humanity is so badly fractured that it may take centuries to put the pieces together.

Another thing that keeps me more disturbed is the question of responsible states and the rogues one. Who will define it? It was the self-proclaimed responsible state that bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki after a cease-fire while there was unelected government both in USA and UK but elected government in Japan. The pre-emptive strike against Iraq without the approval of UNO is another example of irresponsibly responsible nation.

Let us abandon double standards. There should one law one rule for all.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


PEACE IN AFGHANISTAN? Dated: 16th Feb. 2012 London.

The world is buzzing about intra Afghan dialogue to restore peace in our fatherland, Afghanistan. There are statements and denials. But something is definitely going on, behind the scene. Let us be optimistic that this time sanity will defeat insanity. Logic will overwhelm emotions and sword will follow the book.

Under the heap of rumours there is a spark of hope. Where there is smoke there is a spark of hope. The poor Afghans are watching their leaders more curiously than the rest of the world. Our fatherland is one of the biggest graveyard, a home to millions of orphans and widows. It is the land of millions disabled most of them are in young, the most productive age of life.

But at this critical junction our approach should be based on logic and reasons. The informal negotiations must not be allowed to fail before it becomes formal, open dialogue and forerunner to reality on the ground. We should hold our breath and march forward with clarity of vision with a will and intention that is evident from our attitudes that, come what may be, we have achieve our ultimate goal, that is Peace. Badly needed dream to come true. We owe to our children, history and nation.

I feel that this precious goal needs three-prong approach:

1) Intra Afghan dialogue.

2) Regional approach

3) Universal approach

None can singularly yield the desired result.

Let Afghans in its totality, as a nation, play its role in intra-Afghan process of dialogue. The longer they take, to put their own house in order and to sort out their priorities the better it is. Let them put their heads together and search their souls. The focus should be Peace at all cost.

The nature of the system for governance comes as a second priority to the integrity and sovereignty of the country and nation. Let us not forget that when Afghanistan was a kingdom it was neither totalitarian nor constitutional but it was a traditional monarchy, as it was the only way suited Afghans psyche.

The subsequent changes were against the basic outlook of Afghans so met failures and exploited by anti Afghan elements for their own interest. It was the failure or immaturity of the Afghan leadership of that time to look at their objective circumstances and ground realities with non-Afghan eye and hence landed the country in chaos and anarchy. I have an honest feeling that more than a system it is the accommodation of each other’s that is in question.

The enemy should not be blamed for interference because we provided them the opportunity to destroy the very basic fabric of our society that were holding us together in all odds over the centuries.

The regional players involvement is extremely important unless these holes of interference and mischief-makers are tightly plugged, the internal affairs of Afghanistan cannot be protected from external interference, which is the key to the success of this process.

A stable Afghanistan is not only the need of Afghan people but it is equally in the best interest of the local players. I feel that they must have learnt a lesson from the destabilisation of Afghanistan and its fallouts in their courtyard.

They should abandon the senseless ideas of strategic depth or demand of a stake in free and peaceful Afghanistan. Sticking to this ridiculousness is in the interest of none. In a sovereign country the demand of a stake is against the basic charter of UNO concept.

The international community must keep certain facts in mind. If they are sincere in their endeavour to establish peace in this area permanently they must address all aspect of Afghan nationhood in its totality and it’s vulnerability to outside intervention.

While dealing with Pakistan they must born in mind that the nucleus of power and decision making institution is Pak army and its intelligence wing, ISI. It is encouraging that the tri lateral meeting in Islam Abad has the representation of the Army and ISI. The civil government is literally a decoration peace. Unless the Pak army and ISI is fully on board it will be a futile exercise and waste of time and energy. It is the time for US to show its ability of a world leader and sincerely try to restore the confidence of Pakistan and show restrain in dealing with Iran. Being the only super power it has the maximum responsibility to shoulder.

On the other hand clergy rules Iran and is the only party holding the full and unchallenged power to run the country. No other institution has got any say. The same may be the case to certain extent in Pakistan but ISI can harness the sectarian groups, if they wish?

