Monday, 10 January 2011




By loosing its East Wing Pakistan has lost the logical basis to be an ideological state. The present state of affair is getting worse by every passing day. Every dawn brings the message of another doom. The country has assumed the state of conduit for foreign powers.

The gulf between the provinces is increasing. The racialist, sectarian organisations, the by-products of military regimens, and the sacred cows like the agencies are all at work to eat up the roots of federation like maggots. The sate is crumbling down.

The government has failed totally and the alternative is not existing which is more worrying that the first one. The institutions are not playing their role according to the rules. Every one is an autonomous body functioning independently.

The constitutional experts have done their job but to implement it is beyond their scope.

The judiciary, the armed forces are highly politicised. Thanks to Gen Zia and Musharaf to convert the most unified and disciplined army in to a fractured force like Egyptian and Turkish army.

The judiciary is bulldozing other institution and have started a cleansing operation in the lower courts without giving chance to the accused to prove their innocence. Instead of interpreting the constitution they are the makers of the law. Justice Choudhry is behaving the same way with the others as Musharaf did with him. The black coats are keeping mum.

Some of the mafias in the government are reaping the fruit of both worlds to get the perks of the government and the right of criticism of opposition. They are planning the road map for extra judicial change. It looks the illogical approach. The public wants an alternative that if of the people and for the people then why to go for conspiracies instead of taking the straight path. The reason is obvious they have none.

The military is a fighting a loosing battle against the shadows of terror that have close relation with some political organisation. So as a nation we are not supporting the army but playing double game. As I said once they are nowhere but everywhere and instead of having uniform on the body their minds are in uniform. They are fighting in a terrain of their choice and choose the target of their convenience with the help of local well-wishers. In death they find eternal life in the heaven.

We have one of the biggest cabinets that wonder me that if 12 secretaries can run USA why can’t we run the country by manageable cabinet. Every third person is VIP.

The other white elephant is our electronic media expert in political assassination. Before the case is even taken up by the court they have already passed the judgement and crucified the person. The most decorated soldiers of this art belong to GEO, AAJ and ARY.

A fractured country with a fractured and incompetent government has very little prognosis to recover. The immune system is totally destroyed.

Our intellectuals and a bunch of politician have failed to get rid of the wishful thinking that it is an ideological state that gives us the logic of viability and existence.

All the means of our strength have become liability. In the process to remain an ideological state we lost more than half of the country and transformed the country in to the training school of the terrorists.

The chauvinism of Punjab, the arrogance of MQM, the exploitation of the religion by sectarian organisation and conspiratorial nature of the leaguers has left nothing for the state and country to defend itself. We should be ready for the sad demise if we failed to palpate the disappearing pulse of the state.

We are more worried than outsiders that our nuclear facilities are not in safe hands as demonstrated by Gen. Musharaf to use it against Nawab Bugti.

In the name of Islam and strong Pakistan combined with India phobia the smaller nations are being robbed their identity and resources. We have failed to learn sanity and soberness. As a nation we work on impulses. Will it convince Kashmiries to join us?

In my view Pakistan is the second name of collecting the contradictions of a subcontinent in a small pond. It is a country suffering Auto Immune Deficiency disease.

I belong to a hilly area of Pukhtoonkhwa. Our fields are usually terraced and sloppy. When we plough our fields with bullock the bull on the higher ground usually lower his shoulder to the bull on the lower ground to keep the balance. Unfortunately the bullock of Pakistan comes from the plain fields of Punjab to learn how to balance the ploughing.

Saturday, 1 January 2011


Dr. Khurshid Alam.
Pakistan political crisis have further deepened. The reactionary forces are in action. If there is unconstitutional change the M.L. (Q) will have a bigger say than Mian Sahiban.
It is a pity that no system is given chance to sail for some time and reach its logical conclusion. Continuous conspiracy does not allow institutions to have a foothold. Pakistan nucleus of power is made of such pilots that they are scared of turbulence. The easy exact is to land the aircraft and declare that due to technical reasons the flight is delayed for 10 years.
I am sure no one will have a sleeplessness night if there is constitutional change of the present government. They have proved their incompetence and lack of moral integrity beyond any shadow of doubt. They always named their incompetence as politics of reconciliation. They have dealt not a single serious matter of national interest on their own. General Kiyani is always there to bail them out who is known for his cool mindedness.
Their policies are beyond understanding of any political worker. They resist every matter and then surrender.
Repeated intervention by Gen. Kiyani speaks volumes of their political incompetence. A party claim to be the champion of democracy with roots in the streets, anti establishment in nature has to ask every time the army chief to solve purely political problems demonstrates the intrinsic weakness in the establishment and their inability to run government.
The hostile electronic press has added to their problems. Their behaviour is just like electronic Taliban the foreign policy cannot be formulated without internal policy. The failure of the government is on both fronts.
Unfortunately the alternative is worse. The king party is in making and the present opposition is even less capable. To compound the matter the biggest second party is not at all federal in nature and character but a representative of the elites of the Punjab.
A failed government is not that serious matter in politics but have no credible opposition is disastrous and puts the viability of the State in danger.
The sectarian organisations and right inclined parties making life more difficult even for army as they are playing a double game. Hugging military on one hand and kissing the terrorist on the other.
Muslim league by definition is a party of the winning candidates. As an organisation the founder of the country has dismissed it. If Mr. Jamali tries to push his idea of an elected president he will be disappointed, as it does not fit in the leaguers framework. I have a gut feeling that they are well aware of it and want to use Imran khan
American policy regarding Pakistan is crystal clear from day one day. In Pakistan they prefer to invest in army not in the country as they consider them the most allied ally of US. Our government and its policy are decided in USA we are just notified. That is another hindrance to the government of the people and for the people.
The king party is the civilian wing of the armed forces. The federal government is being run as is if it is single party government. PPP and coalition partners have no joint strategy because o PPP solo fight.
The culture to take others in confidence is non- existing. It looks as if the federal government is fighting a guerrilla war attack and retreat with no consistency in their governance.
The electronic Taliban spare no chance to further rob the government of its confidence. Some of the political analysts are members of political party in opposition. They are so dogmatic and rigid in their approach as if they are teaching the nation physics or some divine philosophy.
Reactionaries are growing strength not they are capable of doing something but because the present government is impotent.
The public has no voice of their own. The electronic and printing media belongs to big barons and serves their interest. Though the present government inherited the present state of political and economical problems from Musharaf and no one is expecting a magic fix. But they failed where they could do some thing like transparency and accountability in their conduct.
There is not a single institution working in its own jurisdiction. Every one tries to encroach on others. The judiciary put the last stamp of death of partiality. We have the most politicised judiciary in the world.
The so motto actions are taking against robbers but not murderers. Money means more to our independent judiciary than human blood. The chain of federation is squeaking under pressure making the future bleaker.
Blood let is going on. The country has become a laughing stalk for outside world. From players to the top are on sale. The bidders are looking forward to the final bid.
The bloody revolution for honest generals has started. Probably Dr. Imran Farooq was the first victim of inner party struggle. Choudhries, Pir Pagara have taken the position.
Dated 28th /9/ 2010