Iran must realise that they are isolated internationally and to have unfriendly or destabilized country on its border can become a source of danger to their own integrity in future. This factor has more paramount relevance to Pakistan, having a failed state and government.

The international players should make fool- proof arrangements of non-interference in Afghanistan internal affairs on any pretext by the neighbours.

Afghanistan is not in a position to defend its territorial integrity or even to meet any serious internal challenge.

Its economy is totally destroyed. The infrastructure to run a modern government is non-existing. There is huge task of reconstruction, well beyond the capacity of Afghanistan; to abandon it in the same condition will be tantamount to the total eclipse of Afghanistan.

The present state of Afghanistan is due to the rivalry of two super powers at the cost of Afghanistan and the interference of the neighbours was an additional factor. And they all with no exception are responsible for war damages and reconstruction of Afghanistan. It is their moral duty.

Afghanistan will need the training of the personnel to defend it and the manpower to run the country and establish their own institutions. The nation has no resources left intact, to sustain a respectable life.

This needs a master plan like Germany and Japan to enable them to stand on their feet. This restoration needs a well thought out strategy that requires cash and kind with technical support in the form of technical advisors not political pundits.

If it is left in this grief-stricken state it will easily fall a prey to out side adventurist and inside trouble-shooters.

It is the duty of the UNO to make it sure that the aid is utilised there, not taken back by the donors in the form of salaries and perks.

Once the peace is restored the historical blunders of the colonial rule must be rectified. The present Afghanistan is a truncated and land lock country. It can be very easily suffocated economically or militarily. It is in a very vulnerable condition.

Afghanistan needs a long drawn strategy. It is a poor country with no industrial or agricultural base to keep it viable. Like Iraq it has no petrol or gas to sustain itself. A revolutionary approach has to be adopted to bring green revolution in every aspect of state. To restore its robbed national dignity is not to be ignored.

I have faith in my people that they are capable to look after themselves if provided opportunities. It is a nation that is never used to a begging bowl but initially they certainly need help.

The intra Afghan dialogue must cease this opportunity to put their house in order. The of international fraternity has focus their attention on us but at the same time invisible but fairly palpable hands can derail the process. It is a litmus test for Afghans to show their historical wisdom.

They have to prove the world that if they are good fighter they are even better negotiator, before the international fraternity loose their interest in us.




Baluchistan problem is no more the internal problem of Pakistan. The credit of internalising this issue goes to that “mind set” that rules Pakistan for the last 64 years. Baloch must be grateful to the rulers of Pakistan.

Today if it is a sub- committee in US congress tomorrow it may be the general assembly of UNO. As Mr Jamil Bugti and Akhtar Mengal said, without chewing words that there is no one to dialogue with. They have been invaded by army 5 times in the name of ideology of Pakistan and integrity of Non-Islamic, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The two sacred cows has given free hand to the establishment of Pakistan, to crush any one who challenges the sanctity of this Dogma.

Dogma is always never negotiable. The dialogue is out.

There is wide gulf between Pakistan ruling class mentality and the aspiration of Baloch people. Baloch people are asking for human and national dignity and sanctity. The Pakistani rulers are dishing out political bribes in the form of political packages and provincial autonomy.

Some of the so-called die heart Pakistani intellectual attributes the miseries of a common Baloch to the Sardari system in Baluchistan. And advise the Baloch to shun Sardari and opt for Pakistan tailored Choudhrahat. What a treatment?

The gap in the perception is so wide that there seems no common ground to start meaningful dialogue. The Baloch nation deeply distrusts the Pakistani mental make up. They cannot be blamed for it.

The killing of the leading people of Baloch nation has shattered their confidence. They have a deep-rooted feeling that the nothing can stop the rabid elephant of Pakistan establishment when they come at rampage. They are the elephants of Porous crushing its own people. The constitution is a piece of paper to them.

Mr Fahad Husain was at real pains to know in “Agar” with the host to reach to the root cause but failed. This is the only sensible program started by ARY very recently.

It is inconceivable that the establishment does not know the real demand but they consider it contrary to the spirit to the ideology of Pakistan. The sacred cow cannot be touched at any cost. The only Baloch leader who supported the Pakistan was killed at the age of eighty by a surrogate General of Pakistan establishment, described by the daily Guardian, the dollar washed son of American Imperialism. He feels proud to confess it in every speech.

Neither the establishment nor the “Free Judiciary” is ready to take a So Moto action to sooth down the hurt aspirations of Baloch nation. The attitude speaks louder than intentions. Pakistani real rulers have never displayed their attitude to reflect their intentions.

There was only one occasion when Baloch entered as a nation in Pakistan’s politics in 1970 and had a land slide electoral victory in Baluchistan when they were all in NAP.

The dismissal of NAP government followed by the military invasion and the subsequent brutalities like the enucleating the eyes of the son of Sardar Mengal by a Pakistani colonel and to show to his father while he was admitted in Jinnah Hospital.

Gen Zia promised on oath that the culprit would be brought to justice. Like his entire oaths including the one he took in holy Kaaba were never fulfilled. He was a crook of the first order and a sectarian fundamentalist, supported by American to be used in Afghanistan and was killed by Americans after Ojhri Incidence.

It is very simple that the human dignity is a forerunner to national dignity. On regional level it is the basis of true federation and global level it is inter nationalism. It was negation of these rules that divided Pakistan and disintegrated a super power, USSR. Pakistan establishment is under oath not to learn from history nor care for the constitutions. So Moto actions are taken for personal gains.

Our rulers must accept the spirit of national and individual dignity. All other promises, packages, constitutional or extra constitutional favours come as a part and parcel with it. In Pakistan constitutional guarantee has been flouted several times after the constitution was made in 1973. The irony is that both, the generals and jurists flouted the constitution. In a country like Pakistan how can any body be trusted? Where the Jurists like clergy invent “ Nazria Zaroorat” and the general execute it according to their wish.

Pakistan mental make up needs land not people it was the reason of the creation of Bangla Dash, it will be the root cause of greater Baluchistan and so on. Pakistan is suffering from auto rejection phenomenon there is no point to put blames others. Unless this silly idea of integration of four nations in to one is abandoned nothing can save Pakistan.

Our rulers are shut to logic and have micro cephalic approach to the history of the world. They have no vision because they have no courage to acquire it. They are opportunists, myopic, political dwarfs and historical orphans. They want to divert the establish history by their impulses and personal whims and every time mutilate and brutalised themselves. They are amnesic lot. They forget the past and not used to learn from the history.

I had the opportunity to have extremely closed relations with Baloch leadership. I owe them I have been their student and a younger. They sincerely tried in 1972 to join the main stream but they were thoroughly disappointed and rejected. I have heard Sher Mohammad Mari (known as Sherof) telling Faiz Ahmad Faiz and I quote,” Faiz sb. I am a human. I have no food and no dignity. I don’t need one without the other. Please try to understand us.”

On another occasion when Late Ajmal Khattak told me to become a good doctor to serve my poor people, Nawab Khair Bakhsh chiselled in and said I am yet to see some one who is a doctor first and human being later. Earn human dignity first then serve your people dignifiedly.

I know my shortcomings as a writer but I hope I have explained quite clearly the feelings, aspirations and demands of Baloch and the inability or refusal of Pakistani rulers to understand them.

We the smaller nations are natural allies. The biggest triumph of Mr Bhutto was to break this alliance forgetting that he also belongs to a smaller nation. He paid for it.

While the federal constitution is being framed at this very moment the Jurists have offered their shoulder to the establishment. How can we be made to believe that those who have the power will not fire the bullet? How we can be made to believe that the power has shifted from GHQ to Parliament house.

Let me conclude with the famous statement of Air Martial Asghar Khan that Bangla Desh came in to existence when Lathies were raised in Lahore and bullets were fired in Dacca.

Now it is up to Fahad and Ghauri to learn from these small quotations. It is not important that Sui gas is all over Pakistan but not in Sui but it is not only denial of rights but also denial of dignity. It was further insulting by Kashif Abbasi to tell them that the Nawabs of Baluchistan are dictators. But if we accept this accusation what is the moral ground for Pakistani rulers to take the responsibility to liberate them from slavery.